{-| This module provides an API similar to "Control.Pipe" for those who prefer the classic 'Pipe' API. This module differs slightly from "Control.Pipe" in order to promote seamless interoperability with both pipes and proxies. See the \"Upgrade Pipes to Proxies\" section below for details. -} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} module Control.Proxy.Pipe {-# DEPRECATED "Use official 'Proxy' operations instead" #-} ( -- * Create Pipes await, yield, pipe, -- * Compose Pipes (<+<), (>+>), idP, -- * Synonyms Pipeline, -- * Run Pipes -- $run -- * Upgrade Pipes to Proxies -- $upgrade ) where import Control.Monad (forever) import Control.Proxy.Class (Proxy, respond, request, (->>), Pipe, C) import Control.Proxy.Trans.Identity (runIdentityP) -- For documentation import Control.Proxy.Class (Consumer, Producer) {-| Wait for input from upstream 'await' blocks until input is available from upstream. -} await :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => Pipe p a b m a await = request () {-# INLINABLE await #-} {-| Deliver output downstream 'yield' restores control back downstream and binds its value to 'await'. -} yield :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => b -> p a' a b' b m b' yield = respond {-# INLINABLE yield #-} -- | Convert a pure function into a pipe pipe :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => (a -> b) -> Pipe p a b m r pipe f = runIdentityP $ forever $ do a <- request () respond (f a) {-# INLINABLE pipe #-} infixr 7 <+< infixl 7 >+> -- | Corresponds to ('<<<')/('.') from @Control.Category@ (<+<) :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => p b' b c' c m r -> p a' a b' b m r -> p a' a c' c m r p1 <+< p2 = p2 >+> p1 {-# INLINABLE (<+<) #-} -- | Corresponds to ('>>>') from @Control.Category@ (>+>) :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => p a' a b' b m r -> p b' b c' c m r -> p a' a c' c m r p1 >+> p2 = (\_ -> p1) ->> p2 {-# INLINABLE (>+>) #-} -- | Corresponds to 'id' from @Control.Category@ idP :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => Pipe p a a m r idP = runIdentityP $ forever $ do a <- request () respond a {-# INLINABLE idP #-} {-| A self-contained 'Pipeline' that is ready to be run 'Pipeline's never 'request' nor 'respond'. -} type Pipeline (p :: * -> * -> * -> * -> (* -> *) -> * -> *) = p C () () C {- $run The "Control.Proxy.Core.Fast" and "Control.Proxy.Core.Correct" modules provide their corresponding 'runPipe' functions, specialized to their own 'Proxy' implementations. Each implementation must supply its own 'runPipe' function since it is the only non-polymorphic 'Pipe' function and the compiler uses it to select which underlying proxy implementation to use. -} {- $upgrade You can upgrade classic 'Pipe' code to work with the proxy ecosystem in steps. Each change enables greater interoperability with proxy utilities and transformers and if time permits you should implement the entire upgrade for your libraries if you want to take advantage of proxy standard libraries. First, import "Control.Proxy" and "Control.Proxy.Pipe" instead of "Control.Pipe". Then, add 'ProxyFast' after every 'Pipe', 'Producer', or 'Consumer' in any type signature. For example, you would convert this: > import Control.Pipe > > fromList :: (Monad m) => [b] -> Producer b m () > fromList xs = mapM_ yield xs ... to this: > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Proxy.Pipe -- transition import > > fromList :: (Monad m) => [b] -> Producer ProxyFast b m () > fromList xs = mapM_ yield xs The change ensures that all your code now works in the 'ProxyFast' monad, which is the faster of the two proxy implementations. Second, modify all your 'Pipe's to take an empty @()@ as their final argument, and translate the following functions: * ('<+<') to ('<-<') * 'runPipe' to 'runProxy' For example, you would convert this: > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Proxy.Pipe > > fromList :: (Monad m) => [b] -> Producer ProxyFast b m () > fromList xs = mapM_ yield xs ... to this: > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Proxy.Pipe > > fromList :: (Monad m) => [b] -> () -> Producer ProxyFast b m () > fromList xs () = mapM_ yield xs Now when you call these within a @do@ block you must supplying an additional @()@ argument: > examplePipe () = do > a <- request () > fromList [1..a] () This change lets you switch from pipe composition, ('<+<'), to proxy composition, ('<-<'), so that you can mix proxy utilities with pipes. Third, wrap your pipe's implementation in 'runIdentityP' (which "Control.Proxy" exports): > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Proxy.Pipe > > fromList xs () = runIdentityP $ mapM_ yield xs Then replace the 'ProxyFast' in the type signature with a type variable @p@ constrained by the 'Proxy' type class: > fromList :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => [b] -> () -> Producer p b m () This change upgrades your 'Pipe' to work natively within proxies and proxy transformers, without any manual conversion or lifting. You can now compose or sequence your 'Pipe' within any feature set transparently. Finally, replace each 'await' with @request ()@ and each 'yield' with 'respond'. Also, replace every 'Pipeline' with 'Session'. This lets you drop the "Control.Proxy.Pipe" import: > import Control.Proxy > > fromList :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => [b] -> () -> Producer p b m () > fromList xs () = runIdentityP $ mapM_ respond xs Also, I encourage you to continue using the 'Pipe', 'Consumer' and 'Producer' type synonyms to simplify type signatures. The following examples show how they cleanly mix with proxies and their extensions: > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either as E > import Control.Proxy.Trans.State > > -- A Producer enriched with pipe-local state > example1 :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => () -> Producer (StateP Int p) Int m r > example1 () = forever $ do > n <- get > respond n > put (n + 1) > > -- A Consumer enriched with error-handling > example2 :: (Proxy p) => () -> Consumer (EitherP String p) Int IO () > example2 () = do > n <- request () > if (n == 0) > then E.throw "Error: received 0" > else lift $ print n -}