{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | TODO: delete this module and get it in with SqlBackend.Internal module Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistQuery ( deleteWhereCount , updateWhereCount , filterClause , filterClauseHelper , filterClauseWithVals , orderClause , FilterTablePrefix (..) , decorateSQLWithLimitOffset ) where import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (readInteger) import Data.Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.List (find, inits, transpose) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Database.Persist hiding (updateField) import Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistStore (withRawQuery) import Database.Persist.Sql.Raw import Database.Persist.Sql.Types.Internal (SqlBackend(..), SqlReadBackend, SqlWriteBackend) import Database.Persist.Sql.Util ( commaSeparated , dbIdColumns , isIdField , keyAndEntityColumnNames , mkUpdateText , parseEntityValues , updatePersistValue ) -- orphaned instance for convenience of modularity instance PersistQueryRead SqlBackend where count filts = do conn <- ask let wher = if null filts then "" else filterClause Nothing conn filts let sql = mconcat [ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " , connEscapeTableName conn t , wher ] withRawQuery sql (getFiltsValues conn filts) $ do mm <- CL.head case mm of Just [PersistInt64 i] -> return $ fromIntegral i Just [PersistDouble i] ->return $ fromIntegral (truncate i :: Int64) -- gb oracle Just [PersistByteString i] -> case readInteger i of -- gb mssql Just (ret,"") -> return $ fromIntegral ret xs -> error $ "invalid number i["++show i++"] xs[" ++ show xs ++ "]" Just xs -> error $ "count:invalid sql return xs["++show xs++"] sql["++show sql++"]" Nothing -> error $ "count:invalid sql returned nothing sql["++show sql++"]" where t = entityDef $ dummyFromFilts filts exists filts = do conn <- ask let wher = if null filts then "" else filterClause Nothing conn filts let sql = mconcat [ "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM " , connEscapeTableName conn t , wher , ")" ] withRawQuery sql (getFiltsValues conn filts) $ do mm <- CL.head case mm of Just [PersistBool b] -> return b -- Postgres Just [PersistInt64 i] -> return $ i > 0 -- MySQL, SQLite Just [PersistDouble i] -> return $ (truncate i :: Int64) > 0 -- gb oracle Just [PersistByteString i] -> case readInteger i of -- gb mssql Just (ret,"") -> return $ ret > 0 xs -> error $ "invalid number i["++show i++"] xs[" ++ show xs ++ "]" Just xs -> error $ "PersistQuery.exists: Expected a boolean, int, double, or bytestring; got: " ++ show xs ++ " for query: " ++ show sql Nothing -> error $ "PersistQuery.exists: Expected a boolean, int, double, or bytestring; got: Nothing for query: " ++ show sql where t = entityDef $ dummyFromFilts filts selectSourceRes filts opts = do conn <- ask srcRes <- rawQueryRes (sql conn) (getFiltsValues conn filts) return $ fmap (.| CL.mapM parse) srcRes where (limit, offset, orders) = limitOffsetOrder opts parse vals = case parseEntityValues t vals of Left s -> liftIO $ throwIO $ PersistMarshalError ("selectSourceRes: " <> s <> ", vals: " <> T.pack (show vals )) Right row -> return row t = entityDef $ dummyFromFilts filts wher conn = if null filts then "" else filterClause Nothing conn filts ord conn = orderClause Nothing conn orders cols = commaSeparated . toList . keyAndEntityColumnNames t sql conn = connLimitOffset conn (limit,offset) $ mconcat [ "SELECT " , cols conn , " FROM " , connEscapeTableName conn t , wher conn , ord conn ] selectKeysRes filts opts = do conn <- ask srcRes <- rawQueryRes (sql conn) (getFiltsValues conn filts) return $ fmap (.