{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Pianola.Pianola (
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (catch,(.))
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Category
import Control.Error
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Logic
import Pipes

import Pianola.Util

-- | A Glance is just a kleisli arrow used to locate and extract particular
-- elements of type /a/ in a data structure of type /o/. 
-- The following effects are allowed: 
--       * Nondeterminism and failure. A Glance can return more than one value (or zero
--       values, with 'mzero'). See the 'replusify' function, which is a valid Glance.
--       * Logging. A Glance can log messages of type /l/ about the elements it
--       encounters during search, even elements visited in search branches which
--       ultimately fail to produce any results. See 'logmsg'.
--       * Interactions  with the server through the monad /m/, but only interactions
--       that don't change the state of the GUI. For example, getting a image capture
--       of a window. See 'Nullipotent'.
-- The following effects are forbidden: 
--       * Any kind of delay effect. Glances must return as soon as possible.  
--       * Interactions with the server which /do/ change the state of the GUI. Note
--       that you can target and return the actions of type 'Sealed' which dangle
--       on the branches of the source data structure. You just can't execute them
--       inside a Glance. To actually execute them, pass the glance as an argument to
--       'poke'.
type Glance m l o a = o -> LogicT (Produ l (Nullipotent m)) a

-- | Takes all the values returned by a 'Glance' and returns a new Glance in
-- which those values have been collected in a 'MonadPlus' (often a list). This
-- is useful when we want to recover a list of components which meet certain
-- criteria in order to compare them among themselves. For example, getting all
-- the buttons present in a window and sorting them left to right by their
-- position on the screen.
collect :: (Monad m, MonadPlus n) => Glance m l o a -> Glance m l o (n a)
collect = fmap $ \x -> lift $ observeAllT x >>= return . replusify

-- | Executes a 'Nullipotent' action in the context of a 'Glance'.
liftN :: Monad m => Glance m l (Nullipotent m a) a
liftN = lift . lift

-- | When the 'Glance' passed as argument finds nothing, the returned glance
-- finds a single (). When the Glance passed as argument finds one or more
-- values, the returned Glance finds zero results.
-- This function can be used in combination with 'retryPeek1s' to wait for the
-- dissapearance of a component on screen.
missing :: Monad m => Glance m l o a -> Glance m l o () 
missing = fmap lnot

-- A Glance wrapped in a constructor to make it an instance of Functor.
type ObserverF m l o = Compose ((->) o) (LogicT (Produ l (Nullipotent m)))

-- A bunch of Glances chained together.  
type Observer m l o = Free (ObserverF m l o)

-- Transforms the context of an Observer by composing all the Glances contained in the Observer with another Glance.
focus :: Monad m => Glance m l o' o -> Observer m l o a -> Observer m l o' a
focus prefix v =
   let nattrans (Compose k) = Compose $ prefix >=> k
   in hoistFree nattrans v

-- Uses the value of type m o to unwind all the Glances in an Observer. When
-- one Glance returns with more than one result, one of the results is selected
-- in order to continue. Also, the Nullipotent restriction is removed. 
runObserver :: Monad m => m o -> Observer m l o a -> MaybeT (Produ l m) a
runObserver _ (Pure b) = return b
runObserver mom (Free f) =
   let squint = fmap $ hoist (hoist runNullipotent) . tomaybet
   in join $ (lift . lift $ mom) >>= squint (getCompose $ runObserver mom <$> f)

type Delay = Int

-- | A computation which interacts which an external system represented locally
-- by the type /o/, using actions on the monad /m/, emitting log messages of
-- type /l/, and returning a value of type /a/.
-- The following effects are allowed:
--       * Purely observational interactions with the external system. See 'peek'.
--       * Logging. Log messages are emitted in the middle of the computation, unlike
--       in a Writer monad. See 'logmsg' and 'logimg'. 
--       * Failure. See 'pfail'.
--       * Delays. See 'sleep'.
--       * Actions in the /m/ monad which actually change the external system, like
--       clicking on a button of a GUI. See 'poke'.
-- Instead of baking all possible effects into the base free monad, Pianola
-- takes the approach of representing each effect using the 'Proxy' type from
-- the pipes package.
-- The order of the trasformers in the monad stack is not arbitrary. For
-- example: it does not make sense for a log message to make the computation
-- fail or to trigger actions against the external system,  so the log producer
-- is colocated closest to the base monad, where it doesn't have access to
-- those kind of effects. 
-- Another example: it can be conveniento to automatically introduce a delay
-- after every action (see 'ralentize') or to automatically log each action
-- (see 'autolog').  Therefore, the 'Sealed' action producer is in the
-- outermost position, having access to all the effects.
-- To actually execute a Pianola, use a driver function like
-- 'Pianola.Pianola.Driver.simpleDriver' or a specialization of it.
newtype Pianola m l o a = Pianola 
    { unPianola :: Produ (Sealed m) (Produ Delay (MaybeT (Produ l (Observer m l o)))) a 
    } deriving (Functor,Monad)

