{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Render.Plot.Data -- Copyright : (c) A. V. H. McPhail 2010, 2013, 2015 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : haskell.vivian.mcphail gmail com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Rendering 'Figure's -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Render.Plot.Data ( -- * Rendering renderData ) where ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.List(partition) --import Prelude.Unicode --import Foreign.Storable --import Foreign.Ptr import Numeric.LinearAlgebra hiding (Upper, Lower) --import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Devel import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A --import qualified Data.Array.MArray as M import qualified Data.Array.Base as B import Data.Word import Data.Maybe import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as CM import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Types import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Render.Types import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Render.Plot.Format import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Render.Plot.Glyph --import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Render.Plot.Annotation import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Defaults import Prelude hiding(min,max,abs) import qualified Prelude ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- findMinIdx, findMaxIdx :: Vector Double -> Double -> Int -> Int -> Int findMinIdx v x n max | n >= max = error "findMinIdx: data not in range" | v `atIndex` n >= x = n | otherwise = findMinIdx v x (n+1) max findMaxIdx v x n min | n < 0 = error "findMaxIdx: data not in range" | v `atIndex` n <= x = n | otherwise = findMaxIdx v x (n-1) min ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- greySurfaceFromMatrix :: C.SurfaceData Int Word8 -> Surface -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () greySurfaceFromMatrix s m stride r' c' = do let r = rows m c = cols m let fm = flatten m mx = maxElement m mn = minElement m mapM_ (\ri -> mapM_ (\(rj,ci) -> do let mi = ((rj `div` r')*c) + (ci `div` c') let e = round . (* 255) . (/ (mx-mn)) . (\x -> x - mn) $ (fm `atIndex` mi) let si = (rj*stride) + ci B.unsafeWrite s si e) $ zip (repeat ri) [0..((c*c')-1)]) [0..((r*r')-1)] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- zeroToOne :: Double -> Double zeroToOne x | x == 0.0 = 1.0 | otherwise = x renderData :: Ranges -> BarSetting -> SampleData -> DataSeries -> Render () renderData _ _ _ (DS_Surf m) = do (BoundingBox x y w h) <- get let r = rows m c = cols m cairo $ do C.save --C.setAntialias C.AntialiasNone let r'' = Prelude.min 4 ((round h) `div` r) c'' = Prelude.min 4 ((round w) `div` c) r' = if r'' < 1 then 1 else r'' c' = if c'' < 1 then 1 else c'' s <- liftIO $ C.createImageSurface C.FormatA8 (c*c') (r*r') p <- liftIO $ C.imageSurfaceGetPixels s C.surfaceFlush s stride <- liftIO $ C.imageSurfaceGetStride s liftIO $ greySurfaceFromMatrix p m stride r' c' C.surfaceMarkDirty s C.setSourceSurface s x y pa <- C.getSource pm <- liftIO $ C.patternGetMatrix pa let pm' = CM.scale ((fromIntegral (c*c'))/w) ((fromIntegral (r*r'))/h) pm liftIO $ C.patternSetMatrix pa pm' --C.patternSetFilter pa C.FilterBest C.rectangle x y w h --(fromIntegral c) (fromIntegral r) C.paint C.stroke C.restore return () renderData r bc sd ds = do let aos = case ds of (DS_Y os') -> zip (repeat (AbsFunction id)) (A.elems os') (DS_1toN abs' os') -> zip (repeat abs') (A.elems os') (DS_1to1 aos') -> A.elems aos' _ -> error "renderData: DataSeries not handled" let (los,ups) = partition (\(_,DecSeries o _) -> isLower o) aos (BoundingBox x y w h) <- get let (xsc,xmin',xmax') = getRanges XAxis Lower r let (xmin,xmax) = if xsc == Log then (logBase 10 $ zeroToOne xmin',logBase 10 $ zeroToOne xmax') else (xmin',xmax') let xscale = w/(xmax-xmin) cairo $ C.save let (yscl,yminl',ymaxl') = getRanges YAxis Lower r let (yminl,ymaxl) = if yscl == Log then (logBase 10 $ zeroToOne yminl',logBase 10 $ zeroToOne ymaxl') else (yminl',ymaxl') let yscalel = h/(ymaxl-yminl) -- transform to data coordinates cairo $ do C.translate x (y+h) --C.scale xscale yscalel C.translate (-xmin*xscale) (yminl*yscalel) flipVertical los' <- configureBars xsc yscl xmin xmax xscale yscalel bc los mapM_ (renderSeries xsc yscl xmin xmax xscale yscalel sd) los' cairo $ C.restore when (not $ null ups) (do cairo $ C.save let (yscu,yminu',ymaxu') = getRanges YAxis Upper r let (yminu,ymaxu) = if yscu == Log then (logBase 10 $ zeroToOne yminu',logBase 10 $ zeroToOne ymaxu') else (yminu',ymaxu') let yscaleu = h/(ymaxu-yminu) -- transform to data coordinates cairo $ do C.translate x (y+h) --C.scale xscale yscaleu C.translate (-xmin*xscale) (yminu*yscaleu) flipVertical ups' <- configureBars xsc yscu xmin xmax xscale yscaleu bc ups mapM_ (renderSeries xsc yscu xmin xmax xscale yscaleu sd) ups' cairo $ C.restore) -- could filter annotations as well return () logSeries :: Scale -> Vector Double -> Vector Double logSeries Log a = logBase 10 $ cmap zeroToOne a logSeries _ a = a midpoints :: (Fractional t, Num (Vector t), Container Vector t) => (t1, Vector t) -> (t1, Vector t) midpoints(mi,v) = let v' = subVector 1 (size v - 1) v w' = subVector 0 (size v - 1) v in (mi,(v'+w')/2.0) logSeriesMinMax :: Scale -> (Vector Double,Vector Double) -> (Vector Double,Vector Double) logSeriesMinMax Log (v,w) = (logSeries Log v,logSeries Log w) logSeriesMinMax Linear x = x getBar :: (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries)) -> Maybe (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries,BarType)) getBar (ix,(as,DecSeries os ds)) = let d = decorationGetBarType ds in case d of Just d' -> Just (ix,(as,DecSeries os ds,d')) Nothing -> Nothing getBarWidth :: (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries,BarType)) -> Render Double getBarWidth (_,(_,_,(ColourBar _))) = do (BarOptions w _ _) <- asks (_baroptions . _renderoptions) return w getBarWidth (_,(_,_,(TypeBar (BarOptions w _ _) _))) = return w replace :: Integer -> a -> [a] -> [a] replace n x xs = let (pre,post) = splitAt (fromIntegral n) xs in pre ++ x:(tail post) shiftAbscissa :: (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries,BarType)) -> Double -> (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries)) shiftAbscissa (j,(AbsFunction f,ds,_)) s = (j,(AbsFunction ((+) s . f),ds)) shiftAbscissa (j,(AbsPoints mi t,ds,_)) s = (j,(AbsPoints mi ((+) (vector [s]) t),ds)) replaceBars :: [(Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries))] -> [(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries)] -> [(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries)] replaceBars [] as = as replaceBars ((j,ds):dss) as = replaceBars dss $ replace j ds as scanStacked :: Vector Double -> (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries,BarType)) -> Vector Double scanStacked v (_,(_,DecSeries (OrdPoints _ o _) _,_)) = v + (getOrdData o) scanStacked _ _ = error "Data.hs:scanStacked: unreachable code" convertBarToCandle :: (Vector Double,Vector Double) -> OrdSeries -> OrdSeries convertBarToCandle (v,w) os = case os of Plain _ -> MinMax (v,w) Nothing Error _ (Right (el,eh)) -> MinMax (v,w) (Just (el,eh)) _ -> error "convertBarToCandle: unreachable code" mkCandlesFromBars :: (Vector Double,Vector Double) -> (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries,BarType)) -> (Integer,(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries)) mkCandlesFromBars (v,w) (j,(a,DecSeries (OrdPoints ax o mb_l) _,bt)) = (j,(a,DecSeries (OrdPoints ax ordSeries mb_l) (DecCand bt))) where ordSeries = convertBarToCandle (v,w) o mkCandlesFromBars _ _ = error "Data.hs:mkCandlesFromBars: unreachable code" getOrdData' :: DecoratedSeries -> Series getOrdData' (DecSeries (OrdPoints _ os _) _) = getOrdData os getOrdData' _ = error "Data.hs:getOrdData': unreachable code" configureBars :: Scale -> Scale -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> BarSetting -> [(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries)] -> Render [(Abscissae,DecoratedSeries)] configureBars _ _ _ _ xscale _ bs aos = do let bars = mapMaybe getBar $ zip [0..] aos case bs of BarNone -> return aos BarSpread -> do widths <- mapM getBarWidth bars let half_total = (sum widths) / 2 let shifts' = init $ scanl (+) 0 widths shifts = map ((/ xscale) . flip (-) half_total) shifts' let shifted = zipWith shiftAbscissa bars shifts let aos' = replaceBars shifted aos return aos' BarStack -> do let od = (getOrdData' . (\(_,b,_) -> b) . snd . head) bars let ln = size $ od let zero = konst 0 ln let pairs = pair $ scanl scanStacked zero bars let candles = zipWith mkCandlesFromBars pairs bars let aos' = replaceBars candles aos return aos' where pair [] = [] pair [_] = error "Data.hs:configureBars:pair: unreachable code" pair [x,y] = [(x,y)] pair (x:y:xs) = (x,y) : pair (y:xs) renderSeries :: Scale -> Scale -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> SampleData -> (Abscissae,DecoratedSeries) -> Render () renderSeries xsc ysc xmin xmax xscale yscale sd (abs,(DecSeries o d)) = do dat <- case o of (OrdFunction _ f _) -> do (BoundingBox _ _ w _) <- get let t = logSeries xsc $ linspace (round w) (xmin,xmax) return $ Left $ Left ((True,t),logSeries ysc $ f t) (OrdPoints _ (Plain o') _) -> do let t = case abs of AbsFunction f -> if isHist d then (True,cmap f $ fromList [0.0..(fromIntegral $ size o')]) else (True,cmap f $ fromList [1.0..(fromIntegral $ size o')]) AbsPoints mi t' -> (mi,t') return $ Left $ Left ((fst t,logSeries xsc $ snd t),logSeries ysc $ o') (OrdPoints _ (Error o' (Left e)) _) -> do let t = case abs of AbsFunction f -> if isHist d then (True,cmap f $ fromList [0.0..(fromIntegral $ size o')]) else (True,cmap f $ fromList [1.0..(fromIntegral $ size o')]) AbsPoints mi t' -> (mi,t') let t' = (fst t,logSeries xsc $ snd t) return $ Left $ Right $ Left ((t',logSeries ysc $ o'),(t',logSeries ysc $ e)) (OrdPoints _ (Error o' (Right (l,h))) _) -> do let t = case abs of AbsFunction f -> if isHist d then (True,cmap f $ fromList [0.0..(fromIntegral $ size o')]) else (True,cmap f $ fromList [1.0..(fromIntegral $ size o')]) AbsPoints mi t' -> (mi,t') let t' = (fst t,logSeries xsc $ snd t) return $ Left $ Right $ Right ((t',logSeries ysc $ o'),(t',logSeries ysc $ l),(t',logSeries ysc $ h)) (OrdPoints _ (MinMax o' Nothing) _) -> do let t = case abs of AbsFunction f -> (True,cmap f $ fromList [1.0..(fromIntegral $ size $ fst o')]) AbsPoints mi t' -> (mi,t') let t' = (fst t,logSeries xsc $ snd t) return $ Right $ Left (t',logSeriesMinMax ysc $ o') (OrdPoints _ (MinMax o' (Just (l,h))) _) -> do let t = case abs of AbsFunction f -> (True,cmap f $ fromList [1.0..(fromIntegral $ size l)]) AbsPoints mi t' -> (mi,t') let t' = (fst t,logSeries xsc $ snd t) return $ Right $ Right ((t',logSeriesMinMax ysc o'),(t',(logSeries ysc l,logSeries ysc h))) case d of (DecLine lt) -> do formatLineSeries lt case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing renderLineSample endLineSample t' y' _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have error bars with line type" (DecPoint pt) -> do (pz,g) <- formatPointSeries pt case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz g) endPointSample t' y' Left (Right (Left ((t',y'),(_,e')))) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz g) endPointSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Bot) endPointSample t' (y'-e') renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Top) endPointSample t' (y'+e') Left (Right (Right ((t',y'),(_,l),(_,h)))) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz g) endPointSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Bot) endPointSample t' l renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Top) endPointSample t' h _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have MinMax data series with point type" (DecLinPt lt pt) -> do formatLineSeries lt (pz,g) <- formatPointSeries pt case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing renderLineSample endLineSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz g) endPointSample t' y' Left (Right (Left ((t',y'),(_,e')))) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing renderLineSample endLineSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz g) endPointSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Bot) endPointSample t' (y'-e') renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Top) endPointSample t' (y'+e') -- error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have single error value with line-points type" Left (Right (Right ((t',y'),(_,l),(_,h)))) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing renderLineSample endLineSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz g) endPointSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Bot) endPointSample t' l renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample pz Top) endPointSample t' h _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have MinMax data series with line-point type" (DecImpulse lt) -> do formatLineSeries lt case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing renderImpulseSample endImpulseSample t' y' _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have error bars with impulse type" (DecStep lt) -> do formatLineSeries lt case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing renderStepSample endStepSample t' y' _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have error bars with step type" (DecArea lt) -> do formatLineSeries lt case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do let ln = size $ snd t' xmin_ix = findMinIdx (snd t') xmin 0 (ln-1) x0 = (snd t') `atIndex` xmin_ix y0 = y' `atIndex` xmin_ix renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing renderAreaSample (endAreaSample x0 y0) t' y' _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have error bars with area type" (DecBar bt) -> do (bw,bc,c) <- formatBarSeries bt (gw,_) <- formatPointSeries defaultPointType case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderBarSample bw bc c) endBarSample t' y' Left (Right (Left ((t',y'),(_,e')))) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderBarSample bw bc c) endBarSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSampleUpDown gw) endPointSample t' e' Left (Right (Right ((t',y'),(_,l'),(_,h')))) -> do renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderBarSample bw bc c) endBarSample t' y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample gw Bot) endPointSample t' l' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample gw Top) endPointSample t' h' _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have MinMax data series with bar type" (DecHist bt) -> do (bw,bc,c) <- formatBarSeries bt (gw,_) <- formatPointSeries defaultPointType case dat of Left (Left (t',y')) -> do let ln = size $ snd $ t' xmin_ix = findMinIdx (snd t') xmin 0 (ln-1) rest (m,v) = (m,subVector 1 (size v - 1) v) x0 = (snd t') `atIndex` xmin_ix y0 = 0 renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd (Just $ C.moveTo x0 y0) (renderHistSample bw bc c) endHistSample (rest t') y' Left (Right (Left ((t',y'),(_,e')))) -> do let ln = size $ snd $ t' xmin_ix = findMinIdx (snd t') xmin 0 (ln-1) rest (m,v) = (m,subVector 1 (size v - 1) v) x0 = (snd t') `atIndex` xmin_ix y0 = 0 renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd (Just $ C.moveTo x0 y0) (renderHistSample bw bc c) endHistSample (rest t') y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSampleUpDown gw) endPointSample (midpoints t') e' Left (Right (Right ((t',y'),(_,l'),(_,h')))) -> do let ln = size $ snd $ t' xmin_ix = findMinIdx (snd t') xmin 0 (ln-1) rest (m,v) = (m,subVector 1 (size v - 1) v) x0 = (snd t') `atIndex` xmin_ix y0 = 0 renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd (Just $ C.moveTo x0 y0) (renderHistSample bw bc c) endHistSample (rest t') y' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample gw Bot) endPointSample (midpoints t') l' renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderPointSample gw Top) endPointSample (midpoints t') h' _ -> error "Data.hs renderSeries: cannot have MinMax data series with histogram type" (DecCand bt) → do (bw,bc,c) <- formatBarSeries bt case dat of Left _ -> error "Candles series requires two data series (MinMax series)" Right (Left (t',y')) -> do renderMinMaxSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderCandleSample bw bc c) endCandleSample t' y' Right (Right ((t',y'),(_,e'))) -> do renderMinMaxSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderWhiskerSample bw bc c False) endWhiskerSample t' e' renderMinMaxSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderCandleSample bw bc c) endCandleSample t' y' (DecWhisk bt) → do (bw,bc,c) <- formatBarSeries bt case dat of Left _ -> error "Candles series requires two data series (MinMax series)" Right (Left (t',y')) -> do renderMinMaxSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderCandleSample bw bc c) endCandleSample t' y' Right (Right ((t',y'),(_,e'))) -> do renderMinMaxSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderWhiskerSample bw bc c True) endWhiskerSample t' e' renderMinMaxSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd Nothing (renderCandleSample bw bc c) endCandleSample t' y' return () ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- renderSamples :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> SampleData -> Maybe (C.Render ()) -> (Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render ()) -> (Double -> Double -> C.Render ()) -> (Bool,Vector Double) -> Vector Double -> Render () renderSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd s f e (mono,t) y = do (BoundingBox _ _ w _) <- get let ln = size t (xmin_ix,xmax_ix,num_pts) = if mono then (findMinIdx t xmin 0 (ln-1) ,findMaxIdx t xmax (ln-1) 0 ,xmax_ix - xmin_ix + 1) else (0,ln-1,ln) diff'' = floor $ (fromIntegral num_pts)/w diff' = if diff'' <= 1 then 1 else diff'' diff = if mono then if sd then diff' else 1 else 1 cairo $ do case s of Nothing -> C.moveTo ((t `atIndex` xmin_ix)*xscale) ((y `atIndex` xmin_ix)*yscale) Just s' -> s' _ <- runMaybeT $ do mapVectorWithIndexM_ (\j y' -> do when (j >= xmin_ix && j `mod` diff == 0) (renderSample j xmax_ix t (f xscale yscale) y') return ()) y (e xscale yscale) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- renderMinMaxSamples :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> SampleData -> Maybe (C.Render ()) -> (Double -> Double -> Double -> (Double,Double) -> C.Render ()) -> (Double -> Double -> C.Render ()) -> (Bool,Vector Double) -> (Vector Double,Vector Double) -> Render () renderMinMaxSamples xscale yscale xmin xmax sd s f e (mono,t) y = do (BoundingBox _ _ w _) <- get let ln = size t (xmin_ix,xmax_ix,num_pts) = if mono then (findMinIdx t xmin 0 (ln-1) ,findMaxIdx t xmax (ln-1) 0 ,xmax_ix - xmin_ix + 1) else (0,ln-1,ln) diff'' = floor $ (fromIntegral num_pts)/w diff' = if diff'' <= 1 then 1 else diff'' diff = if mono then if sd then diff' else 1 else 1 cairo $ do case s of Nothing -> C.moveTo ((t `atIndex` xmin_ix)*xscale) (((fst $ y) `atIndex` xmin_ix)*yscale) Just s' -> s' _ <- runMaybeT $ mapVectorWithIndexM_ (\j t' -> do when (j >= xmin_ix && j `mod` diff == 0) (renderMinMaxSample j xmax_ix t' (f xscale yscale) (e xscale yscale) y) return ()) t return () ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- renderSample :: Int -> Int -> Vector Double -> (Double -> Double -> C.Render ()) -> Double -> MaybeT C.Render () renderSample ix xmax_ix t f y | ix >= xmax_ix = do lift $ f (t `atIndex` ix) y fail "end of bounded area" | otherwise = do lift $ f (t `atIndex` ix) y renderMinMaxSample :: Int -> Int -> Double -> (Double -> (Double,Double) -> C.Render ()) -> C.Render () -> (Vector Double,Vector Double) -> MaybeT C.Render () renderMinMaxSample ix xmax_ix t f e (yl,yu) | ix >= xmax_ix = do lift $ do f t (yl `atIndex` ix,yu `atIndex` ix) e fail "end of bounded area" | otherwise = do lift $ f t (yl `atIndex` ix,yu `atIndex` ix) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- renderLineSample :: Double → Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderLineSample xscale yscale x y = C.lineTo (x*xscale) (y*yscale) endLineSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endLineSample _ _ = C.stroke renderPointSample :: LineWidth -> Glyph -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderPointSample pz g xscale yscale x y = do C.moveTo (x*xscale) (y*yscale) renderGlyph pz g renderPointSampleUpDown :: LineWidth -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderPointSampleUpDown pz xscale yscale x y = do C.moveTo (x*xscale) (y*yscale) renderGlyph pz (if y < 0 then Bot else Top) endPointSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endPointSample _ _ = return () renderImpulseSample :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderImpulseSample xscale yscale x y = do let x' = x*xscale C.moveTo x' 0 C.lineTo x (y*yscale) C.stroke endImpulseSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endImpulseSample _ _ = return () renderStepSample :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderStepSample xscale yscale x y = do (x',_) <- C.getCurrentPoint let y' = y*yscale C.lineTo x' y' C.lineTo (x*xscale) y' endStepSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endStepSample _ _ = C.stroke renderAreaSample :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderAreaSample xscale yscale x y = C.lineTo (x*xscale) (y*yscale) endAreaSample :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () endAreaSample x0 _ xscale _ = do (x',_) <- C.getCurrentPoint let x0' = x0*xscale C.lineTo x' 0 C.lineTo x0' 0 -- C.lineTo x0 y0 C.closePath C.fill C.stroke renderBarSample :: Width -> Color -> Color -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderBarSample bw c bc xscale yscale x y = do setColour bc C.rectangle ((x*xscale)-bw/2) 0 bw (y*yscale) C.strokePreserve setColour c C.fill endBarSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endBarSample _ _ = return () renderHistSample :: Width -> Color -> Color -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render () renderHistSample _ c bc xscale yscale x y = do (x',_) <- C.getCurrentPoint let x'' = x*xscale C.stroke setColour bc C.rectangle x' 0 (x''-x') (y*yscale) C.strokePreserve setColour c C.fill C.moveTo x'' 0 endHistSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endHistSample _ _ = return () renderCandleSample :: Width -> Color -> Color -> Double -> Double -> Double -> (Double,Double) -> C.Render () renderCandleSample bw c bc xscale yscale x (yl,yu) = do setColour bc let (yl',yu') = (yl*yscale,yu*yscale) C.rectangle ((x*xscale)-bw/2) yl' bw (yu'-yl') C.strokePreserve if (yl < yu) then do setColour c else do C.setSourceRGBA 1 1 1 1 C.fill endCandleSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endCandleSample _ _ = return () renderWhiskerSample :: Width -> Color -> Color → Bool -> Double -> Double -> Double -> (Double,Double) -> C.Render () renderWhiskerSample bw _ bc whiskers xscale yscale x (yl,yu) = do setColour bc let (x',yl',yu') = (x*xscale,yl*yscale,yu*yscale) C.moveTo x' yl' C.lineTo x' yu' if whiskers then do C.moveTo (x'-bw/2) yu' C.lineTo (x'+bw/2) yu' C.moveTo (x'-bw/2) yl' C.lineTo (x'+bw/2) yl' else return () C.stroke endWhiskerSample :: Double -> Double -> C.Render () endWhiskerSample _ _ = return () -----------------------------------------------------------------------------