-- | This module provides utilities to turn your Attoparsec @'Parser' a
-- b@ into a 'Pipe' that parses @a@ values into @b@ values as they flow
-- downstream.
-- See "Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Tutorial" for an extensive introduction
-- with examples.

module Control.Proxy.Attoparsec
  ( -- * Parsing Pipe
    -- $pieces
  , parserD
    -- * Modules
  , module Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Types
  , module Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Control
  ) where

import           Control.Proxy
import           Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Control
import           Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Types
import           Data.Attoparsec.Types            (IResult (..), Parser)
import           Prelude                          hiding (length, null)

-- $pieces
-- A 'Pipe' that parses @a@ input flowing downstream into @b@ values is
-- made of at least two smaller cooperating 'Proxy's:
--  1. 'parserInputD': Prepares @a@ input received from upstream to be
--     consumed by a downstream parsing 'Proxy'.
--  2. 'parserD': Repeatedly runs a given @'Parser' a b@ on input 'a'
--     from upstream, and sends 'b' values downstream.
-- Given a @'Parser' a b@ named @myParser@, the simplest way to use
-- these 'Proxy's together is:
-- > myParsingPipe :: (Proxy p, Monad m, AttoparsecInput a) => Pipe a b m r
-- > myParsingPipe = parserInputD >-> parserD myParser
-- In between these two 'Proxy's, you can place other 'Proxy's to handle
-- extraordinary situations like parsing failures or limiting input
-- length. "Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Control" exports some useful
-- 'Proxy's that fit this place. If you skip using any of those, the
-- default behavior is that of
-- 'Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Control.skipMalformedChunks': to simply
-- ignore all parsing errors and malformed input, and start parsing new
-- input as soon as it's available.

-- | 'Proxy' turning 'a' values flowing downstream into
-- @'ParserSupply' a@ values to be consumed by a downstream parsing
-- 'Proxy'.
-- This 'Proxy' responds with @'Resume' a@ to any 'ParserStatus' value
-- received from downstream.
parserInputD :: (Monad m, Proxy p)
             => ParserStatus a -> p () a (ParserStatus a) (ParserSupply a) m r
parserInputD _ = runIdentityP . forever $ request () >>= respond . (,) Resume

-- | 'Proxy' using the given @'Parser' a b@ to repeatedly parse pieces
-- of @'ParserSupply' a@ values flowing downstream into @b@ values.
-- When more input is needed, a @'ParserStatus' a@ value reporting the
-- current parsing status is sent upstream, and in exchange a
-- @'ParserSupply' a@ value is expected, containing more input to be
-- parsed and directives on how to use it (see 'ParserSupply'
-- documentation).
parserD :: (Proxy p, Monad m, AttoparsecInput a)
        => Parser a b
        -> () -> p (ParserStatus a) (ParserSupply a) () b m r
parserD parser () = runIdentityP . forever $ ask k0 0 (Parsing 0)
    k0 = parse parser

    requestNonEmpty status = go where
      go = do
        ps@(_, chunk) <- request status
        if null chunk then go else return ps

    ask k len status = do
      (su, chunk) <- requestNonEmpty status
      case su of
        Start  -> use (k0 chunk) 0
        Resume -> use (k  chunk) (len + length chunk)

    use (Partial k)         len = ask k  len $ Parsing len
    use (Fail rest ctx msg) _   = ask k0 0   $ Failed rest (ParserError ctx msg)
    use (Done rest result)  _   = respond result >> use (k0 rest) 0