{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Network.PeyoTLS.ReadFile (
	CertSecretKey, readKey, readCertificateChain, readCertificateStore) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad (unless, forM)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ASN1.Types as ASN1
import qualified Data.ASN1.Encoding as ASN1
import qualified Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding as ASN1
import qualified Data.ASN1.BitArray as ASN1
import qualified Data.PEM as PEM
import qualified Data.X509 as X509
import qualified Data.X509.File as X509
import qualified Data.X509.CertificateStore as X509
import qualified Codec.Bytable.BigEndian as B
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim as ECC
import qualified Crypto.Types.PubKey.ECC as ECC
import qualified Crypto.Types.PubKey.ECDSA as ECDSA

import Network.PeyoTLS.CertSecretKey (CertSecretKey(..))

readKey :: FilePath -> IO CertSecretKey
readKey fp = maybe (readEcdsaKey fp) return =<< readRsaKey fp

readRsaKey :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe CertSecretKey)
readRsaKey fp = X509.readKeyFile fp >>= \ks -> case ks of
	[X509.PrivKeyRSA sk] -> return . Just $ RsaKey sk
	_ -> return Nothing

readEcdsaKey :: FilePath -> IO CertSecretKey
readEcdsaKey = (EcdsaKey . either error id . decodeEcdsaKey <$>) . BS.readFile

readCertificateChain :: [FilePath] -> IO X509.CertificateChain
readCertificateChain fps =
	X509.CertificateChain . concat <$> forM fps X509.readSignedObject

readCertificateStore :: [FilePath] -> IO X509.CertificateStore
readCertificateStore =
	(X509.makeCertificateStore . concat <$>) . mapM X509.readSignedObject

decodeEcdsaKey :: BS.ByteString -> Either String ECDSA.PrivateKey
decodeEcdsaKey bs = do
	pms <- either (Left . show) return $ PEM.pemParseBS bs
	pm <- fromSinglePem pms
	pmc <- case pm of
			PEM.pemName = "EC PRIVATE KEY",
			PEM.pemHeader = [],
			PEM.pemContent = c } -> return c
		_ -> Left $ pre ++ "bad PEM structure"
	asn <- either (Left . show) return $ ASN1.decodeASN1' ASN1.DER pmc
	(sk, oid, pk) <- case asn of
		[ASN1.Start ASN1.Sequence,
			ASN1.IntVal 1,
			ASN1.OctetString s,
			ASN1.Start (ASN1.Container ASN1.Context 0),
				o, ASN1.End (ASN1.Container ASN1.Context 0),
			ASN1.Start (ASN1.Container ASN1.Context 1),
				ASN1.BitString (ASN1.BitArray _pl p),
				ASN1.End (ASN1.Container ASN1.Context 1),
			ASN1.End ASN1.Sequence] -> (, o, p) <$> B.decode s
		_ -> Left $ pre ++ "bad ASN.1 structure"
	unless (oid == oidSecp256r1) . Left $ pre ++ "not implemented curve"
	tpk <- case BS.uncons pk of
		Just (4, t) -> return t
		_ -> Left $ pre ++ "not implemented point format"
	(x, y) <- (\(ex, ey) -> (,) <$> ex <*> ey) .
			(B.decode *** B.decode) $ BS.splitAt 32 tpk
	unless (ECC.Point x y == ECC.pointMul secp256r1 sk g) .
		Left $ pre ++ "the public key not match"
	return $ ECDSA.PrivateKey secp256r1 sk
	pre = "ReadFile.decodeEcdsaKey: "
	fromSinglePem [x] = return x
	fromSinglePem _ = Left $ pre ++ "not single PEM"
	g = ECC.ecc_g $ ECC.common_curve secp256r1
	secp256r1 = ECC.getCurveByName ECC.SEC_p256r1
	oidSecp256r1 = ASN1.OID [1, 2, 840, 10045, 3, 1, 7]