{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Pianola.Model.Swing (
        GUI (..),
        Window (..),
        WindowInfo (..),
        WindowLike (..),
        Windowed (..),
        ComponentW (..),
        Component (..),
        ComponentInfo (..),
        ComponentType (..),
        ComponentLike (..),
        Cell (..),
        Tab (..),
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Data.Tree
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Env    
import Data.List
import Pianola.Util
import Pianola.Pianola
import Pianola.Geometry
import Control.Monad.Logic

-- | A client-side representation of the state of a remote Swing GUI.
-- Interaction with the GUI is through actions in the monad /m/. 
type GUI m = [Window m]

newtype Window m = Window { unWindow :: Tree (WindowInfo m) }

-- | Typeclass instantiated by windows and components aware of belonging to a
-- window.
class Windowed w where
    window :: Monad n => w m -> n (Window m)

-- | Typeclass which provides convenience functions to supplement the bare fields of a 'WindowInfo' record.
class Windowed w => WindowLike w where
    wInfo :: w m -> WindowInfo m 

    title :: (Monad m,Monad n) => (w m) -> n T.Text
    title = return . _windowTitle . wInfo

    -- | If the window has a title that satisfies the predicate, returns the
    -- window, otherwise 'mzero'.
    hasTitle :: MonadPlus n => (T.Text -> Bool) -> w m -> n (w m)
    hasTitle f w = do
        guard . f $ _windowTitle . wInfo $ w  
        return w

    -- | Convenience function to access the components in the popup layer. Most
    -- of the time, clients should use 'popupItem' instead of this function.
    popupLayer :: Monad m => Glance m l (w m) (Component m)
    popupLayer = replusify . _popupLayer . wInfo

    -- | Convenience function to log an screenshot of a window.
    logcapture :: Monad m => Pianola m LogEntry (w m) ()
    logcapture = (peek $ liftN._capture.wInfo) >>= logimg

    -- | Convenience function which returns the content pane component
    -- augmented with a reference to the containing window. 
    contentPane :: Monad m => Glance m l (w m) (ComponentW m)
    contentPane win = 
        let concrete = runIdentity $ window win
        in return . ComponentW 
                  . EnvT concrete
                  . unComponent 
                  . _contentPane   
                  . wInfo 
                  $ win
    -- | Brings the window to the front of the screen.
    toFront :: Monad m => Glance m l (w m) (Sealed m)
    toFront = return . _toFront . wInfo

    -- | Sends an /escape/ keypress to the window.
    escape :: Monad m => Glance m l (w m) (Sealed m)
    escape = return . _escape . wInfo

    -- | Sends an /enter/ keypress to the window.
    enter :: Monad m => Glance m l (w m) (Sealed m)
    enter = return . _enter . wInfo

    close :: Monad m => Glance m l (w m) (Sealed m)
    close = return . _close . wInfo

instance Treeish (Window m) where
    children (Window c) = children c >>= return . Window
    descendants (Window c) = descendants c >>= return . Window

instance WindowLike Window where
    wInfo = rootLabel . unWindow

instance Windowed Window where
    window = return . id

data WindowInfo m = WindowInfo 
    {  _windowTitle::T.Text
    -- | Width, height.
    ,  _windowDim::(Int,Int) 
    -- | List of components in the menu bar. See 'selectInMenuBar'.
    ,  _menu::[Component m]
    -- | List of components in the popup layer.
    ,  _popupLayer:: [Component m]
    -- | The contents pane. All non-popup components of the window are
    -- descendants of the contents pane. See 'contentPane' and 'descendants'. 
    ,  _contentPane::Component m
    -- | Action which returns a screenshot capture of the window. See 'logcapture'.
    ,  _capture::Nullipotent m Image
    -- | See 'escape'. 
    ,  _escape::Sealed m
    -- | See 'enter'.
    ,  _enter::Sealed m
    -- | See 'close'.
    ,  _close::Sealed m
    -- | See 'toFront'.
    ,  _toFront::Sealed m

-- | A component which carries a reference to the window to which it belongs.
-- See 'Windowed'.
newtype ComponentW m = ComponentW 
    { unComponentW :: EnvT (Window m) Tree (ComponentInfo m) }

instance Treeish (ComponentW m) where
    children (ComponentW c) = children c >>= return . ComponentW
    descendants (ComponentW c) = descendants c >>= return . ComponentW

instance ComponentLike ComponentW where
    cInfo = rootLabel . lower . unComponentW

instance Windowed ComponentW where
    window = return . ask . unComponentW 

newtype Component m = Component 
    { unComponent :: Tree (ComponentInfo m) }

instance Treeish (Component m) where
    children (Component c) = children c >>= return . Component 
    descendants (Component c) = descendants c >>= return . Component

instance ComponentLike Component where
    cInfo = rootLabel . unComponent

data ComponentInfo m = ComponentInfo 
    {   -- | The position of the component within the containing window. 
        -- | Width and height.
    ,  _dim::(Int,Int)
    ,  _name::Maybe T.Text
    ,  _tooltip::Maybe T.Text
        -- | The textual value of the component.
    ,  _text::Maybe T.Text
    ,  _enabled::Bool
    ,  _componentType::ComponentType m
    ,  _click::Sealed m
    ,  _doubleClick::Sealed m
    ,  _rightClick::Sealed m

instance ComponentLike c => Geometrical (c m) where
    nwcorner = _pos . cInfo
    dimensions = _dim . cInfo     

