{- AUTOCOLLECT.TEST -} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module MockedTest ( -- $AUTOCOLLECT.TEST.export$ ) where import Conduit (runConduit, runResourceT, (.|)) import qualified Conduit import qualified Data.Acquire as Acquire import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Database.Persist.Sql ( Entity (..), Single (..), toPersistValue, toSqlKey, (=.), (==.), ) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import UnliftIO (SomeException, try) import Database.Persist.Monad import Database.Persist.Monad.TestUtils import Example test = testGroup "withTransaction" [ testCase "it doesn't error with MockSqlQueryT" $ runMockSqlQueryT (withTransaction $ insert_ $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case Insert_ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] ] test = testGroup "MockSqlQueryT" [ testCase "it errors if it could not find a mock" $ do result <- try $ runMockSqlQueryT getPeopleNames [] case result of Right _ -> assertFailure "runMockSqlQueryT did not fail" Left e -> do let msg = listToMaybe $ lines $ show (e :: SomeException) msg @?= Just "Could not find mock for query: SelectList{..}" , testCase "it continues after a mock doesn't match" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT getPeopleNames [ withRecord @Post $ \_ -> error "getPeopleNames matched Post record" , mockQuery $ \_ -> Nothing , withRecord @Person $ \case SelectList _ _ -> Just [ Entity (toSqlKey 1) (Person "Alice" 10) , Entity (toSqlKey 2) (Person "Bob" 20) ] _ -> Nothing ] result @?= ["Alice", "Bob"] ] test = testGroup "Persistent API" [ testCase "get" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM get [1, 2]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case Get n | n == 1 -> Just $ Just $ person "Alice" | n == 2 -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] map (fmap personName) result @?= [Just "Alice", Nothing] , testCase "getMany" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (getMany [1]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetMany _ -> Just $ Map.fromList [(1, person "Alice")] _ -> Nothing ] personName <$> Map.lookup 1 result @?= Just "Alice" , testCase "getJust" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (getJust 1) [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetJust _ -> Just $ person "Alice" _ -> Nothing ] personName result @?= "Alice" , testCase "getJustEntity" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (getJustEntity 1) [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetJustEntity _ -> Just $ Entity 1 $ person "Alice" _ -> Nothing ] getName result @?= "Alice" , testCase "getEntity" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM getEntity [1, 2]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetEntity n | n == 1 -> Just $ Just $ Entity 1 $ person "Alice" | n == 2 -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] map (fmap getName) result @?= [Just "Alice", Nothing] , testCase "belongsTo" $ do let post1 = Post "Post #1" 1 (Just 1) post2 = Post "Post #2" 1 Nothing result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM (belongsTo postEditor) [post1, post2]) [ withRecord @(Post, Person) $ \case BelongsTo _ Post{postEditor = Just 1} -> Just $ Just $ person "Alice" BelongsTo _ Post{postEditor = Nothing} -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] map (fmap personName) result @?= [Just "Alice", Nothing] , testCase "belongsToJust" $ do let post1 = Post "Post #1" 1 Nothing result <- runMockSqlQueryT (belongsToJust postAuthor post1) [ withRecord @(Post, Person) $ \case BelongsToJust _ _ -> Just $ person "Alice" _ -> Nothing ] personName result @?= "Alice" , testCase "insert" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insert $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case Insert _ -> Just 1 _ -> Nothing ] result @?= 1 , testCase "insert_" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insert_ $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case Insert_ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "insertMany" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insertMany [person "Alice", person "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertMany records -> Just $ map fromIntegral [1 .. length records] _ -> Nothing ] result @?= [1, 2] , testCase "insertMany_" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insertMany_ [person "Alice", person "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertMany_ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "insertEntityMany" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insertEntityMany [Entity 1 $ person "Alice"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertEntityMany _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "insertKey" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insertKey 1 $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertKey _ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "repsert" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (repsert 1 $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case Repsert _ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "repsertMany" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (repsertMany [(1, person "Alice")]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case RepsertMany _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "replace" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (replace 1 $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case Replace _ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "delete" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (delete @Person 1) [ withRecord @Person $ \case Delete _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "update" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (update 1 [PersonName =. "Alicia"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case Update _ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "updateGet" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (updateGet 1 [PersonName =. "Alicia"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case UpdateGet _ _ -> Just $ person "Alicia" _ -> Nothing ] personName result @?