module Plivo ( callAPI, APIError(..), InclusiveOrdering(..), -- * Enpoints CreateOutboundCall(..), createOutboundCall, GetCompletedCalls(..), getCompletedCalls ) where import Prelude hiding (Ordering(..)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.String (IsString, fromString) import UnexceptionalIO (fromIO, runUnexceptionalIO) import Control.Exception (fromException) import Control.Error (EitherT, fmapLT, throwT, runEitherT) import Network.URI (URI(..), URIAuth(..)) import Network.Http.Client (withConnection, establishConnection, sendRequest, buildRequest, http, setAccept, setContentType, Response, receiveResponse, RequestBuilder, inputStreamBody, emptyBody, getStatusCode, setAuthorizationBasic, setContentLength) import qualified Network.Http.Client as HttpStreams import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder) import System.IO.Streams (OutputStream, InputStream, fromLazyByteString) import System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec (parseFromStream, ParseException(..)) import Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike (QueryLike, toQuery, toQueryValue) import Network.HTTP.Types.URI (renderQuery) import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (Method) import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status) import Data.Aeson (encode, ToJSON, toJSON, FromJSON, fromJSON, Result(..), object, (.=), json', Value) import Data.Time (UTCTime, formatTime) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LZ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 -- eww s :: (IsString a) => String -> a s = fromString class Endpoint a where endpoint :: String -> RequestBuilder () -> a -> IO (Either APIError Value) -- | The endpoint to place an outbound call data CreateOutboundCall = CreateOutboundCall { from :: String, to :: String, answer_url :: URI, answer_method :: Maybe Method, ring_url :: Maybe URI, ring_method :: Maybe Method, hangup_url :: Maybe URI, hangup_method :: Maybe Method, fallback_url :: Maybe URI, fallback_method :: Maybe Method, caller_name :: Maybe String, send_digits :: Maybe String, send_on_preanswer :: Maybe Bool, time_limit :: Maybe Int, hangup_on_ring :: Maybe Int, machine_detection :: Maybe String, machine_detection_time :: Maybe Int, sip_headers :: [(String,String)], ring_timeout :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Helper for constructing simple 'MakeCall' createOutboundCall :: String -- ^ from -> String -- ^ to -> URI -- ^ answer_url -> CreateOutboundCall createOutboundCall from to answer_url = CreateOutboundCall from to answer_url Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing instance ToJSON CreateOutboundCall where toJSON (CreateOutboundCall from to answer_url answer_method ring_url ring_method hangup_url hangup_method fallback_url fallback_method caller_name send_digits send_on_preanswer time_limit hangup_on_ring machine_detection machine_detection_time sip_headers ring_timeout ) = object $ catMaybes [ Just $ s"from" .= from, Just $ s"to" .= to, Just $ s"answer_url" .= show answer_url, fmap (s"answer_method" .=) answer_method, fmap ((s"ring_url" .=) . show) ring_url, fmap (s"ring_method" .=) ring_method, fmap ((s"hangup_url" .=) . show) hangup_url, fmap (s"hangup_method" .=) hangup_method, fmap ((s"fallback_url" .=) . show) fallback_url, fmap (s"fallback_method" .=) fallback_method, fmap (s"caller_name" .=) caller_name, fmap (s"send_digits" .=) send_digits, fmap (s"send_on_preanswer" .=) send_on_preanswer, fmap (s"time_limit" .=) time_limit, fmap (s"hangup_on_ring" .=) hangup_on_ring, fmap (s"machine_detection" .=) machine_detection, fmap (s"machine_detection_time" .=) machine_detection_time, fmap (s"sip_headers" .=) (sipFmt sip_headers), fmap (s"ring_timeout" .