module Main where -- import Control.Monad (forM_) -- import Data.Ratio import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T (readFile, writeFile) import Data.Scientific (Scientific, toRealFloat) import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String (renderSvg) import Text.Blaze.Svg import qualified Data.Colour.Names as C import qualified Data.Colour as C import Data.Parsers fname = "data/heatmap-bw" xPlot = 400 yPlot = 300 fnameOut = "data/heatmap-1.svg" -- fdat :: FigureData Double fdat = FigureData xPlot yPlot 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.9 10 palette0 = palette [, C.white,] 15 -- main :: IO () -- main = do -- dat <- T.readFile fname -- let pd = A.parseOnly (gridNum space) dat -- case pd of Left e -> error e -- Right d -> do -- let pixels = heatmap fdat palette0 d -- svg_t = svgHeader xPlot yPlot pixels -- -- putStrLn $ renderSvg svg_t -- T.writeFile fnameOut $ T.pack $ renderSvg svg_t main = do let p1 = Point (-2) (-2) p2 = Point 2 2 frame = mkFrame p1 p2 nx = 50 ny = 50 f x y = cos ( pi * theta ) * sin r where r = x'**2 + y'**2 theta = atan2 y' x' (x', y') = (fromRational x, fromRational y) lps = plotFun2 f $ meshGrid frame nx ny vmin = minimum $ _lplabel <$> lps vmax = maximum $ _lplabel <$> lps pixels = heatmap' fdat palette0 frame (fromIntegral nx) (fromIntegral ny) lps cbar = colourBar fdat palette0 10 vmin vmax 10 TopRight 100 svg_t = svgHeader xPlot yPlot $ do axes fdat frame 2 10 10 pixels cbar T.writeFile "data/heatmap-3.svg" $ T.pack $ renderSvg svg_t -- withMeshGrid :: (RealFrac a, Enum a) => -- Point a -> Point a -> a -> a -> (Frame a -> [Point a] -> t) -> t -- withMeshGrid p1 p2 nx ny f = -- withFrame p1 p2 $ \fr -> let -- grid = meshGrid fr nx ny in f fr grid -- withFrame p1 p2 f = f frame where -- frame = mkFrame p1 p2 -- parsers -- | Parse a row of numbers, separated by `sep` rowNums :: A.Parser s -> A.Parser [Scientific] rowNums = A.sepBy A.scientific rowNumSpace :: A.Parser [Scientific] rowNumSpace = rowNums space -- | parse a grid of numbers, separated by `sep` gridNum :: A.Parser s -> A.Parser [[Scientific]] gridNum sep = A.sepBy (rowNums sep) A.endOfLine