instance Monad m => Loggy (Pianola m LogEntry o) where
    logentry = Pianola . lift . lift . lift . logentry

-- | Aborts a 'Pianola' computation.
pfail :: Monad m => Pianola m l o a
pfail = Pianola . lift . lift $ mzero

-- | If the second 'Pianola' argument returns Nothing, the first one is executed.
-- Often used in combination with 'pfail'. 
pmaybe :: Monad m => Pianola m l o a -> Pianola m l o (Maybe a) -> Pianola m l o a  
pmaybe f p = p >>= maybe f return 

-- | Lifts a 'Glance' into the 'Pianola' monad.
peek :: Monad m => Glance m l o a -> Pianola m l o a
peek = Pianola . lift . lift . lift . lift . liftF . Compose

-- | Like 'peek', but if the 'Glance' returns zero results then Nothing is
-- returned instead of failing and halting the whole computation. 
peekMaybe :: Monad m => Glance m l o a -> Pianola m l o (Maybe a)
peekMaybe = peek . collect

-- | Like 'peekMaybe', but the specified number of retries is performed before
-- returning Nothing. There is an sleep of 1 second between each retry. 
retryPeek1s :: Monad m => Int -> Glance m l o a -> Pianola m l o (Maybe a)
retryPeek1s = retryPeek $ sleep 1

-- | A more general version of 'retryPeek1s' which intersperses any 'Pianola'
-- action between retries.
retryPeek :: Monad m => Pianola m l o u -> Int -> Glance m l o a -> Pianola m l o (Maybe a)
retryPeek delay times glance =
    let retryPeek' [] = return Nothing
        retryPeek' (x:xs) = do
            z <- peekMaybe x
            maybe (delay >> retryPeek' xs) (return.return) z 
    in retryPeek' $ replicate times glance

inject :: Monad m => Sealed m -> Pianola m l o ()
inject = Pianola . yield

-- | Takes a glance that extracts an action of type 'Sealed' from a data
-- structure, and returns a 'Pianola' executing the action (when the Pianola is
-- interpreted by some driver-like fuction like
-- 'Pianola.Pianola.Driver.simpleDriver'.)
poke :: Monad m => Glance m l o (Sealed m) -> Pianola m l o () 
poke locator = peek locator >>= inject

-- | Like 'poke', but if the 'Glance' returns zero results then Nothing is
-- returned instead of failing and halting the whole computation. 
pokeMaybe :: Monad m => Glance m l o (Sealed m) -> Pianola m l o (Maybe ())
pokeMaybe locator = do 
    actionMaybe <- peekMaybe locator 
    case actionMaybe of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just action -> inject action >> return (Just ())

-- | Like 'pokeMaybe', but the specified number of retries is performed before
-- returning Nothing. There is an sleep of 1 second between each retry. 
retryPoke1s :: Monad m => Int -> Glance m l o (Sealed m)  -> Pianola m l o (Maybe ())
retryPoke1s = retryPoke $ sleep 1

-- | A more general version of 'retryPoke1s' which intersperses any 'Pianola'
-- action between retries.
retryPoke :: Monad m => Pianola m l o u -> Int -> Glance m l o (Sealed m)  -> Pianola m l o (Maybe ())
retryPoke delay times glance = do
    actionMaybe <- retryPeek delay times glance
    case actionMaybe of
       Nothing -> return Nothing
       Just action -> inject action >> return (Just ())

-- | Sleeps for the specified number of seconds
sleep :: Monad m => Delay -> Pianola m l o ()
sleep = Pianola . lift . yield

