{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | A sqlite backend for persistent.
module Database.Persist.Sqlite
    ( withSqlitePool
    , withSqliteConn
    , createSqlitePool
    , module Database.Persist.Sql
    , SqliteConf (..)
    , runSqlite
    , wrapConnection
    ) where

import Database.Persist.Sql

import qualified Database.Sqlite as Sqlite

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (control)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

createSqlitePool :: MonadIO m => Text -> Int -> m ConnectionPool
createSqlitePool s = createSqlPool $ open' s

withSqlitePool :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
               => Text
               -> Int -- ^ number of connections to open
               -> (ConnectionPool -> m a) -> m a
withSqlitePool s = withSqlPool $ open' s

withSqliteConn :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
               => Text -> (Connection -> m a) -> m a
withSqliteConn = withSqlConn . open'

open' :: Text -> IO Connection
open' = Sqlite.open >=> wrapConnection

-- | Wrap up a raw 'Sqlite.Connection' as a Persistent SQL 'Connection'.
-- Since 1.1.5
wrapConnection :: Sqlite.Connection -> IO Connection
wrapConnection conn = do
    smap <- newIORef $ Map.empty
    return Connection
        { connPrepare = prepare' conn
        , connStmtMap = smap
        , connInsertSql = insertSql'
        , connClose = Sqlite.close conn
        , connMigrateSql = migrate'
        , connBegin = helper "BEGIN"
        , connCommit = helper "COMMIT"
        , connRollback = ignoreExceptions . helper "ROLLBACK"
        , connEscapeName = escape
        , connNoLimit = "LIMIT -1"
        , connRDBMS = "sqlite"
        , connLimitOffset = decorateSQLWithLimitOffset "LIMIT -1"
    helper t getter = do
        stmt <- getter t
        _ <- stmtExecute stmt []
        stmtReset stmt
    ignoreExceptions = E.handle (\(_ :: E.SomeException) -> return ())

-- | A convenience helper which creates a new database connection and runs the
-- given block, handling @MonadResource@ and @MonadLogger@ requirements. Note
-- that all log messages are discarded.
-- Since 1.1.4
runSqlite :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
          => Text -- ^ connection string
          -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) a -- ^ database action
          -> m a
runSqlite connstr = runResourceT
                  . runNoLoggingT
                  . withSqliteConn connstr
                  . runSqlConn

prepare' :: Sqlite.Connection -> Text -> IO Statement
prepare' conn sql = do
    stmt <- Sqlite.prepare conn sql
    return Statement
        { stmtFinalize = Sqlite.finalize stmt
        , stmtReset = Sqlite.reset conn stmt
        , stmtExecute = execute' conn stmt
        , stmtQuery = withStmt' conn stmt

insertSql' :: EntityDef SqlType -> [PersistValue] -> InsertSqlResult
insertSql' ent vals =
  case entityPrimary ent of
    Just _ ->
      ISRManyKeys sql vals
        where sql = T.concat
                [ "INSERT INTO "
                , escape $ entityDB ent
                , "("
                , T.intercalate "," $ map (escape . fieldDB) $ entityFields ent
                , ") VALUES("
                , T.intercalate "," (map (const "?") $ entityFields ent)
                , ")"
    Nothing ->
      ISRInsertGet ins sel
          sel = "SELECT last_insert_rowid()"
          ins = T.concat
              [ "INSERT INTO "
              , escape $ entityDB ent
              , "("
              , T.intercalate "," $ map (escape . fieldDB) $ entityFields ent
              , ") VALUES("
              , T.intercalate "," (map (const "?") $ entityFields ent)
              , ")"

execute' :: Sqlite.Connection -> Sqlite.Statement -> [PersistValue] -> IO Int64
execute' conn stmt vals = flip finally (liftIO $ Sqlite.reset conn stmt) $ do
    Sqlite.bind stmt vals
    _ <- Sqlite.step stmt
    Sqlite.changes conn

          :: MonadResource m
          => Sqlite.Connection
          -> Sqlite.Statement
          -> [PersistValue]
          -> Source m [PersistValue]
withStmt' conn stmt vals = bracketP
    (Sqlite.bind stmt vals >> return stmt)
    (Sqlite.reset conn)
    (const pull)
    pull = do
        x <- liftIO $ Sqlite.step stmt
        case x of
            Sqlite.Done -> return ()
            Sqlite.Row -> do
                cols <- liftIO $ Sqlite.columns stmt
                yield cols

showSqlType :: SqlType -> Text
showSqlType SqlString = "VARCHAR"
showSqlType SqlInt32 = "INTEGER"
showSqlType SqlInt64 = "INTEGER"
showSqlType SqlReal = "REAL"
showSqlType (SqlNumeric precision scale) = T.concat [ "NUMERIC(", T.pack (show precision), ",", T.pack (show scale), ")" ]
showSqlType SqlDay = "DATE"
showSqlType SqlTime = "TIME"
showSqlType SqlDayTimeZoned = "TIMESTAMP"
showSqlType SqlDayTime = "TIMESTAMP"
showSqlType SqlBlob = "BLOB"
showSqlType SqlBool = "BOOLEAN"
showSqlType (SqlOther t) = t

migrate' :: [EntityDef a]
         -> (Text -> IO Statement)
         -> EntityDef SqlType
         -> IO (Either [Text] [(Bool, Text)])
migrate' allDefs getter val = do
    let (cols, uniqs, _) = mkColumns allDefs val
    let newSql = mkCreateTable False def (filter (not . safeToRemove val . cName) cols, uniqs)
    stmt <- getter "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?"
    oldSql' <- runResourceT
             $ stmtQuery stmt [PersistText $ unDBName table] $$ go
    case oldSql' of
        Nothing -> return $ Right [(False, newSql)]
        Just oldSql -> do
            if oldSql == newSql
                then return $ Right []
                else do
                    sql <- getCopyTable allDefs getter val
                    return $ Right sql
    def = val
    table = entityDB def
    go = do
        x <- CL.head
        case x of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just [PersistText y] -> return $ Just y
            Just y -> error $ "Unexpected result from sqlite_master: " ++ show y

