{-| This is an internal module, meaning that it is unsafe to import unless you
    understand the risks.

    This module provides the fast proxy implementation, which achieves its speed
    by weakening the monad transformer laws.  These laws do not hold if you can
    pattern match on the constructors, as the following counter-example

> lift . return = M . return . Pure
> return = Pure
> lift . return /= return

    The monad transformer laws do hold when viewed through the safe API exported
    from "Control.Proxy".

    Also, you really should not use the constructors anyway, let alone the
    concrete type and instead you should stick to the 'Proxy' type class API.
    This not only ensures that your code does not violate the monad transformer
    laws, but also guarantees that it works with the other proxy implementations
    and with any proxy transformers.

{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{- The rewrite RULES require the 'TrustWorthy' annotation.  Their proofs are
   pretty trivial since they are just inlining the definition of their
   respective operators.  GHC doesn't do this inlining automatically because the
   @go@ helper function is recursive.

module Control.Proxy.Core.Fast (
    -- * Types

    -- * Run Sessions 
    -- $run

    -- * Safety
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure, (<*>)))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Morph (MFunctor(hoist))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.Proxy.Class (
    Proxy(request, respond, (->>), (>>~), (>\\), (//>), turn),
    ProxyInternal(return_P, (?>=), lift_P, liftIO_P, hoist_P, thread_P))

{-| A 'ProxyFast' communicates with an upstream interface and a downstream

    The type variables signify:

    * @a'@ - The request supplied to the upstream interface

    * @a @ - The response provided by the upstream interface

    * @b'@ - The request supplied by the downstream interface

    * @b @ - The response provided to the downstream interface

    * @m @ - The base monad

    * @r @ - The final return value
data ProxyFast a' a b' b m r
    = Request a' (a  -> ProxyFast a' a b' b m r )
    | Respond b  (b' -> ProxyFast a' a b' b m r )
    | M          (m    (ProxyFast a' a b' b m r))
    | Pure    r

instance (Monad m) => Functor (ProxyFast a' a b' b m) where
    fmap f p0 = go p0 where
        go p = case p of
            Request a' fa  -> Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a ))
            Respond b  fb' -> Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b'))
            M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
            Pure       r   -> Pure (f r)

instance (Monad m) => Applicative (ProxyFast a' a b' b m) where
    pure      = Pure
    pf <*> px = go pf where
        go p = case p of
            Request a' fa  -> Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a ))
            Respond b  fb' -> Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b'))
            M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
            Pure       f   -> fmap f px

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ProxyFast a' a b' b m) where
    return = Pure
    (>>=)  = _bind

    :: (Monad m)
    => ProxyFast a' a b' b m r
    -> (r -> ProxyFast a' a b' b m r')
    -> ProxyFast a' a b' b m r'
p0 `_bind` f = go p0 where
    go p = case p of
        Request a' fa  -> Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a ))
        Respond b  fb' -> Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b'))
        M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
        Pure       r   -> f r

    "_bind (Request a' k) f" forall a' k f .
        _bind (Request a' k) f = Request a' (\a  -> _bind (k a)  f);
    "_bind (Respond b  k) f" forall b  k f .
        _bind (Respond b  k) f = Respond b  (\b' -> _bind (k b') f);
    "_bind (M          m) f" forall m    f .
        _bind (M          m) f = M (m >>= \p -> return (_bind p f));
    "_bind (Pure    r   ) f" forall r    f .
        _bind (Pure       r) f = f r;

-- | Only satisfies monad transformer laws modulo 'observe'
instance MonadTrans (ProxyFast a' a b' b) where
    lift = _lift

_lift :: (Monad m) => m r -> ProxyFast a' a b' b m r
_lift = \m -> M (m >>= \r -> return (Pure r))

instance MFunctor (ProxyFast a' a b' b) where
    hoist nat p0 = go (observe p0) where
        go p = case p of
            Request a' fa  -> Request a' (\a  -> go (fa  a ))
            Respond b  fb' -> Respond b  (\b' -> go (fb' b'))
            M          m   -> M (nat (m >>= \p' -> return (go p')))
            Pure       r   -> Pure r

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ProxyFast a' a b' b m) where
    liftIO m = M (liftIO (m >>= \r -> return (Pure r)))

instance ProxyInternal ProxyFast where
    return_P = Pure
    (?>=)    = _bind

    lift_P   = _lift

    liftIO_P = liftIO

    hoist_P  = hoist

    thread_P p s = case p of
        Request a' fa  -> Request (a', s) (\(a , s') -> thread_P (fa  a ) s')
        Respond b  fb' -> Respond (b,  s) (\(b', s') -> thread_P (fb' b') s')
        M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (thread_P p' s))
        Pure       r   -> Pure (r, s)

instance Proxy ProxyFast where
    fb' ->> p = case p of
        Request b' fb  -> fb' b' >>~ fb
        Respond c  fc' -> Respond c (\c' -> fb' ->> fc' c')
        M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (fb' ->> p'))
        Pure       r   -> Pure r
    p >>~ fb = case p of
        Request a' fa  -> Request a' (\a -> fa a >>~ fb)
        Respond b  fb' -> fb' ->> fb b
        M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (p' >>~ fb))
        Pure       r   -> Pure r

    request = \a' -> Request a' Pure
    respond = \b  -> Respond b  Pure

    (>\\) = _req
    (//>) = _resp

    turn = go
        go p = case p of
            Request a' fa  -> Respond a' (\a  -> go (fa  a ))
            Respond b  fb' -> Request b  (\b' -> go (fb' b'))
            M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
            Pure       r   -> Pure r