-- | Typeclass which provides convenience functions to supplement the bare fields of a 'ComponentInfo' record.
class ComponentLike c where
    cInfo :: c m -> ComponentInfo m 

    cType :: c m -> ComponentType m 
    cType = _componentType . cInfo 

    -- | Returns the component's textual content or 'mzero' if it doesn't have
    -- any.
    text :: MonadPlus n => c m -> n T.Text
    text = justZ . _text . cInfo

    -- | If the component has some kind of textual content and the text
    -- satisfies the predicate, returns the component, otherwise 'mzero'.
    hasText:: MonadPlus n => (T.Text -> Bool) -> c m -> n (c m)
    hasText f c = do
        t <- text $ c 
        guard $ f t
        return c

    -- | Returns the component's tooltip or 'mzero' if it doesn't have any.
    tooltip :: MonadPlus n => c m -> n T.Text
    tooltip = justZ . _tooltip . cInfo

    -- | If the component has a tooltip and the tooltip satisfies the
    -- predicate, returns the component, otherwise 'mzero'.
    hasToolTip:: MonadPlus n => (T.Text -> Bool) -> c m -> n (c m)
    hasToolTip f c = do
        t <- tooltip $ c 
        guard $ f t
        return c

    -- | If the component has a name and the name satisfies the predicate,
    -- returns the component, otherwise 'mzero'.
    hasName:: MonadPlus n => (T.Text -> Bool) -> c m -> n (c m)
    hasName f c = do
        t <- justZ._name.cInfo $ c 
        guard $ f t
        return c

    -- | Toggles the component to the desired state if the component is
    -- toggleable, 'mzero' otherwise.
    toggle:: MonadPlus n => Bool -> c m -> n (Sealed m)
    toggle b (cType -> Toggleable _ f) = return $ f b
    toggle _ _ = mzero

    -- | Returns the click action of a component.
    click:: Monad n => c m -> n (Sealed m)
    click = return._click.cInfo

    doubleClick:: Monad n => c m -> n (Sealed m)
    doubleClick = return._doubleClick.cInfo

    rightClick:: Monad n => c m -> n (Sealed m)
    rightClick = return._rightClick.cInfo

    -- | If the component is a button returns its click action, otherwise
    -- 'mzero'.
    clickButton:: MonadPlus n => c m -> n (Sealed m)
    clickButton (cType -> Button a) = return a
    clickButton _ = mzero

    -- | If the component is a combo box returns its click action, otherwise
    -- 'mzero'.
    clickCombo:: MonadPlus n => c m -> n (Sealed m)
    clickCombo (cType -> ComboBox _ a) = return a
    clickCombo _ = mzero

    -- | If the component is a list and has a cell whose renderer's text
    -- satisfies the predicate, returns the cell, otherwise 'mzero'.
    listCellByText:: MonadPlus n => (T.Text -> Bool) -> c m -> n (Cell m)
    listCellByText f (cType -> List l) = do 
        cell <- replusify l
        let renderer = _renderer cell
        descendants >=> hasText f $ renderer
        return cell
    listCellByText _ _ = mzero

    -- | If the component is a table and has a cell at the specified column
    -- whose renderer's text satisfies the predicate, returns a pair of the
    -- cell and the row to which it belongs, otherwise 'mzero'.
    tableCellByText:: MonadPlus n => Int -> (T.Text -> Bool) -> c m -> n (Cell m,[Cell m])  
    tableCellByText colIndex f (cType -> Table listOfCols) = do
        column <- atZ listOfCols colIndex
        (rowfocus,row) <- replusify $ zip column $ transpose listOfCols  
        let renderer = _renderer rowfocus
        descendants >=> hasText f $ renderer
        return (rowfocus,row)    
    tableCellByText _ _ _ = mzero

