{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-- | Code that is only needed for writing GenericSql backends.
module Database.Persist.GenericSql.Internal
    ( Connection (..)
    , Statement (..)
    , withSqlConn
    , withSqlPool
    , createSqlPool
    , mkColumns
    , Column (..)
    ) where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Conduit.Pool
import Database.Persist.Store
import Control.Exception.Lifted (bracket)
import Database.Persist.Util (nullable)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mconcat)
import Database.Persist.EntityDef
import qualified Data.Conduit as C

data Connection = Connection
    { prepare :: Text -> IO Statement
    -- ^ table name, column names, either 1 or 2 statements to run
    , insertSql :: DBName -> [DBName] -> Either Text (Text, Text)
    , stmtMap :: IORef (Map.Map Text Statement)
    , close :: IO ()
    , migrateSql :: forall v. PersistEntity v
                 => [EntityDef]
                 -> (Text -> IO Statement)
                 -> v
                 -> IO (Either [Text] [(Bool, Text)])
    , begin :: (Text -> IO Statement) -> IO ()
    , commitC :: (Text -> IO Statement) -> IO ()
    , rollbackC :: (Text -> IO Statement) -> IO ()
    , escapeName :: DBName -> Text
    , noLimit :: Text
data Statement = Statement
    { finalize :: IO ()
    , reset :: IO ()
    , execute :: [PersistValue] -> IO ()
    , withStmt :: forall m. C.ResourceIO m
               => [PersistValue]
               -> C.Source m [PersistValue]

withSqlPool :: MonadIO m
            => IO Connection -- ^ create a new connection
            -> Int -- ^ connection count
            -> (Pool Connection -> m a)
            -> m a
withSqlPool mkConn connCount f = do
    pool <- createSqlPool mkConn connCount
    f pool

createSqlPool :: MonadIO m
              => IO Connection
              -> Int
              -> m (Pool Connection)
createSqlPool mkConn = liftIO . createPool mkConn close' 1 20

withSqlConn :: C.ResourceIO m
            => IO Connection -> (Connection -> m a) -> m a
withSqlConn open = bracket (liftIO open) (liftIO . close')

close' :: Connection -> IO ()
close' conn = do
    readIORef (stmtMap conn) >>= mapM_ finalize . Map.elems
    close conn

resolveTableName :: [EntityDef] -> HaskellName -> DBName
resolveTableName [] (HaskellName hn) = error $ "Table not found: " `mappend` T.unpack hn
resolveTableName (e:es) hn
    | entityHaskell e == hn = entityDB e
    | otherwise = resolveTableName es hn

-- | Create the list of columns for the given entity.
mkColumns :: PersistEntity val => [EntityDef] -> val -> ([Column], [UniqueDef])
mkColumns allDefs val =
    (cols, entityUniques t)
    cols :: [Column]
    cols = zipWith go (entityFields t)
         $ toPersistFields
         $ halfDefined `asTypeOf` val

    t :: EntityDef
    t = entityDef val

    tn :: DBName
    tn = entityDB t

    go :: FieldDef -> SomePersistField -> Column
    go fd p =
            (fieldDB fd)
            (nullable $ fieldAttrs fd)
            (sqlType p)
            (def $ fieldAttrs fd)
            (maxLen $ fieldAttrs fd)
            (ref (fieldDB fd) (fieldType fd) (fieldAttrs fd))

    def :: [Attr] -> Maybe Text
    def [] = Nothing
    def (a:as)
        | Just d <- T.stripPrefix "default=" a = Just d
        | otherwise = def as

    maxLen :: [Attr] -> Maybe Integer
    maxLen [] = Nothing
    maxLen (a:as)
        | Just d <- T.stripPrefix "maxlen=" a =
            case reads (T.unpack d) of
              [(i, s)] | all isSpace s -> Just i
              _ -> error $ "Could not parse maxlen field with value " ++
                           show d ++ " on " ++ show tn
        | otherwise = maxLen as

    ref :: DBName
        -> FieldType
        -> [Attr]
        -> Maybe (DBName, DBName) -- table name, constraint name
    ref c ft []
        | Just f <- stripId ft =
            Just (resolveTableName allDefs $ HaskellName f, refName tn c)
        | otherwise = Nothing
    ref _ _ ("noreference":_) = Nothing
    ref c _ (a:_)
        | Just x <- T.stripPrefix "reference=" a =
            Just (DBName x, refName tn c)
    ref c x (_:as) = ref c x as

refName :: DBName -> DBName -> DBName
refName (DBName table) (DBName column) =
    DBName $ mconcat [table, "_", column, "_fkey"]

data Column = Column
    { cName      :: DBName
    , cNull      :: Bool
    , cType      :: SqlType
    , cDefault   :: Maybe Text
    , cMaxLen    :: Maybe Integer
    , cReference :: (Maybe (DBName, DBName)) -- table name, constraint name
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

getSqlValue :: [String] -> Maybe String
getSqlValue (('s':'q':'l':'=':x):_) = Just x
getSqlValue (_:x) = getSqlValue x
getSqlValue [] = Nothing

getIdNameValue :: [String] -> Maybe String
getIdNameValue (('i':'d':'=':x):_) = Just x
getIdNameValue (_:x) = getIdNameValue x
getIdNameValue [] = Nothing

tableColumns :: EntityDef -> [(RawName, String, [String])]
tableColumns = map (\a@(ColumnDef _ y z) -> (rawFieldName a, y, z)) . entityColumns

getFieldName :: EntityDef -> String -> RawName
getFieldName t s = rawFieldName $ tableColumn t s

tableColumn :: EntityDef -> String -> ColumnDef
tableColumn t s | s == id_ = ColumnDef id_ "Int64" []
  where id_ = unRawName $ rawTableIdName t
tableColumn t s = go $ entityColumns t
    go [] = error $ "Unknown table column: " ++ s
    go (ColumnDef x y z:rest)
        | x == s = ColumnDef x y z
        | otherwise = go rest