Name: phooey Version: 1.0 Synopsis: Functional user interfaces Category: User Interfaces Description: Phooey is a library for functional UIs, providing three different functional interfaces: Monad, Applicative, and Arrow. See the correspondingly named modules in the list below. The other modules are exposed for extensibility. . Try out the examples in @src\/Examples\/@. . See also . * The project wiki page . * Use of Phooey for composable interfaces in the TV library: . * The implementation of data-driven computation (used in Phooey) from the TypeCompose library: . This page and the module documentation pages have links to colorized source code and to wiki pages where you can read and contribute /user comments/. Enjoy! . © 2006 by Conal Elliott; BSD3 license. Author: Conal Elliott Maintainer: Homepage: Copyright: (c) 2006 by Conal Elliott License: BSD3 Stability: provisional Hs-Source-Dirs: src Extensions: CPP, Arrows Build-Depends: base, mtl, arrows, TypeCompose, wx, wxcore Exposed-Modules: Graphics.UI.Phooey.Imperative Graphics.UI.Phooey.TagT Graphics.UI.Phooey.LayoutT Graphics.UI.Phooey.Monad Graphics.UI.Phooey.Applicative Graphics.UI.Phooey.Arrow Extra-Source-Files: Examples.Imperative Examples.Monad Examples.Applicative Examples.Arrow ghc-options: -O -Wall