    -- | If the component is a tree and has a cell at the specified depth
    -- (starting at 0 for the root) whose renderer's text satisfies the
    -- predicate, returns the subtree which has the cell as a root, otherwise
    -- 'mzero'.
    treeCellByText :: MonadPlus n => Int -> (T.Text -> Bool) -> c m -> n (Tree (Cell m))
    treeCellByText depth f (cType -> Treegui cellForest) = do
        tree <- replusify cellForest
        level <- flip atZ depth . levels . duplicate $ tree
        subtree <- replusify level
        let renderer = _renderer . rootLabel $ subtree
        descendants >=> hasText f $ renderer
        return subtree
    treeCellByText _ _ _ = mzero

    -- | Returns the tabs of a component if the component is a tabbed pane,
    -- 'mzero' otherwise.
    tab:: MonadPlus n => c m -> n (Tab m)
    tab (cType -> TabbedPane p) = replusify p
    tab _ = mzero

    -- | If the component is a text field and is editable, set the text of the
    -- text field. Otherwise 'mzero'.
    setText:: MonadPlus n => T.Text -> c m -> n (Sealed m)
    setText txt c = case (cType c) of
        TextField (Just f) -> return $ f txt
        _ -> mzero

-- | Represents data specific to each subclass of Swing components.
data ComponentType m =
 -- | A check box, either in a window or in a popup menu. The bool value is the
 -- current selection state.
    |Toggleable Bool (Bool -> Sealed m)
 -- | A button with its selection action. Menu items in popup menus are also
 -- treated as buttons.
    |Button (Sealed m)
 -- | 'Nothing' when the textfield is not editable.
    |TextField (Maybe (T.Text -> Sealed m)) 
 -- | A combo box which may already have a selection, and which offers a click
 -- action which shows the drop-down list. See 'selectInComboBox'. 
    |ComboBox (Maybe (Component m)) (Sealed m)
 -- | See 'listCellByText'.
    |List [Cell m]
 -- | Tables are represented as lists of columns. See 'tableCellByText'.
    |Table [[Cell m]]
 -- | A list of trees of 'Cell'. It is a list of trees instead of a single tree
 -- so that JTrees which do not show the root can be represented. See 'treeCellByText'.
    |Treegui (Forest (Cell m)) 
 -- | In Swing, popup menus reside in the popup layer of a window or, if the
 -- popup extends beyond the window, in the contents pane of a child window
 -- created to hold the popup. See 'popupItem'.
 -- | See 'selectTabByText'. 
    |TabbedPane [Tab m]
 -- | The text value holds the name of the class.
    |Other T.Text

-- | Complex gui components like lists, tables and trees are represented as
-- list of cells, list of lists (list of columns) of cells, and trees of cells,
-- respectively.
-- Bear in mind that in Swing the renderer sub-components of a complex
-- component do /not/ count as children of the component. However, editor
-- components /do/ count as children of the component. 
-- A common case is to double click on a table cell to activate the cell's
-- editor, and then having to look for that editor among the descendants of the
-- table.
data Cell m = Cell 
    -- | The rendering component. Clients should not try to invoke actions on
    -- rendering components, as they are inert and only used for display
    -- purposes. 
      _renderer::Component m
    , _clickCell::Sealed m
    , _doubleClickCell::Sealed m
    , _rightClickCell::Sealed m
    -- | Always 'Nothing' for cells not belonging to trees.
    , _expand:: Maybe (Bool -> Sealed m)

data Tab m = Tab
    { _tabText::T.Text
    , _tabToolTip::Maybe T.Text
    , _isTabSelected:: Bool
    , _selectTab::Sealed m

-- | Returns the main window of the application. Only works properly when there
-- is only one top-level window.
mainWindow :: Glance m l (GUI m) (Window m)
mainWindow = replusify

-- | Returns the children of a window.
childWindow :: Glance m l (Window m) (Window m)
childWindow = children

-- | Returns all visible windows whose title satisfies the predicate.
windowTitled :: (T.Text -> Bool) -> Glance m l (GUI m) (Window m)
windowTitled f = replusify >=> descendants >=> hasTitle f 

-- | If the component or *any of its descendants* is a button whose text
-- satisfies the predicate, returns the click action. Otherwise 'mzero'.
clickButtonByText :: (Monad m,ComponentLike c,Treeish (c m)) => (T.Text -> Bool) -> Glance m l (c m) (Sealed m) 
clickButtonByText f = descendants >=> hasText f >=> clickButton

-- | Similar to 'clickButtonByText'.
clickButtonByToolTip :: (Monad m,ComponentLike c,Treeish (c m)) => (T.Text -> Bool) -> Glance m l (c m) (Sealed m) 
clickButtonByToolTip f = descendants >=> hasToolTip f >=> clickButton

-- | Similar to 'clickButtonByText'.
rightClickByText :: (Monad m,ComponentLike c,Treeish (c m)) => (T.Text -> Bool) -> Glance m l (c m) (Sealed m) 
rightClickByText f = descendants >=> hasText f >=> rightClick