    :: (Monad m)
    => (b' -> ProxyFast a' a x' x m b)
    -> ProxyFast b' b x' x m c
    -> ProxyFast a' a x' x m c
fb' `_req` p0 = go p0 where
    go p = case p of
        Request b' fb  -> fb' b' >>= \b -> go (fb b)
        Respond x  fx' -> Respond x (\x' -> go (fx' x'))
        M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
        Pure       a   -> Pure a

    "_req fb' (Request b' fb )" forall fb' b' fb  .
        _req fb' (Request b' fb ) = _bind (fb' b') (\b -> _req fb' (fb b));
    "_req fb' (Respond x  fx')" forall fb' x  fx' .
        _req fb' (Respond x  fx') = Respond x (\x' -> _req fb' (fx' x'));
    "_req fb' (M          m  )" forall fb'    m   .
        _req fb' (M          m  ) = M (m >>= \p' -> return (_req fb' p'));
    "_req fb' (Pure    a     )" forall fb' a      .
        _req fb' (Pure    a     ) = Pure a;

    :: (Monad m)
    => ProxyFast x' x b' b m a'
    -> (b -> ProxyFast x' x c' c m b')
    -> ProxyFast x' x c' c m a'
p0 `_resp` fb = go p0 where
    go p = case p of
        Request x' fx  -> Request x' (\x -> go (fx x))
        Respond b  fb' -> fb b >>= \b' -> go (fb' b')
        M          m   -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
        Pure       a   -> Pure a

    "_resp (Request x' fx ) fb" forall x' fx  fb .
        _resp (Request x' fx ) fb = Request x' (\x -> _resp (fx  x) fb);
    "_resp (Respond b  fb') fb" forall b  fb' fb .
        _resp (Respond b  fb') fb = _bind (fb b) (\b' -> _resp (fb' b') fb);
    "_resp (M          m  ) fb" forall    m   fb .
        _resp (M          m  ) fb = M (m >>= \p' -> return (_resp p' fb));
    "_resp (Pure    a     ) fb" forall a      fb .
        _resp (Pure    a     ) fb = Pure a;

{- $run
    The following commands run self-sufficient proxies, converting them back to
    the base monad.

    These are the only functions specific to the 'ProxyFast' type.  Everything
    else programs generically over the 'Proxy' type class.

    Use 'runProxyK' if you are running proxies nested within proxies.  It
    provides a Kleisli arrow as its result that you can pass to another
    'runProxy' / 'runProxyK' command.

-- | Run a self-sufficient 'ProxyFast', converting it back to the base monad
run :: (Monad m) => ProxyFast a' () () b m r -> m r
run p = case p of
    Request _ fa  -> run (fa  ())
    Respond _ fb' -> run (fb' ())
    M         m   -> m >>= run
    Pure      r   -> return r

{-| Run a self-sufficient 'ProxyFast' Kleisli arrow, converting it back to the
    base monad
runProxy :: (Monad m) => (() -> ProxyFast a' () () b m r) -> m r
runProxy k = run (k ())
{-# INLINABLE runProxy #-}

{-| Run a self-sufficient 'ProxyFast' Kleisli arrow, converting it back to a
    Kleisli arrow in the base monad
runProxyK :: (Monad m) => (q -> ProxyFast a' () () b m r) -> (q -> m r)
runProxyK k q = run (k q)
{-# INLINABLE runProxyK #-}

{-| The monad transformer laws are correct when viewed through the 'observe'

> observe (lift (return r)) = observe (return r)
> observe (lift (m >>= f)) = observe (lift m >>= lift . f)

    This correctness comes at a moderate cost to performance, so use this
    function sparingly or else you would be better off using

    You do not need to use this function if you use the safe API exported from
    "Control.Proxy", which does not export any functions or constructors that
    can violate the monad transformer laws.
observe :: (Monad m) => ProxyFast a' a b' b m r -> ProxyFast a' a b' b m r
observe p0 = M (go p0) where
    go p = case p of
        M          m'  -> m' >>= go
        Pure       r   -> return (Pure r)
        Request a' fa  -> return (Request a' (\a  -> observe (fa  a )))
        Respond b  fb' -> return (Respond b  (\b' -> observe (fb' b')))
{-# INLINABLE observe #-}