{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Pinchot.Rules where

import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (get, put, State)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as T

import Pinchot.Types

-- | Name a 'Rule' for use in error messages.  If you do not name a
-- rule using this combinator, the rule's type name will be used in
-- error messages.
label :: Rule t -> String -> Rule t
label (Rule n _ t) s = Rule n (Just s) t

-- | Infix synonym for 'label'.  Example:
-- 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rDigit'.
(<?>) :: Rule t -> String -> Rule t
(<?>) = label
infixr 0 <?>

-- | Constructs a 'Rule' with no description.
rule :: RuleName -> RuleType t -> Rule t
rule n = Rule n Nothing

-- | Creates a terminal production rule.  Example:
-- 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rLetter'.
  :: RuleName
  -> T.Q (T.TExp (t -> Bool))
  -- ^ Valid terminal symbols.  This is a typed Template Haskell
  -- expression.  To use it, make sure you have
  -- > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
  -- at the top of your module, and then use the Template Haskell
  -- quotes, like this:
  -- > terminal "AtoZ" [|| (\c -> c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||]
  -> Rule t
terminal n i = rule n (Terminal (Predicate i))

-- | Creates a non-terminal production rule.  This is the most
-- flexible way to create non-terminals.  You can even create a
-- non-terminal that depends on itself.  Example:
-- 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rLetters'.

  :: RuleName
  -- ^ Will be used for the name of the resulting type
  -> [(BranchName, [Rule t])]
  -- ^ Branches of the non-terminal production rule.  This list
  -- must have at least one element; otherwise, an error will
  -- result.
  -> Rule t
nonTerminal n branches = case NE.nonEmpty branches of
  Nothing -> error $ "nonTerminal: rule has no branches: " ++ n
  Just bs -> rule n . NonTerminal . fmap (uncurry Branch) $ bs

-- | Creates a non-terminal production rule where each branch has
-- only one production.  This function ultimately uses
-- 'nonTerminal'.  Each branch is assigned a 'BranchName' that is
-- where @RULE_NAME@ is the name of the rule itself, and
-- @PRODUCTION_NAME@ is the rule name for what is being produced.
-- Example: 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rDirection'.
  :: RuleName
  -- ^ Will be used for the name of the resulting type
  -> [Rule t]
  -- ^ List of branches.  There must be at least one branch;
  -- otherwise a compile-time error will occur.
  -> Rule t
union n rs = nonTerminal n (fmap f rs)
    f rule@(Rule branchName _ _)
      = (n ++ '\'' : branchName, [rule])

-- | Creates a production for a sequence of terminals.  Useful for
-- parsing specific words.  When used with 'Pinchot.syntaxTrees', the
-- resulting data type is a @newtype@ that wraps a @'NE.NonEmpty'
-- (t, a)@, where @t@ is the type of the token (often 'Char') and @a@
-- is an arbitrary metadata type.
-- Examples: 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rBoulevard'.

  :: RuleName
  -- ^ Will be used for the name of the resulting type, and for the
  -- name of the sole data constructor
  -> [t]
  -- ^ The list of tokens to use.  This must have at least one item;
  -- otherwise this function will apply 'error'.  This list must be
  -- finite.
  -> Rule t
series n = rule n . Series . get . NE.nonEmpty
    get Nothing = error $ "term function used with empty list for rule: " ++ n
    get (Just a) = a

-- | Creates a newtype wrapper.  Example:
-- 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rCity'.
  :: RuleName
  -- ^ Will be used for the name of the resulting data type, and for
  -- the name of the sole data constructor
  -> Rule t
  -- ^ The resulting 'Rule' simply wraps this 'Rule'.
  -> Rule t
wrap n r = rule n (Wrap r)

-- | Creates a new non-terminal production rule with only one
-- alternative where each field has a record name.  The name of each
-- record is:
-- where @RULE_NAME@ is the name of this rule, @INDEX@ is the index number
-- for this field (starting with 0), and @FIELD_TYPE@ is the type of the
-- field itself.
-- Currently there is no way to change the names of the record fields.
-- Example: 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rAddress'.
  :: RuleName
  -- ^ The name of this rule, which is used both as the type name
  -- and for the name of the sole data constructor

  -> [Rule t]
  -- ^ The right-hand side of this rule.  This sequence can be empty,
  -- which results in an epsilon production.
  -> Rule t
record n rs = rule n (Record rs)

-- | Creates a rule for a production that optionally produces another
-- rule.  The name for the created 'Rule' is the name of the 'Rule' to
-- which this function is applied, with @'Opt@ appended to the end.
-- Example: 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rOptNewline'.
  :: Rule t
  -> Rule t
opt r@(Rule innerNm _ _) = rule n (Opt r)
    n = innerNm ++ "'Opt"

-- | Creates a rule for the production of a sequence of other rules.
-- The name for the created 'Rule' is the name of the 'Rule' to which
-- this function is applied, with @'Star@ appended.
-- Example: 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rPreSpacedWord'.
  :: Rule t
  -> Rule t
star r@(Rule innerNm _ _) = rule (innerNm ++ "'Star") (Star r)

-- | Creates a rule for a production that appears at least once.  The
-- name for the created 'Rule' is the name of the 'Rule' to which this
-- function is applied, with @'Plus@ appended.
-- Example: 'Pinchot.Examples.Postal.rDigits'.
  :: Rule t
  -> Rule t
plus r@(Rule innerNm _ _) = rule (innerNm ++ "'Plus") (Plus r)

-- | Gets all ancestor rules to this 'Rule'.  Includes the current
-- rule if it has not already been seen.
getAncestors :: Rule t -> State (Set RuleName) [Rule t]
getAncestors r@(Rule name _ ty) = do
  set <- get
  if Set.member name set
    then return []
    else do
      put (Set.insert name set)
      case ty of
        Terminal _ -> return [r]
        NonTerminal bs -> do
          ass <- fmap join . traverse branchAncestors . NE.toList $ bs
          return $ r : ass
        Wrap c -> do
          cs <- getAncestors c
          return $ r : cs
        Record ls -> do
          cs <- fmap join . traverse getAncestors $ ls
          return $ r : cs
        Opt c -> do
          cs <- getAncestors c
          return $ r : cs
        Star c -> do
          cs <- getAncestors c
          return $ r : cs
        Plus c -> do
          cs <- getAncestors c
          return $ r : cs
        Series _ -> return [r]
    branchAncestors (Branch _ rs) = fmap join . traverse getAncestors $ rs

-- | Gets all ancestor 'Rule's.  Includes the current 'Rule'.  Skips
-- duplicates.
  :: Rule t
  -> [Rule t]
family rule = State.evalState (getAncestors rule) Set.empty

-- | Gets all the ancestor 'Rule's of a sequence of 'Rule'.  Includes
-- each 'Rule' that is in the sequence.  Skips duplicates.
  :: [Rule t]
  -> [Rule t]
  = join
  . flip State.evalState Set.empty
  . traverse getAncestors