{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Database.Record.TH
-- Copyright   : 2013-2017 Kei Hibino
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : ex8k.hibino@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- This module defines templates for Haskell record type and
-- type class instances to map between list of untyped SQL type and Haskell record type.
module Database.Record.TH (
  -- * Table constraint specified by key

  -- * Record type

  -- * Function declarations against defined record types

  -- * Instance definitions against defined record types

  -- * Templates about record name
  NameConfig,  defaultNameConfig,
  recordTypeName, columnName,



  -- * Not nullable single column type

  -- * Template for tuple types
  ) where

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Array (Array)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.CamelCase
  (ConName(conName), VarName(varName),
   conCamelcaseName, varCamelcaseName, varNameWithPrefix,
   toTypeCon, toDataCon, )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib.Extra (integralE, simpleValD, reportWarning)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Compat.Data (dataD')
import Language.Haskell.TH
  (Q, nameBase, Name, Dec, TypeQ, conT, ExpQ, listE, sigE,
   recC, cxt, varStrictType, strictType, isStrict)

import Control.Arrow ((&&&))

import Database.Record
  (HasColumnConstraint(columnConstraint), Primary, NotNull,
   HasKeyConstraint(keyConstraint), derivedCompositePrimary,
   PersistableRecordWidth, PersistableWidth(persistableWidth), )

import Database.Record.KeyConstraint
  (unsafeSpecifyColumnConstraint, unsafeSpecifyNotNullValue, unsafeSpecifyKeyConstraint)
import Database.Record.Persistable
   ProductConst, getProductConst, genericFieldOffsets)
import qualified Database.Record.Persistable as Persistable
import Database.Record.InternalTH
  (definePersistableWidthInstance, defineSqlPersistableInstances, defineTupleInstances)

-- | 'NameConfig' type to customize names of expanded record templates.
data NameConfig =
  { recordTypeName  ::  String -> String -> ConName
    -- ^ Make record type symbol name from schema name and table name in SQL
  , columnName      ::  String -> String -> VarName
    -- ^ Make column variable symbol name from table name and column name in SQL

-- | Dummy show instance. Handy to define show instance recursively.
instance Show NameConfig where
  show = const "<nameConfig>"

-- | Default implementation of 'NameConfig' type.
--   To customize this, use record update syntax.
defaultNameConfig :: NameConfig
defaultNameConfig =
  { recordTypeName  =  const conCamelcaseName
  , columnName      =  const varCamelcaseName

-- | Record constructor templates from SQL table name 'String'.
recordTemplate :: NameConfig    -- ^ name rule config
               -> String        -- ^ Schema name string in SQL
               -> String        -- ^ Table name string in SQL
               -> (TypeQ, ExpQ) -- ^ Record type and data constructor
recordTemplate config scm = (toTypeCon &&& toDataCon) . recordTypeName config scm

-- | Variable expression of record column offset array.
columnOffsetsVarNameDefault :: Name    -- ^ Table type name
                            -> VarName -- ^ Result expression variable name
columnOffsetsVarNameDefault =  (`varNameWithPrefix` "columnOffsets") . nameBase

-- | Template of 'HasColumnConstraint' instance.
defineHasColumnConstraintInstance :: TypeQ   -- ^ Type which represent constraint type
                                  -> TypeQ   -- ^ Type constructor of record
                                  -> Int     -- ^ Key index which specifies this constraint
                                  -> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result definition template
defineHasColumnConstraintInstance constraint typeCon index =
  [d| instance HasColumnConstraint $constraint $typeCon where
        columnConstraint = unsafeSpecifyColumnConstraint $(integralE index) |]

-- | Template of 'HasKeyConstraint' instance.
defineHasPrimaryConstraintInstanceDerived ::TypeQ    -- ^ Type constructor of record
                                          -> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result definition template
defineHasPrimaryConstraintInstanceDerived typeCon =
  [d| instance HasKeyConstraint Primary $typeCon where
        keyConstraint = derivedCompositePrimary |]

-- | Template of 'HasColumnConstraint' 'Primary' instance.
defineHasPrimaryKeyInstance :: TypeQ   -- ^ Type constructor of record
                            -> [Int]   -- ^ Key index which specifies this constraint
                            -> Q [Dec] -- ^ Definition of primary key constraint instance
defineHasPrimaryKeyInstance typeCon = d  where
  d []   = return []
  d [ix] = do
    col  <- defineHasColumnConstraintInstance [t| Primary |] typeCon ix
    comp <- defineHasPrimaryConstraintInstanceDerived typeCon
    return $ col ++ comp
  d ixs  =
    [d| instance HasKeyConstraint Primary $typeCon where
          keyConstraint = unsafeSpecifyKeyConstraint
                          $(listE [integralE ix | ix <- ixs ])

-- | Template of 'HasColumnConstraint' 'NotNull' instance.
defineHasNotNullKeyInstance :: TypeQ   -- ^ Type constructor of record
                            -> Int     -- ^ Key index which specifies this constraint
                            -> Q [Dec] -- ^ Definition of not null key constraint instance
defineHasNotNullKeyInstance =
  defineHasColumnConstraintInstance [t| NotNull |]

-- | Record type width expression template.
recordWidthTemplate :: TypeQ -- ^ Record type constructor.
                    -> ExpQ  -- ^ Expression to get record width.
recordWidthTemplate ty =
  [| runPersistableRecordWidth
     $(sigE [| persistableWidth |] [t| PersistableRecordWidth $(ty) |])

-- | Column offset array definition.
defineColumnOffsets :: ConName -- ^ Record type constructor.
                    -> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result column offset array declaration.
defineColumnOffsets typeName' = do
  let ofsVar = columnOffsetsVarNameDefault $ conName typeName'
  simpleValD (varName ofsVar) [t| Array Int Int |]
    [| getProductConst (genericFieldOffsets :: ProductConst (Array Int Int) $(toTypeCon typeName')) |]

-- | Record type definition template.
defineRecordType :: ConName            -- ^ Name of the data type of table record type.
                 -> [(VarName, TypeQ)] -- ^ List of columns in the table. Must be legal, properly cased record columns.
                 -> [Name]             -- ^ Deriving type class names.
                 -> Q [Dec]            -- ^ The data type record definition
defineRecordType typeName' columns derives = do
  let typeName = conName typeName'
      fld (n, tq) = varStrictType (varName n) (strictType isStrict tq)
  derives1 <- if (''Generic `notElem` derives)
              then do reportWarning "HRR needs Generic instance, please add ''Generic manually."
                      return $ ''Generic : derives
                      {- DROP this hack in future version ups. -}
              else    return   derives
  rec' <- dataD' (cxt []) typeName [] [recC typeName (map fld columns)] derives1
  offs <- defineColumnOffsets typeName'
  pw   <- definePersistableWidthInstance (conT typeName) []
  return $ rec' : offs ++ pw

-- | Record type definition template with configured names.
defineRecordTypeWithConfig :: NameConfig -> String -> String -> [(String, TypeQ)] -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
defineRecordTypeWithConfig config schema table columns =
  (recordTypeName config schema table)
  [ (columnName config schema n, t) | (n, t) <- columns ]

-- | Templates for single column value type.
deriveNotNullType :: TypeQ -> Q [Dec]
deriveNotNullType typeCon =
  [d| instance PersistableWidth $typeCon where
        persistableWidth = Persistable.unsafeValueWidth

      instance HasColumnConstraint NotNull $typeCon where
        columnConstraint = unsafeSpecifyNotNullValue