-- |
-- Module      :  Data.TMap.Backend.Binary
-- Copyright   :  Peter Robinson 2009
-- License     :  LGPL
-- Maintainer  :  Peter Robinson <thaldyron@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires STM)
-- Proivides a (simplistic) backend using the binary package.
-- Every entry of the map is written to a separate file where the filename
-- is the key. 
-- Note: This interface is only thread-safe when being used via TMap!
module Data.TMap.Backend.Binary( mkBinaryBackend, BinaryBackend)
import Data.TMap.Backend
import Data.TMap.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.AdvSTM
import Control.Concurrent.AdvSTM.TVar
import Control.Concurrent.AdvSTM.TMVar 

import Data.Binary
import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Exception
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Prelude hiding(lookup,catch)

-- | The binary-backend type
data BinaryBackend k a = BinaryBackend
  { workingDir :: FilePath 
  , tempDir    :: FilePath
  , entryLock :: TVar (k -> TMVar ())

-- | Creates a new backend that stores one file per entry in the given working directory.
mkBinaryBackend :: FilePath  
                -> IO (BinaryBackend k a)
mkBinaryBackend wd = do 
  ex  <- doesDirectoryExist wd
  tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory 
  when (not ex) $ throw (BackendException "mkBinaryBackend: Working directory does not exist.")
  when (wd==tmp) $ throw (BackendException 
    "mkBinaryBackend: Cannot use the temporary directory as working directory.")
  l <- newTMVarIO ()
  eLock <- newTVarIO (\_ -> l)
  return (BinaryBackend wd tmp eLock)

withLockOnEntry :: BinaryBackend k a -> k -> IO c -> IO c
withLockOnEntry b k m = do 
  eLocks <- atomically $ do 
    eLocks <- readTVar (entryLock b)
    takeTMVar (eLocks k)
    return eLocks
  res <- m
  atomically $ putTMVar (eLocks k) ()
  return res


instance (Show k,Ord k,Binary a) => Backend k a BinaryBackend where

  insert b k a = do 
    let fp = workingDir b </> (show k)
    ex <- doesFileExist fp
    when ex $ throw $ BackendException "insert: Entry already exists!"
    l <- newTMVarIO ()
    atomically $ do 
      eLock <- readTVar (entryLock b)
      writeTVar (entryLock b) (\k' -> if k'==k then l
                                               else eLock k')
    withLockOnEntry b k $ encodeFile fp a
  lookup b k = do 
    let fp = workingDir b </> (show k)
    ex <- doesFileExist fp
    if not ex
      then return Nothing
      else do
        res <- withLockOnEntry b k $ decodeFile fp
        return (Just $! res) 

  delete b k = do 
    withLockOnEntry b k $ removeFile (workingDir b </> (show k))

  adjust b f k = do
    let fp  = workingDir b </> (show k)
    let tmp = tempDir b </> (show k)
    ex <- doesFileExist fp
    when (not ex) $ throw (BackendException "adjust: Did not find entry in backend.")
    withLockOnEntry b k $ do 
      a <- (decodeFile fp :: IO a)
      encodeFile tmp (f a)
    renameFile tmp fp