| CL.mapM parse) srcRes where t = entityDef $ dummyFromFilts filts cols conn = T.intercalate "," $ toList $ dbIdColumns conn t wher conn = if null filts then "" else filterClause Nothing conn filts sql conn = connLimitOffset conn (limit,offset) $ mconcat [ "SELECT " , cols conn , " FROM " , connEscapeTableName conn t , wher conn , ord conn ] (limit, offset, orders) = limitOffsetOrder opts ord conn = orderClause Nothing conn orders parse xs = do keyvals <- case entityPrimary t of Nothing -> case xs of [PersistInt64 x] -> return [PersistInt64 x] [PersistDouble x] -> return [PersistInt64 (truncate x)] -- oracle returns Double _ -> return xs Just pdef -> let pks = map fieldHaskell $ toList $ compositeFields pdef keyvals = map snd $ filter (\(a, _) -> let ret=isJust (find (== a) pks) in ret) $ zip (map fieldHaskell $ getEntityFields t) xs in return keyvals case keyFromValues keyvals of Right k -> return k Left err -> error $ "selectKeysImpl: keyFromValues failed" <> show err instance PersistQueryRead SqlReadBackend where count filts = withBaseBackend $ count filts exists filts = withBaseBackend $ exists filts selectSourceRes filts opts = withBaseBackend $ selectSourceRes filts opts selectKeysRes filts opts = withBaseBackend $ selectKeysRes filts opts instance PersistQueryRead SqlWriteBackend where count filts = withBaseBackend $ count filts exists filts = withBaseBackend $ exists filts selectSourceRes filts opts = withBaseBackend $ selectSourceRes filts opts selectKeysRes filts opts = withBaseBackend $ selectKeysRes filts opts instance PersistQueryWrite SqlBackend where deleteWhere filts = do _ <- deleteWhereCount filts return () updateWhere filts upds = do _ <- updateWhereCount filts upds return () instance PersistQueryWrite SqlWriteBackend where deleteWhere filts = withBaseBackend $ deleteWhere filts updateWhere filts upds = withBaseBackend $ updateWhere filts upds -- | Same as 'deleteWhere', but returns the number of rows affected. -- -- @since 1.1.5 deleteWhereCount :: (PersistEntity val, MonadIO m, PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend) => [Filter val] -> ReaderT backend m Int64 deleteWhereCount filts = withCompatibleBackend $ do conn <- ask let t = entityDef $ dummyFromFilts filts let wher = if null filts then "" else filterClause Nothing conn filts sql = mconcat [ "DELETE FROM " , connEscapeTableName conn t , wher ] rawExecuteCount sql $ getFiltsValues conn filts -- | Same as 'updateWhere', but returns the number of rows affected. -- -- @since 1.1.5 updateWhereCount :: (PersistEntity val, MonadIO m, SqlBackend ~ PersistEntityBackend val, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend) => [Filter val] -> [Update val] -> ReaderT backend m Int64 updateWhereCount _ [] = return 0 updateWhereCount filts upds = withCompatibleBackend $ do conn <- ask let wher = if null filts then "" else filterClause Nothing conn filts let sql = mconcat [ "UPDATE " , connEscapeTableName conn t , " SET " , T.intercalate "," $ map (mkUpdateText conn) upds , wher ] let dat = map updatePersistValue upds `Data.Monoid.mappend` getFiltsValues conn filts rawExecuteCount sql dat where t = entityDef $ dummyFromFilts filts fieldName :: forall record typ. (PersistEntity record) => EntityField record typ -> FieldNameDB fieldName f = fieldDB $ persistFieldDef f dummyFromFilts :: [Filter v] -> Maybe v dummyFromFilts _ = Nothing getFiltsValues :: forall val. (PersistEntity val) => SqlBackend -> [Filter val] -> [PersistValue] getFiltsValues conn = snd . filterClauseHelper Nothing False conn OrNullNo data OrNull = OrNullYes | OrNullNo -- | Used when determining how to prefix a column name in a @WHERE@ clause. -- -- @since data FilterTablePrefix = PrefixTableName -- ^ Prefix the column with the table name. This is useful if the column -- name might be ambiguous. -- -- @since | PrefixExcluded -- ^ Prefix the column name with the @EXCLUDED@ keyword. This is used with -- the Postgresql backend when doing @ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE@ clauses - see -- the