-- | Parsing utilities for pipes

module Control.Proxy.Parse (
    -- * Pushback and Leftovers
    -- $pushback

    -- * Utilities

    -- * Adapters
    -- $adapters

    -- * Lenses
    -- $lenses

    -- * Re-exports
    -- $reexports
    module Control.Proxy.Trans.State,
    module Data.Monoid
    ) where

import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Proxy ((>->), (\>\), (//>), (>\\), (?>=))
import qualified Control.Proxy as P
import Control.Proxy.Trans.State (
    StateP(StateP, unStateP),
    gets )
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend))

{- $pushback
    'unDraw' stores all leftovers in a 'StateP' buffer and 'draw' retrieves
    leftovers from this buffer before drawing new input from upstream.

{-| Like @request ()@, except try to use the leftovers buffer first

    A 'Nothing' return value indicates end of input.
draw :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => StateP [a] p () (Maybe a) y' y m (Maybe a)
draw = do
    s <- get
    case s of
        []   -> P.request ()
        a:as -> do
            put as
            return (Just a)
{-# INLINABLE draw #-}

-- | Push an element back onto the leftovers buffer
unDraw :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => a -> StateP [a] p x' x y' y m ()
unDraw a = modify (a:)
{-# INLINABLE unDraw #-}

-- | Peek at the next element without consuming it
peek :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => StateP [a] p () (Maybe a) y' y m (Maybe a)
peek = do
    ma <- draw
    case ma of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just a  -> unDraw a
    return ma
{-# INLINABLE peek #-}

-- | Check if at end of input stream.
isEndOfInput :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => StateP [a] p () (Maybe a) y' y m Bool
isEndOfInput = do
    ma <- peek
    case ma of
        Nothing -> return True
        Just _  -> return False
{-# INLINABLE isEndOfInput #-}

{-| Fold all input into a list

    Note: 'drawAll' is usually an anti-pattern.
drawAll :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => () -> StateP [a] p () (Maybe a) y' y m [a]
drawAll = \() -> go id
    go diffAs = do
        ma <- draw
        case ma of
            Nothing -> return (diffAs [])
            Just a  -> go (diffAs . (a:))
{-# INLINABLE drawAll #-}

-- | Consume the input completely, discarding all values
skipAll :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => () -> StateP [a] p () (Maybe a) y' y m ()
skipAll = \() -> go
    go = do
        ma <- draw
        case ma of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just _  -> go
{-# INLINABLE skipAll #-}

-- | Forward up to the specified number of elements downstream
    :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p)
    => Int -> () -> P.Pipe (StateP [a] p) (Maybe a) (Maybe a) m r
passUpTo n0 = \() -> go n0
    go n0 =
        if (n0 <= 0)
        then forever $ P.respond Nothing
        else do
            ma <- draw
            P.respond ma
            case ma of
                Nothing -> forever $ P.respond Nothing
                Just _  -> go (n0 - 1)
{-# INLINABLE passUpTo #-}

{-| Forward downstream as many consecutive elements satisfying a predicate as
    :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p)
    => (a -> Bool) -> () -> P.Pipe (StateP [a] p) (Maybe a) (Maybe a) m r
passWhile pred = \() -> go
    go = do
        ma <- draw
        case ma of
            Nothing -> forever $ P.respond Nothing
            Just a  ->
                if (pred a)
                then do
                    P.respond ma
                else do
                    unDraw a
                    forever $ P.respond Nothing
{-# INLINABLE passWhile #-}

{- $adapters
    Use 'wrap' and 'unwrap' to convert between guarded and unguarded pipes.

    'fmapPull', 'returnPull', and 'bindPull' promote compatibility with
    existing utilities that are not 'Maybe'-aware.

{-| Guard a pipe from terminating by wrapping every output in 'Just' and ending
    with a never-ending stream of 'Nothing's.
wrap :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => p a' a b' b m r -> p a' a b' (Maybe b) m s
wrap = \p -> P.runIdentityP $ do
    P.IdentityP p //> \b -> P.respond (Just b)
    forever $ P.respond Nothing
{-# INLINABLE wrap #-}

{-| Compose 'unwrap' downstream of a guarded pipe to unwrap all 'Just's and
    terminate on the first 'Nothing'.
unwrap :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => x -> p x (Maybe a) x a m ()
unwrap = \x -> P.runIdentityP (go x)
    go x = do
        ma <- P.request x
        case ma of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just a  -> do
                x2 <- P.respond a
                go x2
{-# INLINABLE unwrap #-}

{-| Lift a 'Maybe'-oblivious pipe to a 'Maybe'-aware pipe by auto-forwarding
    all 'Nothing's.

