{-| This module provides an abstract interface to 'Proxy'-like behavior, so that multiple proxy implementations can share the same library of utility proxies. -} module Control.Proxy.Class ( -- * Proxy composition Channel(..), -- * Proxy request and respond Interact(..), ) where {- * I use educated guesses about which associativy is optimal for each operator * Keep precedence lower than function composition, which is 9 at the time of of this comment -} infixr 7 <-< infixl 7 >-> infixr 8 /\ infixl 8 \<\ infixr 8 />/ {-| The 'Channel' class defines an interface to a bidirectional flow of information. Laws: * ('>->') and 'idT' form a category: > idT >-> f = f > > f >-> idT = f > > (f >-> g) >-> h = f >-> (g >-> h) Minimal complete definition: * 'idT' * ('>->') or ('<-<'). -} class Channel p where {-| 'idT' acts like a \'T\'ransparent proxy, passing all requests further upstream, and passing all responses further downstream. -} idT :: (Monad m) => a' -> p a' a a' a m r {-| Compose two proxies, satisfying all requests from downstream with responses from upstream. -} (>->) :: (Monad m) => (b' -> p a' a b' b m r) -> (c' -> p b' b c' c m r) -> (c' -> p a' a c' c m r) p1 >-> p2 = p2 <-< p1 {-| Compose two proxies, satisfying all requests from downstream with responses from upstream. -} (<-<) :: (Monad m) => (c' -> p b' b c' c m r) -> (b' -> p a' a b' b m r) -> (c' -> p a' a c' c m r) p1 <-< p2 = p2 >-> p1 {-| The 'Interact' class defines the ability to: * Request input using the 'request' command * Replace existing 'request' commands using ('\>\') * Respond with output using the 'respond' command * Replace existing 'respond' commands using ('/>/') Laws: * ('\>\') and 'request' form a category: > request \>\ f = f > > f \>\ request = f > > (f \>\ g) \>\ h = f \>\ (g \>\ h) * ('/>/') and 'respond' form a category: > respond />/ f = f > > f />/ respond = f > > (f />/ g) />/ h = f />/ (g />/ h) Minimal complete definition: * 'request', * ('\>\') or ('//') or ('\<\'). -} class Interact p where {-| 'request' input from upstream, passing an argument with the request @request a'@ passes @a'@ as a parameter to upstream that upstream may use to decide what response to return. 'request' binds the upstream's response to its own return value. -} request :: (Monad m) => a' -> p a' a x' x m a -- | @f \\>\\ g@ replaces all 'request's in 'g' with 'f'. (\>\) :: (Monad m) => (b' -> p a' a x' x m b) -> (c' -> p b' b x' x m c) -> (c' -> p a' a x' x m c) p1 \>\ p2 = p2 / (c' -> p b' b x' x m c) -> (b' -> p a' a x' x m b) -> (c' -> p a' a x' x m c) p1 /\ p1 {-| 'respond' with an output for downstream and bind downstream's next 'request' @respond b@ satisfies a downstream 'request' by supplying the value @b@ 'respond' blocks until downstream 'request's a new value and binds the argument from the next 'request' as its return value. -} respond :: (Monad m) => a -> p x' x a' a m a' -- | @f \/>\/ g@ replaces all 'respond's in 'f' with 'g'. (/>/) :: (Monad m) => (a -> p x' x b' b m a') -> (b -> p x' x c' c m b') -> (a -> p x' x c' c m a') p1 />/ p2 = p2 \<\ p1 -- | @f \\<\\ g@ replaces all 'respond's in 'g' with 'f'. (\<\) :: (Monad m) => (b -> p x' x c' c m b') -> (a -> p x' x b' b m a') -> (a -> p x' x c' c m a') p1 \<\ p2 = p2 />/ p1