= "Alicia" , testCase "insertEntity" $ do let alice = person "Alice" result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insertEntity alice) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertEntity _ -> Just $ Entity 1 alice _ -> Nothing ] entityVal result @?= alice , testCase "insertRecord" $ do let alice = person "Alice" result <- runMockSqlQueryT (insertRecord alice) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertRecord _ -> Just alice _ -> Nothing ] result @?= alice , testCase "getBy" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM getBy [UniqueName "Alice", UniqueName "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetBy (UniqueName "Alice") -> Just $ Just $ Entity 1 $ person "Alice" GetBy (UniqueName "Bob") -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] map (fmap getName) result @?= [Just "Alice", Nothing] , testCase "getByValue" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM getByValue [person "Alice", person "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetByValue Person{personName = "Alice"} -> Just $ Just $ Entity 1 $ person "Alice" GetByValue Person{personName = "Bob"} -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] map (fmap getName) result @?= [Just "Alice", Nothing] , testCase "checkUnique" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM checkUnique [person "Alice", person "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case CheckUnique Person{personName = "Alice"} -> Just $ Just $ UniqueName "Alice" CheckUnique Person{personName = "Bob"} -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] result @?= [Just $ UniqueName "Alice", Nothing] , testCase "checkUniqueUpdateable" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM checkUniqueUpdateable [Entity 1 $ person "Alice", Entity 2 $ person "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case CheckUniqueUpdateable (Entity _ Person{personName = "Alice"}) -> Just $ Just $ UniqueName "Alice" CheckUniqueUpdateable (Entity _ Person{personName = "Bob"}) -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] result @?= [Just $ UniqueName "Alice", Nothing] , testCase "deleteBy" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (deleteBy $ UniqueName "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case DeleteBy _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "insertUnique" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM insertUnique [person "Alice", person "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertUnique Person{personName = "Alice"} -> Just $ Just 1 InsertUnique Person{personName = "Bob"} -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] result @?= [Just 1, Nothing] , testCase "upsert" $ do let alice = person "Alice" result <- runMockSqlQueryT (upsert alice [PersonAge =. 100]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case Upsert _ _ -> Just $ Entity 1 alice _ -> Nothing ] result @?= Entity 1 alice , testCase "upsertBy" $ do let alice = person "Alice" result <- runMockSqlQueryT (upsertBy (UniqueName "Alice") alice [PersonAge =. 100]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case UpsertBy _ _ _ -> Just $ Entity 1 alice _ -> Nothing ] result @?= Entity 1 alice , testCase "putMany" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (putMany [person "Alice"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case PutMany _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "insertBy" $ do let alice = person "Alice" result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM insertBy [alice, person "Bob"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertBy Person{personName = "Alice"} -> Just $ Left $ Entity 1 alice InsertBy Person{personName = "Bob"} -> Just $ Right 2 _ -> Nothing ] result @?= [Left $ Entity 1 alice, Right 2] , testCase "insertUniqueEntity" $ do let bob = person "Bob" result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM insertUniqueEntity [person "Alice", bob]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case InsertUniqueEntity Person{personName = "Alice"} -> Just Nothing InsertUniqueEntity Person{personName = "Bob"} -> Just $ Just $ Entity 1 bob _ -> Nothing ] result @?= [Nothing, Just $ Entity 1 bob] , testCase "replaceUnique" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (mapM (uncurry replaceUnique) [(1, person "Alice"), (2, person "Bob")]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case ReplaceUnique _ Person{personName = "Alice"} -> Just Nothing ReplaceUnique _ Person{personName = "Bob"} -> Just $ Just $ UniqueName "Bob" _ -> Nothing ] result @?