-- | Returns all the visible popup items belonging to a window (that is, not
-- only the popup components themselves, but all their clickable children).
-- Clients should use this function instead of trying to access the popup layer
-- directly.
popupItem :: Monad m => Glance m l (Window m) (Component m)
popupItem w = 
    let insidepop = children >=> contentPane >=> descendants >=> \c -> 
            case cType c of
                PopupMenu -> descendants c
                _ -> mzero
    in (popupLayer >=> descendants $ w) `mplus` 
       (insidepop >=> return . Component . lower . unComponentW $ w)

-- | Performs a sequence of selections in a window menu, based to the text of
-- the options. Pass it something like 
-- > map (==) ["menuitem1","menuitem2',...]
-- To match the exact names of the options.
selectInMenuBar :: Monad m => [T.Text -> Bool] -> Pianola m l (Window m) ()
selectInMenuBar ps = 
    let go (firstitem,middleitems,lastitem) = do
           poke $ replusify._menu.wInfo >=> descendants >=> hasText firstitem >=> clickButton
           let pairs = zip middleitems (clickButton <$ middleitems) ++
                       [(lastitem, clickButton)]
           forM_ pairs $ \(txt,action) -> 
               pmaybe pfail $ retryPoke1s 7 $ 
                   popupItem >=> hasText txt >=> action
        clip l = (,,) <$> headZ l <*> (initZ l >>= tailZ) <*> lastZ l
    in maybe pfail go (clip ps)

-- | Like 'selectInMenuBar', but for when the last item is a toggleable
-- component. The boolean paramenter is the desired selection state.
toggleInMenuBar :: Monad m => Bool -> [T.Text -> Bool] -> Pianola m l (Window m) ()
toggleInMenuBar toggleStatus ps = 
    let go (firstitem,middleitems,lastitem) = do
           poke $ replusify._menu.wInfo >=> descendants >=> hasText firstitem >=> clickButton
           let pairs = zip middleitems (clickButton <$ middleitems) ++
                       [(lastitem, toggle toggleStatus)]
           forM_ pairs $ \(txt,action) -> 
               pmaybe pfail $ retryPoke1s 7 $ 
                   popupItem >=> hasText txt >=> action
           replicateM_ (length pairs) $ poke escape
        clip l = (,,) <$> headZ l <*> (initZ l >>= tailZ)  <*> lastZ l
    in maybe pfail go (clip ps)

-- | If the component is a combo box, clicks on it and selects an option by its
-- text. Otherwise fails.
selectInComboBox :: (Monad m, ComponentLike c, Windowed c) => (T.Text -> Bool) -> Pianola m l (c m) ()
selectInComboBox f = do
        poke $ clickCombo
        poke $ window >=> popupItem >=> listCellByText f >=> return._clickCell

-- | If the component is a tabbed pane returns the select action of a tab whose
-- text matches the predicate. Returns 'mzero' if the component is not a tabbed
-- pane.
selectTabByText :: (Monad m,ComponentLike c) => (T.Text -> Bool) -> Glance m l (c m) (Sealed m)
selectTabByText f =  
    tab >=> \aTab -> do    
        guard $ f . _tabText $ aTab
        return $ _selectTab aTab   

-- | Similar to 'selecTabByText'.
selectTabByToolTip :: (Monad m,ComponentLike c) => (T.Text -> Bool) -> Glance m l (c m) (Sealed m)
selectTabByToolTip f =  
    tab >=> \aTab -> do    
        tooltip <- justZ . _tabToolTip $ aTab
        guard $ f tooltip
        return $ _selectTab aTab   

-- | Returns the expand/collapse action of the root node of a tree of cells,
-- depending on a boolean parameter.  Useful with gui trees.
expand :: Monad m => Bool -> Glance m l (Tree (Cell m)) (Sealed m)
expand b cell = (justZ . _expand . rootLabel $ cell) <*> pure b

-- | Takes a component, searches its descendants to find a label whose text
-- matches the predicate, finds the component to which the label applies, and
-- returns it.
-- Useful for targeting text fields in form-like dialogs.
labeledBy :: (Monad m,ComponentLike c,Treeish (c m)) => (T.Text -> Bool) -> Glance m l (c m) (c m)
labeledBy f o = do
    ref <- descendants o 
    Label {} <- return . cType $ ref
    hasText f ref  
        positioned = sameLevelRightOf ref  
        labellable c = case cType c of
            Toggleable {} -> True
            Button {} -> True
            TextField {} -> True
            ComboBox {} -> True
            List {} -> True
            Table {} -> True
            Treegui {} -> True
            _ -> False
    candidates <- lift . observeAllT $ do
        c <- descendants o 
        guard $ labellable c && positioned c
        return c
    headZ $ sortBy (compare `on` minX) candidates