documentation on @upsertWhere@ and @upsertManyWhere@. -- -- @since prefixByTable :: Maybe FilterTablePrefix -> Text -- ^ Table name -> (Text -> Text) -- ^ Prefixing function prefixByTable tablePrefix tableName = case tablePrefix of Just PrefixTableName -> ((tableName <> ".") <>) Just PrefixExcluded -> (("EXCLUDED.") <>) _ -> id filterClauseHelper :: (PersistEntity val) => Maybe FilterTablePrefix -- ^ include table name or PostgresSQL EXCLUDED -> Bool -- ^ include WHERE -> SqlBackend -> OrNull -> [Filter val] -> (Text, [PersistValue]) filterClauseHelper tablePrefix includeWhere conn orNull filters = (if not (T.null sql) && includeWhere then " WHERE " <> sql else sql, vals) where (sql, vals) = combineAND filters combineAND = combine " AND " combine s fs = (T.intercalate s $ map wrapP a, mconcat b) where (a, b) = unzip $ map go fs wrapP x = T.concat ["(", x, ")"] go (BackendFilter _) = error "BackendFilter not expected" go (FilterAnd []) = ("1=1", []) go (FilterAnd fs) = combineAND fs go (FilterOr []) = ("1=0", []) go (FilterOr fs) = combine " OR " fs go (Filter field value pfilter) = let t = entityDef $ dummyFromFilts [Filter field value pfilter] in case (isIdField field, entityPrimary t, allVals) of (True, Just pdef, PersistList ys:_) -> let cfields = toList $ compositeFields pdef in if length cfields /= length ys then error $ "wrong number of entries in compositeFields vs PersistList allVals=" ++ show allVals else case (allVals, pfilter, isCompFilter pfilter) of ([PersistList xs], Eq, _) -> let sqlcl = T.intercalate " and " (map (\a -> connEscapeFieldName conn (fieldDB a) <> showSqlFilter pfilter <> "? ") cfields) in (wrapSql sqlcl, xs) ([PersistList xs], Ne, _) -> let sqlcl = T.intercalate " or " (map (\a -> connEscapeFieldName conn (fieldDB a) <> showSqlFilter pfilter <> "? ") cfields) in (wrapSql sqlcl, xs) (_, In, _) -> let xxs = transpose (map fromPersistList allVals) sqls=map (\(a,xs) -> connEscapeFieldName conn (fieldDB a) <> showSqlFilter pfilter <> "(" <> T.intercalate "," (replicate (length xs) " ?") <> ") ") (zip cfields xxs) in (wrapSql (T.intercalate " and " (map wrapSql sqls)), concat xxs) (_, NotIn, _) -> let xxs = transpose (map fromPersistList allVals) sqls = map (\(a,xs) -> connEscapeFieldName conn (fieldDB a) <> showSqlFilter pfilter <> "(" <> T.intercalate "," (replicate (length xs) " ?") <> ") ") (zip cfields xxs) in (wrapSql (T.intercalate " or " (map wrapSql sqls)), concat xxs) ([PersistList xs], _, True) -> let zs = tail (inits (toList $ compositeFields pdef)) sql1 = map (\b -> wrapSql (T.intercalate " and " (map (\(i,a) -> sql2 (i==length b) a) (zip [1..] b)))) zs sql2 islast a = connEscapeFieldName conn (fieldDB a) <> (if islast then showSqlFilter pfilter else showSqlFilter Eq) <> "? " sqlcl = T.intercalate " or " sql1 in (wrapSql sqlcl, concat (tail (inits xs))) (_, BackendSpecificFilter _, _) -> error "unhandled type BackendSpecificFilter for composite/non id primary keys" _ -> error $ "unhandled type/filter for composite/non id primary keys pfilter=" ++ show pfilter ++ " persistList="++show allVals (True, Just pdef, []) -> error $ "empty list given as filter value filter=" ++ show pfilter ++ " persistList=" ++ show allVals ++ " pdef=" ++ show pdef (True, Just pdef, _) -> error $ "unhandled error for composite/non id primary keys filter=" ++ show pfilter ++ " persistList=" ++ show allVals ++ " pdef=" ++ show pdef _ -> case (isNull, pfilter, length notNullVals) of (True, Eq, _) -> (name <> " IS NULL", []) (True, Ne, _) -> (name <> " IS NOT NULL", []) (False, Ne, _) -> (T.concat [ "(" , name , " IS NULL OR " , name , " <> " , qmarks , ")" ], notNullVals) -- We use 1=2 (and below 1=1) to avoid using TRUE and FALSE, since -- not all databases support those words directly. (_, In, 0) -> ("1=2" <> orNullSuffix, []) (False, In, _) -> (name <> " IN " <> qmarks <> orNullSuffix, allVals) (True, In, _) -> (T.concat [ "(" , name , " IS NULL OR " , name , " IN " , qmarks , ")" ], notNullVals) (False, NotIn, 0) -> ("1=1", []) (True, NotIn, 0) -> (name <> " IS NOT NULL", []) (False, NotIn, _) -> (T.concat [ "(" , name , " IS NULL OR " , name , " NOT IN " , qmarks , ")" ], notNullVals) (True, NotIn, _) -> (T.concat [ "(" , name , " IS NOT NULL AND " , name , " NOT IN " , qmarks , ")" ], notNullVals) _ -> (name <> showSqlFilter pfilter <> "?" <> orNullSuffix, allVals) where isCompFilter Lt = True isCompFilter Le = True isCompFilter Gt = True isCompFilter Ge = True isCompFilter _ = False wrapSql sqlcl = "(" <> sqlcl <> ")" fromPersistList (PersistList xs) = xs fromPersistList other = error $ "expected PersistList but found " ++ show other filterValueToPersistValues :: forall a. PersistField a => FilterValue a -> [PersistValue] filterValueToPersistValues = \case FilterValue a -> [toPersistValue a] FilterValues as -> toPersistValue <$> as UnsafeValue x -> [toPersistValue x] orNullSuffix = case orNull of OrNullYes -> mconcat [" OR " , name , " IS NULL"] OrNullNo -> "" isNull = PersistNull `elem` allVals notNullVals = filter (/= PersistNull) allVals allVals = filterValueToPersistValues value tn = connEscapeTableName conn $ entityDef $ dummyFromFilts [Filter field value pfilter] name = prefixByTable tablePrefix tn $ connEscapeFieldName conn (fieldName field) qmarks = case value of FilterValue{} -> "(?)" UnsafeValue{} -> "(?)" FilterValues xs -> let parens a = "(" <> a <> ")" commas = T.intercalate "," toQs = fmap $ const "?" nonNulls = filter (/= PersistNull) $ map toPersistValue xs in parens . commas . toQs $ nonNulls showSqlFilter Eq = "=" showSqlFilter Ne = "<>" showSqlFilter Gt = ">" showSqlFilter Lt = "<" showSqlFilter Ge = ">=" showSqlFilter Le = "<=" showSqlFilter In = " IN " showSqlFilter NotIn = " NOT IN " showSqlFilter (BackendSpecificFilter s) = s -- | Render a @['Filter' record]@ into a 'Text' value suitable for inclusion -- into a SQL query. -- -- @since filterClause :: (PersistEntity val) => Maybe FilterTablePrefix -- ^ include table name or EXCLUDED -> SqlBackend -> [Filter val] -> Text filterClause b c = fst . filterClauseHelper b True c OrNullNo -- | Render a @['Filter' record]@ into a 'Text' value suitable for inclusion -- into a SQL query, as well as the @['PersistValue']@ to properly fill in the -- @?@ place holders. -- -- @since filterClauseWithVals :: (PersistEntity val) => Maybe FilterTablePrefix -- ^ include table name or EXCLUDED -> SqlBackend -> [Filter val] -> (Text, [PersistValue]) filterClauseWithVals b c = filterClauseHelper b True c OrNullNo -- | Render a @['SelectOpt' record]@ made up *only* of 'Asc' and 'Desc' constructors -- into a 'Text' value suitable for inclusion into a SQL query. -- -- @since orderClause :: (PersistEntity val) => Maybe FilterTablePrefix -- ^ include table name or EXCLUDED -> SqlBackend -> [SelectOpt val] -> Text orderClause includeTable conn orders = if null orders then "" else " ORDER BY " <> T.intercalate "," (map (\case Asc x -> name x Desc x -> name x <> " DESC" _ -> error "orderClause: expected Asc or Desc, not limit or offset") orders) where dummyFromOrder :: [SelectOpt a] -> Maybe a dummyFromOrder _ = Nothing tn = connEscapeTableName conn (entityDef $ dummyFromOrder orders) name :: (PersistEntity record) => EntityField record typ -> Text name x = prefixByTable includeTable tn $ connEscapeFieldName conn (fieldName x) -- | Generates sql for limit and offset for postgres, sqlite and mysql. decorateSQLWithLimitOffset :: Text -> (Int,Int) -> Text -> Text decorateSQLWithLimitOffset nolimit (limit,offset) sql = let lim = case (limit, offset) of (0, 0) -> "" (0, _) -> T.cons ' ' nolimit (_, _) -> " LIMIT " <> T.pack (show limit) off = if offset == 0 then "" else " OFFSET " <> T.pack (show offset) in mconcat [ sql , lim , off ]