phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-array- Helps to create texts with the given phonetic properties (e. g. poetic).
Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020-2021
Safe HaskellNone
  • BangPatterns
  • FlexibleContexts



Library module that contains functions earlier used by the propertiesTextG3 executable for the Ukrainian language (see: Is rewritten from the Phonetic.Languages.GetTextualInfo module from the phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array package.


generalProc Source #


:: GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters. Is specific for every phonetic language and every representation, so must be provided by the user in every case. The example of the function can be found in the package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array.

-> [[[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]]

A list of 4 different functions that specifies the syllables durations, analogues of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package. The last one must be probably the most exact one and, therefore, the default one.

-> Concatenations

Data used to concatenate the basic grammar preserving words and word sequences to the next word to leave the most of the meaning (semantics) of the text available to easy understanding while reading and listening to.

-> String 
-> String 
-> String 
-> Bool 
-> [String] 
-> [String] 
-> Coeffs2 
-> FilePath 
-> String 
-> Int 
-> Int 
-> String

Is intended to be one of the following strings: "02y", "02z", "03y", "03z", "04y", "04z", "0y", "0z", "y", "y0", "y2", "y3", "y4", "yy", "yy2", "yy3", "z", "z2", "z3", "z4", "zz", "zz2", "zz3", "zz4" or some other one (that is the default one). Specifies the applied properties to get the result. The "z"-line uses 'F' functions.

-> IO () 

getData3 Source #


:: GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String 
-> String 
-> (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters. Is specific for every phonetic language and every representation, so must be provided by the user in every case. The example of the function can be found in the package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array.

-> [[[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]]

A list of 4 different functions that specifies the syllables durations, analogues of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package. The last one must be probably the most exact one and, therefore, the default one.

-> Bool 
-> Coeffs2 
-> Int 
-> Int 
-> String

Is intended to be one of the following strings: "02y", "02z", "03y", "03z", "04y", "04z", "0y", "0z", "y", "y0", "y2", "y3", "y4", "yy", "yy2", "yy3", "z", "z2", "z3", "z4", "zz", "zz2", "zz3", "zz4" or some other one (that is the default one). Specifies the applied properties to get the result. The "z"-line uses 'F' functions.

-> [String] 
-> [String] 
-> IO () 

process1Line Source #


:: GWritingSystemPRPLX

Data used to obtain the phonetic language representation of the text.

-> [(Char, Char)]

The pairs of the Char that corresponds to the similar phonetic languages consonant phenomenon (e. g. allophones). Must be sorted in the ascending order to be used correctly.

-> CharPhoneticClassification

The Array Int PRS must be sorted in the ascending order to be used in the module correctly.

-> SegmentRulesG 
-> String 
-> String 
-> (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters. Is specific for every phonetic language and every representation, so must be provided by the user in every case. The example of the function can be found in the package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array.

-> [[[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]]

A list of 4 different functions that specifies the syllables durations, analogues of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package. The last one must be probably the most exact one and, therefore, the default one.

-> Bool 
-> Coeffs2 
-> Int 
-> Int 
-> String

Is intended to be one of the following strings: "02y", "02z", "03y", "03z", "04y", "04z", "0y", "0z", "y", "y0", "y2", "y3", "y4", "yy", "yy2", "yy3", "z", "z2", "z3", "z4", "zz", "zz2", "zz3", "zz4" or some other one (that is the default one). Specifies the applied properties to get the result. The "z"-line uses 'F' functions.

-> [String] 
-> Array Int [Array Int Int]

A permutations array of indices.

-> String 
-> IO ()