= [Nothing, Just $ UniqueName "Bob"] , testCase "onlyUnique" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (onlyUnique $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case OnlyUnique _ -> Just $ UniqueName "Alice" _ -> Nothing ] result @?= UniqueName "Alice" , testCase "selectSourceRes" $ do acquire <- runMockSqlQueryT (selectSourceRes [] []) [ mockSelectSource $ \_ _ -> Just [ Entity 1 $ person "Alice" , Entity 2 $ person "Bob" ] ] result <- Acquire.with acquire $ \conduit -> runConduit $ conduit .| Conduit.mapC getName .| Conduit.sinkList result @?= ["Alice", "Bob"] , testCase "selectFirst" $ do result1 <- runMockSqlQueryT (selectFirst [PersonName ==. "Alice"] []) [ withRecord @Person $ \case SelectFirst _ _ -> Just $ Just $ Entity 1 $ person "Alice" _ -> Nothing ] getName <$> result1 @?= Just "Alice" result2 <- runMockSqlQueryT (selectFirst [PersonName ==. "Alice"] []) [ withRecord @Person $ \case SelectFirst _ _ -> Just Nothing _ -> Nothing ] result2 @?= Nothing , testCase "selectKeysRes" $ do let keys = [1, 2, 3] acquire <- runMockSqlQueryT (selectKeysRes @_ @Person [] []) [ mockSelectKeys $ \_ _ -> Just keys ] result <- Acquire.with acquire $ \conduit -> runConduit $ conduit .| Conduit.sinkList result @?= keys , testCase "count" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (count @Person []) [ withRecord @Person $ \case Count _ -> Just 10 _ -> Nothing ] result @?= 10 , testCase "exists" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (exists @Person []) [ withRecord @Person $ \case Exists _ -> Just True _ -> Nothing ] result @?= True , testCase "selectSource" $ do result <- runResourceT $ runMockSqlQueryT (runConduit $ selectSource [] [] .| Conduit.mapC getName .| Conduit.sinkList) [ mockSelectSource $ \_ _ -> Just [ Entity 1 $ person "Alice" , Entity 2 $ person "Bob" ] ] result @?= ["Alice", "Bob"] , testCase "selectKeys" $ do let keys = [1, 2, 3] result <- runResourceT $ runMockSqlQueryT (runConduit $ selectKeys @Person [] [] .| Conduit.sinkList) [ mockSelectKeys $ \_ _ -> Just keys ] result @?= keys , testCase "selectList" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (selectList [] []) [ withRecord @Person $ \case SelectList _ _ -> Just [ Entity 1 (person "Alice") , Entity 2 (person "Bob") ] _ -> Nothing ] map getName result @?= ["Alice", "Bob"] , testCase "selectKeysList" $ do let keys = [1, 2, 3] result <- runMockSqlQueryT (selectKeysList @Person [] []) [ withRecord @Person $ \case SelectKeysList _ _ -> Just keys _ -> Nothing ] result @?= keys , testCase "updateWhere" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (updateWhere [] [PersonAge =. 100]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case UpdateWhere _ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "deleteWhere" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (deleteWhere [PersonName ==. "Alice"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case DeleteWhere _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "updateWhereCount" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (updateWhereCount [] [PersonAge =. 100]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case UpdateWhereCount _ _ -> Just 10 _ -> Nothing ] result @?= 10 , testCase "deleteWhereCount" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (deleteWhereCount [PersonName ==. "Alice"]) [ withRecord @Person $ \case DeleteWhereCount _ -> Just 10 _ -> Nothing ] result @?= 10 , testCase "getFieldName" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (getFieldName PersonName) [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetFieldName PersonName -> Just "\"name\"" _ -> Nothing ] result @?= "\"name\"" , testCase "getTableName" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (getTableName $ person "Alice") [ withRecord @Person $ \case GetTableName _ -> Just "\"person\"" _ -> Nothing ] result @?= "\"person\"" , testCase "withRawQuery" $ do let query = "SELECT name FROM person" row1 = [toPersistValue @String "Alice"] row2 = [toPersistValue @String "Bob"] rows = [row1, row2] result <- runMockSqlQueryT (withRawQuery query [] Conduit.sinkList) [ mockWithRawQuery $ \sql _ -> if sql == query then Just rows else Nothing ] result @?= rows , testCase "rawQueryRes" $ do let row1 = [toPersistValue @String "Alice"] row2 = [toPersistValue @String "Bob"] rows = [row1, row2] acquire <- runMockSqlQueryT (rawQueryRes "SELECT name FROM person" []) [ mockRawQuery $ \_ _ -> Just rows ] result <- Acquire.with acquire $ \conduit -> runConduit $ conduit .| Conduit.sinkList result @?= rows , testCase "rawQuery" $ do let row1 = [toPersistValue @String "Alice"] row2 = [toPersistValue @String "Bob"] rows = [row1, row2] result <- runResourceT $ runMockSqlQueryT (runConduit $ rawQuery "SELECT name FROM person" [] .| Conduit.sinkList) [ mockRawQuery $ \_ _ -> Just rows ] result @?= rows , testCase "rawExecute" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (rawExecute "DELETE FROM person" []) [ mockQuery $ \case RawExecute _ _ -> Just () _ -> Nothing ] result @?= () , testCase "rawExecuteCount" $ do result <- runMockSqlQueryT (rawExecuteCount "DELETE FROM person" []) [ mockQuery $ \case RawExecuteCount _ _ -> Just 10 _ -> Nothing ] result @?= 10 , testCase "rawSql" $ do let names = ["Alice", "Bob"] :: [String] result <- runMockSqlQueryT (rawSql "SELECT name FROM person" []) [ mockRawSql $ \_ _ -> Just $ map ((: []) . toPersistValue) names ] map unSingle result @?= names ]