# v0.5.1 * Add GHC 9.8 support * Drop support for GHC < 9.4 # v0.5.0.1 * Add GHC 9.4 support # v0.5.0.0 * Export `SqlQueryT` constructor ([#46](https://github.com/brandonchinn178/persistent-mtl/pull/46)) * Drop support for GHC < 8.10 * Drop support for `persistent` < 2.13 * Add support for `persistent-2.14` * Add `Database.Persist.Sql.Shim` module that re-exports `Database.Persist.Sql` and `Database.Persist.Monad.Shim` * Add `MonadFix` instance to `SqlQueryT` and `SqlTransaction` * Add `getSqlBackendPool` * Move `rerunnableLift` into `MonadRerunnableTrans` typeclass in `Control.Monad.Trans.Rerunnable` * Add `catchSqlTransaction` * Add `retryCallback` to `SqlQueryEnv` # v0.4.0.0 * Add some mtl instances: `MonadThrow`, `MonadCatch`, `MonadMask`, `MonadLogger`, `MonadReader` * Removed support for GHC 8.2, 8.4 * Add `MonadSqlQuery (TransactionM m)` superclass constraint to allow writing functions generic on some `MonadSqlQuery m` using `withTransaction`, as shown in examples in README # v0.3.0.0 * Add `unsafeLiftSql` ([#38](https://github.com/brandonchinn178/persistent-mtl/pull/38)) # v0.2.2.0 * Fix for persistent 2.13 # v0.2.1.0 * Add `rerunnableLift` for `SqlTransaction` * Use `unliftio-pool` instead of `resourcet-pool`, which has better async exeception safety # v0.2.0.0 * Use a separate monad within `withTransaction` to prevent unsafe/arbitrary IO actions ([#7](https://github.com/brandonchinn178/persistent-mtl/issues/7), [#28](https://github.com/brandonchinn178/persistent-mtl/issues/28)) * Add `MonadRerunnableIO` to support IO actions within `withTransaction` only if the IO action is determined to be rerunnable * Add built-in support for retrying transactions if a serialization error occurs * Remove `SqlQueryRep` as an export from `Database.Persist.Monad`. You shouldn't ever need it for normal usage. It is now re-exported by `Database.Persist.Monad.TestUtils`, since most of the usage of `SqlQueryRep` is in mocking queries. If you need it otherwise, you can import it directly from `Database.Persist.Monad.SqlQueryRep`. # v0.1.0.1 Fix quickstart # v0.1.0.0 Initial release * `SqlQueryT` + `MonadSqlQuery` * Autogenerated persistent API * `MockQueryT`