# CHANGELOG for pinboard-notes-backup These version numbers approximately follow the [Haskell Package Versioning Policy (PVP)][PVP]. (I say “approximately” because this package contains no libraries—only an executable—and so it does not actually provide an API per se.) [PVP]: https://pvp.haskell.org/ ## (2024-01-16) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. There were no changes in functionality. ## (2022-12-02) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. There were no changes in functionality. ## (2022-12-01) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. There were no changes in functionality. ## (2022-02-26) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. There were no changes in functionality. ## (2021-03-24) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. There were no changes in functionality. ## (2021-02-28) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. There were no changes in functionality. ## (2021-02-27) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. There were no changes in functionality. ## 1.0.5 (2019-09-15) - The Bash and Zsh completion scripts are now told explicitly that the “FILE” argument should be completed with a filename. (This seems to have been the default behavior for both shells anyway, so this may not represent an actual change in functionality.) - The application now builds against a wider range of dependencies. ## (2019-07-19) - The “built” version of the man page is now included in version control (in the `man` directory) and in the package produced by `cabal sdist`/`stack sdist`. (It was previously necessary to create this yourself by feeding the Markdown source file to Pandoc.) - Changed the categories and the description in the cabal file. - There were no changes to the code. ## 1.0.4 (2019-06-22) - Error messages should now be much more comprehensible, especially for the most common network errors. - Progress messages now go to standard output, not standard error. - The program now has a man page. - A few dependency changes mean that the binary should be smaller. ## 1.0.3 (2017-11-05) The program now builds against a wider set of dependencies. This will allow it to be installed using [Homebrew]. (There were no changes in functionality.) [Homebrew]: https://brew.sh ## 1.0.2 (2016-12-05) If any notes had been changed on the server then the application would error out instead of updating the local copy. ## 1.0.1 (2016-07-20) Tweaked the help text and made some under-the-hood changes. ## 1.0.0 (2016-06-28) Initial release.