module ConduitSpec where import qualified Data.Conduit as C import qualified Piped as P import Control.Monad.State import Test.Tasty.HUnit import PipeLike as PL -- | Below tests polymorphic pipeline definitions using Piped and Conduit. -- The application of () is because for some reason GHC will allow -- polymorphic definitions without signatures if an argument is passed, -- event a useless one. test_1 = test "demand driven" p p where p _ = undefined .| (pure ()) test_2 = test "sinkList correct order" p p where p _ = mapM_ yield [True, False] .| sinkList test_3 = test "dropWhile doesn't consume" p p where p _ = sourceList [1..10] .| (PL.dropWhile (<5) >> leftover (-1) >> sinkList) test_4 = test "takeWhile doesn't drop values" p p where p _ = sourceList [1..10] .| (PL.takeWhile (<5) >> (+1)) .| sinkList test_44 = test "take doesn't drop values" p p where p _ = sourceList [1..10] .| PL.take 5 .| sinkList test_45 = test "drop doesn't yield values" p p where p _ = sourceList [1..10] .| (PL.drop 5 >> (+1)) .| sinkList test_5 = test "recursive pipes don't do funny things" p p where p _ = go 2 go 0 = await >> pure True go n = yield () .| (await >> go (n-1)) test_6 = test "foldl works as expected" p p where p _ = sourceList [True, False, True] .| PL.foldl (flip (:)) [] test s p c = testCompare s (p ()) (c ()) testCompare s c p = testCase s $ join $ (@?=) <$> P.runPipe p <*> C.runConduit c