-- | Asynchronous communication between pipes

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes#-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{- 'unsafeIOToSTM' requires the Trustworthy annotation.

    I use 'unsafeIOToSTM' to touch IORefs to mark them as still alive. This
    action satisfies the necessary safety requirements because:

    * You can safely repeat it if the transaction rolls back

    * It does not acquire any resources

    * It does not leak any inconsistent view of memory to the outside world

    It appears to be unnecessary to read the IORef to keep it from being garbage
    collected, but I wanted to be absolutely certain since I cannot be sure that
    GHC won't optimize away the reference to the IORef.

    The other alternative was to make 'send' and 'recv' use the 'IO' monad
    instead of 'STM', but I felt that it was important to preserve the ability
    to combine them into larger transactions.

module Pipes.Concurrent (
    -- * Inputs and Outputs

    -- * Pipe utilities

    -- * Actors

    -- * Re-exports
    -- $reexport
    module Control.Concurrent,
    module Control.Concurrent.STM,
    module System.Mem
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (
    Alternative(empty, (<|>)), Applicative(pure, (<*>)), (<*), (<$>) )
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, STM)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as S
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, mkWeakIORef)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend))
import GHC.Conc.Sync (unsafeIOToSTM)
import Pipes (MonadIO(liftIO), yield, await, Producer', Consumer')
import System.Mem (performGC)

{-| An exhaustible source of values

    'recv' returns 'Nothing' if the source is exhausted
newtype Input a = Input {
    recv :: S.STM (Maybe a) }

instance Functor Input where
    fmap f m = Input (fmap (fmap f) (recv m))

instance Applicative Input where
    pure r    = Input (pure (pure r))
    mf <*> mx = Input ((<*>) <$> recv mf <*> recv mx)

instance Monad Input where
    return r = Input (return (return r))
    m >>= f  = Input $ do
        ma <- recv m
        case ma of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just a  -> recv (f a)

instance Alternative Input where
    empty   = Input (return Nothing)
    x <|> y = Input $ do
        (i, ma) <- fmap ((,) y) (recv x) <|> fmap ((,) x)(recv y)
        case ma of
            Nothing -> recv i
            Just a  -> return (Just a)

instance Monoid (Input a) where
    mempty = empty
    mappend = (<|>)

{-| An exhaustible sink of values

    'send' returns 'False' if the sink is exhausted
newtype Output a = Output {
    send :: a -> S.STM Bool }

instance Monoid (Output a) where
    mempty  = Output (\_ -> return False)
    mappend i1 i2 = Output (\a -> (||) <$> send i1 a <*> send i2 a)

{-| Convert an 'Output' to a 'Pipes.Consumer'

    'toOutput' terminates when the 'Output' is exhausted.
toOutput :: (MonadIO m) => Output a -> Consumer' a m ()
toOutput output = loop
    loop = do
        a     <- await
        alive <- liftIO $ S.atomically $ send output a
        when alive loop
{-# INLINABLE toOutput #-}

{-| Convert an 'Input' to a 'Pipes.Producer'

    'fromInput' terminates when the 'Input' is exhausted.
fromInput :: (MonadIO m) => Input a -> Producer' a m ()
fromInput input = loop
    loop = do
        ma <- liftIO $ S.atomically $ recv input
        case ma of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just a  -> do
                yield a
{-# INLINABLE fromInput #-}

{-| Spawn a mailbox using the specified 'Buffer' to store messages

    Using 'send' on the 'Output'

        * fails and returns 'False' if the mailbox is sealed, otherwise it:

        * retries if the mailbox is full, or:

        * adds a message to the mailbox and returns 'True'.

    Using 'recv' on the 'Input':

        * retrieves a message from the mailbox wrapped in 'Just' if the mailbox
          is not empty, otherwise it:

        * retries if the mailbox is not sealed, or:

        * fails and returns 'Nothing'.

    If either the 'Input' or 'Output' is garbage collected the mailbox will
    become sealed.
spawn :: Buffer a -> IO (Output a, Input a)
spawn buffer = fmap simplify (spawn' buffer)
    simplify (output, input, _) = (output, input)
{-# INLINABLE spawn #-}

{-| Like 'spawn', but also returns an action to manually @seal@ the mailbox

> (output, input, seal) <- spawn' buffer
> ...

    Use the @seal@ action to allow early cleanup of readers and writers to the
    mailbox without waiting for the next garbage collection cycle.
spawn' :: Buffer a -> IO (Output a, Input a, STM ())
spawn' buffer = do
    (read, write) <- case buffer of
        Bounded n -> do
            q <- S.newTBQueueIO n
            return (S.readTBQueue q, S.writeTBQueue q)
        Unbounded -> do
            q <- S.newTQueueIO
            return (S.readTQueue q, S.writeTQueue q)
        Single    -> do
            m <- S.newEmptyTMVarIO
            return (S.takeTMVar m, S.putTMVar m)
        Latest a  -> do
            t <- S.newTVarIO a
            return (S.readTVar t, S.writeTVar t)

    sealed <- S.newTVarIO False
    let seal = S.writeTVar sealed True

    {- Use IORefs to keep track of whether the 'Input' or 'Output' has been
       garbage collected.  Seal the mailbox when either of them becomes garbage
    rSend <- newIORef ()
    mkWeakIORef rSend (S.atomically seal)
    rRecv <- newIORef ()
    mkWeakIORef rRecv (S.atomically seal)

    let sendOrEnd a = do
            b <- S.readTVar sealed
            if b
                then return False
                else do
                    write a
                    return True
        readOrEnd = (Just <$> read) <|> (do
            b <- S.readTVar sealed
            S.check b
            return Nothing )
        _send a = sendOrEnd a <* unsafeIOToSTM (readIORef rSend)
        _recv   = readOrEnd   <* unsafeIOToSTM (readIORef rRecv)
    return (Output _send, Input _recv, seal)
{-# INLINABLE spawn' #-}

-- | 'Buffer' specifies how to buffer messages stored within the mailbox
data Buffer a
    -- | Store an 'Unbounded' number of messages in a FIFO queue
    = Unbounded
    -- | Store a 'Bounded' number of messages, specified by the 'Int' argument
    | Bounded Int
    -- | Store a 'Single' message (like @Bounded 1@, but more efficient)
    | Single
    {-| Only store the 'Latest' message, beginning with an initial value

        'Latest' is never empty nor full.
    | Latest a

{- $reexport
    @Control.Concurrent@ re-exports 'forkIO', although I recommend using the
    @async@ library instead.

    @Control.Concurrent.STM@ re-exports 'atomically' and 'STM'.

    @System.Mem@ re-exports 'performGC'.