-- | Expands the context of a 'Pianola' using a 'Glance'. Typical use: transform a Pianola whose context is a particular window to a Pianola whose context is the whole GUI, using a Glance which locates the window in the GUI.
-- > with glance1 $ peek glance2 
-- is equal to 
-- > peek $ glance1 >=> glance2
-- 'with' can be used to group peeks and pokes whose glances share part of thir paths in common:
-- > do
-- >     poke $ glance1 >=> glance2
-- >     poke $ glance1 >=> glance3
-- is equal to 
-- > with glance1 $ do
-- >     poke glance2
-- >     poke glance3
with :: Monad m => Glance m l o' o -> Pianola m l o a -> Pianola m l o' a 
with prefix pi  =
    Pianola $ hoist (hoist (hoist (hoist $ focus prefix))) $ unPianola pi 

-- | Like 'with', but when the element targeted by the 'Glance' doens't exist,
-- the Pianola argument is not executed and 'Nothing' is returned.
withMaybe :: Monad m => Glance m l o' o -> Pianola m l o a -> Pianola m l o' (Maybe a) 
withMaybe glance pi = do
    r <- peekMaybe glance 
    case r of 
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just _ -> with glance pi >>= return . Just

-- | Like 'withMaybe', but several attempts to locate the target of the glance
-- are performed, with a separation of 1 second.
withRetry1s :: Monad m => Int -> Glance m l o' o -> Pianola m l o a -> Pianola m l o' (Maybe a)
withRetry1s = withRetry $ sleep 1

-- | A more general 'withMaybe' for which any 'Pianola' action can be interstpersed between retries.
withRetry :: Monad m => Pianola m l o' u -> Int -> Glance m l o' o -> Pianola m l o a -> Pianola m l o' (Maybe a)
withRetry delay times glance pi = do
    r <- retryPeek delay times glance 
    case r of 
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just _ -> with glance pi >>= return . Just

-- | Takes a delay in seconds and a 'Pianola' as parameters, and returns a
-- ralentized Pianola in which the delay has been inserted after every action.
ralentize :: Delay -> Pianola m l o a -> Pianola m l o a
ralentize = ralentizeByTag $ const True
ralentizeByTag :: ([Tag] -> Bool) -> Delay -> Pianola m l o a -> Pianola m l o a
ralentizeByTag f delay (Pianola p) = 
    let delayer = forever $ do  
            s <- await
            yield s
            when (f . tags $ s) (lift $ yield delay) 
    in Pianola $ p >-> delayer
-- | Modifies a 'Pianola' so that the default tags associated to an action are
-- logged automatically when the action is executed.
autolog :: Pianola m LogEntry o a -> Pianola m LogEntry o a 
autolog (Pianola p) =
    let logger = forever $ do
            s <- await
            yield s
            lift . lift . lift . logmsg $ fmtAction s
        fmtAction s = 
            "### Executed action with tags:" <> mconcat ( map (" "<>) . tags $ s ) 
    in Pianola $ p >-> logger

-- | Unwinds all the Glances contained in a 'Pianola' by supplying them with
-- the monadic value passed as the first argument. When a 'Glance' returns with
-- more than one result, one of the results is selected in order to continue (/TO DO/: 
-- emit a warning when this happens). The log messages of the glances are
-- fused with the Pianola's own log stream. All the 'Sealed' actions are
-- injected into the base monad. The delay and log effects remain uninjected.
-- Usually, clients should not call this function directly, but use a
-- driver function like 'Pianola.Pianola.Driver.simpleDriver'.
play :: Monad m => m o -> Pianola m l o a -> Produ Delay (MaybeT (Produ l m)) a
play mom pi =
    let smashMaybe m = runMaybeT m >>= lift . hoistMaybe
        smashProducer = forever $
                await >>= lift . lift . yield
        -- smash :: Monad m => MaybeT (Produ l (MaybeT (Produ l m))) a -> MaybeT (Produ l m) a
        smash mp = runEffect $ smashMaybe mp >-> smashProducer
        pi' = hoist (hoist (smash . hoist (hoist $ runObserver mom))) $ unPianola pi 
        injector = forever $ do
            s <- await
            lift . lift . lift . lift $ unseal s
    in runEffect $ pi' >-> injector