=) ring_timeout ] where sipFmt [] = Nothing sipFmt xs = Just $ intercalate "," $ map (\(k,v) -> k ++ "=" ++ v) xs instance Endpoint CreateOutboundCall where endpoint aid = post (apiCall ("Account/" ++ aid ++ "/Call/")) data InclusiveOrdering = EQ | LT | LTE | GT | GTE deriving (Show, Eq) orderSuf :: InclusiveOrdering -> String orderSuf EQ = "" orderSuf LT = "__lt" orderSuf LTE = "__lte" orderSuf GT = "__gt" orderSuf GTE = "__gte" -- | The endpoint to list completed calls data GetCompletedCalls = GetCompletedCalls { subaccount :: Maybe String, call_direction :: Maybe String, from_number :: Maybe String, to_number :: Maybe String, bill_duration :: Maybe (InclusiveOrdering, Int), end_time :: Maybe (InclusiveOrdering, UTCTime), limit :: Maybe Int, offset :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Helper for constructing simple 'GetCompletedCalls' getCompletedCalls :: GetCompletedCalls getCompletedCalls = GetCompletedCalls Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing instance QueryLike GetCompletedCalls where toQuery (GetCompletedCalls subaccount call_duration from_number to_number bill_duration end_time limit offset) = catMaybes [ fmap (k "subaccount") subaccount, fmap (k "call_duration") call_duration, fmap (k "from_number") from_number, fmap (k "to_number") to_number, fmap (\(o,d)-> k ("bill_duration"++orderSuf o) (show d)) bill_duration, fmap (\(o,d)-> k ("end_time"++orderSuf o) (utcFmt d)) end_time, fmap (k "limit" . show) limit, fmap (k "offset" . show) offset ] where utcFmt = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M[:%S[%Q]]" k str = (,) (fromString str) . toQueryValue instance Endpoint GetCompletedCalls where endpoint aid = get (apiCall ("Account/" ++ aid ++ "/Call/")) -- | Call a Plivo API endpoint -- -- You must wrap your app in a call to 'OpenSSL.withOpenSSL' callAPI :: (Endpoint a) => String -- ^ AuthID -> String -- ^ AuthToken -> a -- ^ Endpoint data -> IO (Either APIError Value) callAPI aid atok = endpoint aid auth where -- These should be ASCII auth = setAuthorizationBasic (BS8.pack aid) (BS8.pack atok) -- Construct URIs baseURI :: URI baseURI = URI "https:" (Just $ URIAuth "" "" "") "/v1/" "" "" apiCall :: String -> URI apiCall ('/':path) = apiCall path apiCall path = baseURI { uriPath = uriPath baseURI ++ path } -- HTTP requests post :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON b) => URI -> RequestBuilder () -> a -> IO (Either APIError b) post uri req payload = do let req' = do setAccept (BS8.pack "application/json") setContentType (BS8.pack "application/json") setContentLength (LZ.length body) req bodyStream <- fromLazyByteString body oneShotHTTP HttpStreams.POST uri req' (inputStreamBody bodyStream) responseHandler where body = encode payload get :: (QueryLike a, FromJSON b) => URI -> RequestBuilder () -> a -> IO (Either APIError b) get uri req payload = do let req' = do setAccept (BS8.pack "application/json") req oneShotHTTP HttpStreams.GET uri' req' emptyBody responseHandler where uri' = uri { uriQuery = BS8.unpack $ renderQuery True (toQuery payload)} data APIError = APIParamError | APIAuthError | APINotFoundError | APIParseError | APIRequestError Status | APIOtherError deriving (Show, Eq) responseHandler :: (FromJSON a) => Response -> InputStream ByteString -> IO (Either APIError a) responseHandler resp i = runUnexceptionalIO $ runEitherT $ do case getStatusCode resp of code | code >= 200 && code < 300 -> return () 400 -> throwT APIParamError 401 -> throwT APIAuthError 404 -> throwT APINotFoundError code -> throwT $ APIRequestError $ toEnum code v <- fmapLT (handle . fromException) $ fromIO $ parseFromStream json' i case fromJSON v of Success a -> return a Error _ -> throwT APIParseError where handle (Just (ParseException _)) = APIParseError handle _ = APIOtherError oneShotHTTP :: HttpStreams.Method -> URI -> RequestBuilder () -> (OutputStream Builder -> IO ()) -> (Response -> InputStream ByteString -> IO b) -> IO b oneShotHTTP method uri req body handler = do req' <- buildRequest $ do http method (BS8.pack $ uriPath uri) req withConnection (establishConnection url) $ \conn -> do sendRequest conn req' body receiveResponse conn handler where url = BS8.pack $ show uri -- URI can only have ASCII, so should be safe