-- | Check if a column name is listed as the "safe to remove" in the entity
-- list.
safeToRemove :: EntityDef a -> DBName -> Bool
safeToRemove def (DBName colName)
    = any (elem "SafeToRemove" . fieldAttrs)
    $ filter ((== (DBName colName)) . fieldDB)
    $ entityFields def

getCopyTable :: [EntityDef a]
             -> (Text -> IO Statement)
             -> EntityDef SqlType
             -> IO [(Bool, Text)]
getCopyTable allDefs getter val = do
    stmt <- getter $ T.concat [ "PRAGMA table_info(", escape table, ")" ]
    oldCols' <- runResourceT $ stmtQuery stmt [] $$ getCols
    let oldCols = map DBName $ filter (/= "id") oldCols' -- need to update for table id attribute ?
    let newCols = filter (not . safeToRemove def) $ map cName cols
    let common = filter (`elem` oldCols) newCols
    let id_ = entityID val
    return [ (False, tmpSql)
           , (False, copyToTemp $ id_ : common)
           , (common /= filter (not . safeToRemove def) oldCols, dropOld)
           , (False, newSql)
           , (False, copyToFinal $ id_ : newCols)
           , (False, dropTmp)

    def = val
    getCols = do
        x <- CL.head
        case x of
            Nothing -> return []
            Just (_:PersistText name:_) -> do
                names <- getCols
                return $ name : names
            Just y -> error $ "Invalid result from PRAGMA table_info: " ++ show y
    table = entityDB def
    tableTmp = DBName $ unDBName table <> "_backup"
    (cols, uniqs, _) = mkColumns allDefs val
    cols' = filter (not . safeToRemove def . cName) cols
    newSql = mkCreateTable False def (cols', uniqs)
    tmpSql = mkCreateTable True def { entityDB = tableTmp } (cols', uniqs)
    dropTmp = "DROP TABLE " <> escape tableTmp
    dropOld = "DROP TABLE " <> escape table
    copyToTemp common = T.concat
        [ "INSERT INTO "
        , escape tableTmp
        , "("
        , T.intercalate "," $ map escape common
        , ") SELECT "
        , T.intercalate "," $ map escape common
        , " FROM "
        , escape table
    copyToFinal newCols = T.concat
        [ "INSERT INTO "
        , escape table
        , " SELECT "
        , T.intercalate "," $ map escape newCols
        , " FROM "
        , escape tableTmp

mkCreateTable :: Bool -> EntityDef a -> ([Column], [UniqueDef]) -> Text
mkCreateTable isTemp entity (cols, uniqs) =
  case entityPrimary entity of
    Just _ ->
        [ "CREATE"
        , if isTemp then " TEMP" else ""
        , " TABLE "
        , escape $ entityDB entity
        , "("
        , T.drop 1 $ T.concat $ map sqlColumn cols
        , ", PRIMARY KEY "
        , "("
        , T.intercalate "," $ map (escape . fieldDB) $ entityFields entity
        , ")"
        , ")"
    Nothing -> T.concat
        [ "CREATE"
        , if isTemp then " TEMP" else ""
        , " TABLE "
        , escape $ entityDB entity
        , "("
        , escape $ entityID entity
        , T.concat $ map sqlColumn cols
        , T.concat $ map sqlUnique uniqs
        , ")"

sqlColumn :: Column -> Text
sqlColumn (Column name isNull typ def _cn _maxLen ref) = T.concat
    [ ","
    , escape name
    , " "
    , showSqlType typ
    , if isNull then " NULL" else " NOT NULL"
    , case def of
        Nothing -> ""
        Just d -> " DEFAULT " <> d
    , case ref of
        Nothing -> ""
        Just (table, _) -> " REFERENCES " <> escape table

sqlUnique :: UniqueDef -> Text
sqlUnique (UniqueDef _ cname cols _) = T.concat
    [ ",CONSTRAINT "
    , escape cname
    , " UNIQUE ("
    , T.intercalate "," $ map (escape . snd) cols
    , ")"

escape :: DBName -> Text
escape (DBName s) =
    T.concat [q, T.concatMap go s, q]
    q = T.singleton '"'
    go '"' = "\"\""
    go c = T.singleton c

-- | Information required to connect to a sqlite database
data SqliteConf = SqliteConf
    { sqlDatabase :: Text
    , sqlPoolSize :: Int

instance PersistConfig SqliteConf where
    type PersistConfigBackend SqliteConf = SqlPersistT
    type PersistConfigPool SqliteConf = ConnectionPool
    createPoolConfig (SqliteConf cs size) = createSqlitePool cs size
    runPool _ = runSqlPool
    loadConfig (Object o) =
        SqliteConf <$> o .: "database"
                   <*> o .: "poolsize"
    loadConfig _ = mzero

finally :: MonadBaseControl IO m
        => m a -- ^ computation to run first
        -> m b -- ^ computation to run afterward (even if an exception was raised)
        -> m a
finally a sequel = control $ \runInIO ->
                     E.finally (runInIO a)
                               (runInIO sequel)
{-# INLINABLE finally #-}