> fmapPull f >-> fmapPull g = fmapPull (f >-> g)
> fmapPull pull = pull
    :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p)
    => (x -> p x        a  x        b  m r)
    -> (x -> p x (Maybe a) x (Maybe b) m r)
fmapPull f = bindPull (f >-> returnPull)
{-# INLINABLE fmapPull #-}

-- | Wrap all values flowing downstream in 'Just'.
returnPull :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p) => x -> p x a x (Maybe a) m r
returnPull = P.mapD Just
{-# INLINABLE returnPull #-}

{-| Lift a 'Maybe'-generating pipe to a 'Maybe'-transforming pipe by
    auto-forwarding all 'Nothing's

> -- Using: f >>> g = f >-> bindPull g
> returnPull >>> f = f
> f >>> returnPull = f
> (f >>> g) >>> h = f >>> (g >>> h)

Or equivalently:

> returnPull >-> bindPull f = f
> bindPull returnPull = pull
> bindPull (f >-> bindPull g) = bindPull f >-> bindPull g
    :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p)
    => (x -> p x        a  x (Maybe b) m r)
    -> (x -> p x (Maybe a) x (Maybe b) m r)
bindPull f = P.runIdentityP . (up \>\ P.IdentityP . f)
    up a' = do
        ma <- P.request a'
        case ma of
            Nothing -> do
                a'2 <- P.respond Nothing
                up a'2
            Just a  -> return a
{-# INLINABLE bindPull #-}

{- $lenses
    Use 'zoom', '_fst', and '_snd' to mix pipes that have different leftover
    buffers or to isolate leftover buffers of different parsing stages.

{-| 'zoom' in on a sub-state using a @Lens'@.

> zoom :: Lens' s1 s2 -> StateP s2 p a' a b' b m r -> StateP s1 p a' a b' b m r

> zoom (f . g) = zoom f . zoom g
> zoom id = id
    :: (Monad m, P.Proxy p)
    => ((s2 -> (s2, s2)) -> (s1 -> (s2, s1)))
    -- ^ @Lens'@ s1 s2
    -> StateP s2 p a' a b' b m r
    -- ^ Local state
    -> StateP s1 p a' a b' b m r
    -- ^ Global state
zoom lens = \p -> StateP $ \s2_0 ->
    let (s1_0, s2_0') = lens (\x -> (x, x)) s2_0
    in  (up >\\ P.thread_P (unStateP p s1_0) s2_0' //> dn) ?>= nx
    up ((a', s1), s2) =
        let (_, s2') = lens (\x -> (x, s1)) s2
        in  P.request (a', s2') ?>= \(a, s2'') ->
            let (s1', s2''') = lens (\x -> (x, x)) s2''
            in  P.return_P ((a, s1'), s2''')
    dn ((b, s1), s2) =
        let (_, s2') = lens (\x -> (x, s1)) s2
        in  P.respond (b, s2') ?>= \(b', s2'') ->
            let (s1', s2''') = lens (\x -> (x, x)) s2''
            in  P.return_P ((b', s1'), s2''')
    nx ((r, s1), s2) =
        let (_, s2') = lens (\x -> (x, s1)) s2
        in  P.return_P (r, s2')
{-# INLINABLE zoom #-}

{-| A @Lens'@ to the first element of a pair.

    Like @_1@, but more monomorphic

> _fst :: Lens' (a, b) a
_fst :: (Functor f) => (a -> f b) -> ((a, x) -> f (b, x))
_fst = \f (a, x) -> fmap (\b -> (b, x)) (f a)
{-# INLINABLE _fst #-}

{-| A @Lens'@ to the second element of a pair.

    Like @_2@, but more monomorphic

> _snd :: Lens' (a, b) b
_snd :: (Functor f) => (a -> f b) -> ((x, a) -> f (x, b))
_snd = \f (x, a) -> fmap (\b -> (x, b)) (f a)
{-# INLINABLE _snd #-}

{- $reexports
    "Control.Proxy.Trans.State" re-exports all functions.

    "Data.Monoid" re-exports the 'Monoid' class.