-- |
-- Module      : PlotFont.hs
-- Copyright   : (c) 2015, M J Oldfield
-- Stability   : Experimental
-- == Rationale
-- There are many good looking fonts which optimize for appearance. I wanted
-- some cruder fonts which had a simpler representation: a relatively small
-- number of straight lines which could easily be plotted by a machine, or
-- perhaps a person.
-- So this might be a good package for you if you're going to do something
-- with the coordinates afterwards, but not if you just want to render some
-- text.
-- == License discussion
-- My code is licensed under the GPL version 2 or later
-- see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
-- The data in canvasText and fallbackGlyph come from Jim Studt's
-- canvastext.js: http://jim.studt.net/canvastext/ which he placed
-- in the public domain. He cites the original source as the
-- Hershey fonts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hershey_fonts
-- The Hershey fonts appear to have this license:
--    1. The following acknowledgements must be distributed with
--       the font data:
--       - The Hershey Fonts were originally created by Dr.
--         A. V. Hershey while working at the U. S.
--         National Bureau of Standards.
--       - The format of the Font data in this distribution
--         was originally created by
--           James Hurt
--           Cognition, Inc.
--           900 Technology Park Drive
--           Billerica, MA 01821
--           (mit-eddie!ci-dandelion!hurt)
--	2. The font data in this distribution may be converted into
--         any other format *EXCEPT* the format distributed by
--	   the U.S. NTIS (which organization holds the rights
--	   to the distribution and use of the font data in that
--	   particular format). Not that anybody would really
--	   *want* to use their format... each point is described
--	   in eight bytes as "xxx yyy:", where xxx and yyy are
--	   the coordinate values as ASCII numbers.
-- It is not clear to me if Mr Studt used 'this distribution'.

module Graphics.PlotFont (
                          PFWidth, PFPoint, PFStroke, PFGlyph,
                          render, render', optimizeStrokes,
                         ) where
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map         as M
import qualified Data.List        as L
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Either      as E
import           Data.Ord    

type PFWidth  = Double
type PFPoint  = (Double, Double)

-- |'PFStroke' is the basic graphic element: a series of points
-- joined by straight lines.

type PFStroke = [PFPoint]

-- |'PFGlyph' is the basic element of the font: the symbol's width, plus
-- the strokes we need to draw it.
type PFGlyph  = (PFWidth, [PFStroke])

dist:: PFPoint -> PFPoint -> Double
dist (xa,ya) (xb,yb) = sqrt $ (xa - xb)^2 + (ya - yb)^2

-- |The 'PlotFont' type wraps the basic font: a map from 'Char' to 'PFGlyph'                      
data PlotFont = PlotFont (M.Map Char PFGlyph)

-- code to render strings into strokes

-- | Given a 'PlotFont' and a 'String', return
--   * 'Right' strokes if the 'String' can be rendered.
--   * 'Left' error otherwise.
render :: PlotFont -> String -> Either String [PFStroke]
render f = getGlyphs f >=> (Right . renderLine 0)

getGlyphs :: PlotFont -> String -> Either String [PFGlyph]
getGlyphs f = addErrorMsg . leftsOrRights . map (getGlyph f)

addErrorMsg :: (Either String a) -> (Either String a)
addErrorMsg (Left a) = Left $ "Missing chars: " ++ a
addErrorMsg a        = a                   
-- this is like T.sequence but gives all the Lefts if any exist
leftsOrRights :: [Either a b] -> Either [a] [b]
leftsOrRights = pick . E.partitionEithers
      where pick ([],bs) = Right bs
            pick (as,_)  = Left  as
getGlyph :: PlotFont -> Char -> Either Char PFGlyph
getGlyph (PlotFont m) c = maybe (Left c) Right $ c `M.lookup` m

-- | A varient of 'render' which replaces unknown characters with
-- a question mark.
-- It is guaranteed to render something, and thus
-- useful if you want to ignore the possibility of errors e.g.
-- because you're manually checking the output.
render' :: PlotFont -> String -> [PFStroke]
render' f = renderLine 0 . map (getGlyph' f)

getGlyph' :: PlotFont -> Char -> PFGlyph
getGlyph' (PlotFont m) c = M.findWithDefault fallbackGlyph c m

-- this is the ? from canvastextFont, duplicated here to avoid constraining
-- ctF to contain ?
fallbackGlyph :: PFGlyph
fallbackGlyph = (18.0, optimizeStrokes
                         [ [ (3.0,16.0), (3.0,17.0), (4.0,19.0), (5.0,20.0),
                           (7.0,21.0), (11.0,21.0), (13.0,20.0), (14.0,19.0),
                           (15.0,17.0), (15.0,15.0), (14.0,13.0), (13.0,12.0),
                            (9.0,10.0), (9.0,7.0) ],
                         [ (9.0,2.0), (8.0,1.0), (9.0,0.0), (10.0,1.0), (9.0,2.0) ]

renderLine :: PFWidth -> [PFGlyph] -> [PFStroke]
renderLine _ [] = []
renderLine dx ((w,ss):sss) = offset ss ++ renderLine (dx + w) sss
  where offset = (liftM . liftM) (\(x,y) -> (x + dx,y))

-- | Given a set of strokes, try to optimize their order and direction
-- so as to prefer:
--  *  fewer strokes;
--  *  smaller gaps between strokes;
--  *  left-most starting position;
--  *  bottom-most starting position.
-- The code does a reasonable job of improving fonts where no thought has
-- been given to this, but hand-tweaking is still better.
optimizeStrokes :: [PFStroke] ->  [PFStroke]
optimizeStrokes = pickBest . map joinStrokes . allArrangements . filter (not . null)
         where pickBest = L.minimumBy (comparing score)
allArrangements :: [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
allArrangements = concatMap allDirs . L.permutations

allDirs :: [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
allDirs strokes = [ zipWith ($) ops strokes | ops <- opss ]
   where opss = replicateM (length strokes) [id, reverse]

-- given an arrangement of strokes, return a score (lower better),
-- preferring (in order):
score :: [PFStroke] -> (Int, Double, PFPoint)
score ss | length ss < 2 = (length ss, 0.0, (0.0,0.0))
score ss                 = (length ss, sum skips, firstPoint)
    where skips      = zipWith (\as bs -> dist (last as) (head bs)) ss (tail ss)
          firstPoint = head $ head ss

joinStrokes (s0:s1:ss) | last s0 == head s1 = joinStrokes $ (s0 ++ tail s1) : ss
                       | otherwise          = s0 : joinStrokes (s1:ss)
joinStrokes ss                              = ss

-- ex 
-- | The Hershey font used by <http://jim.studt.net/canvastext/canvastext.js canvastext.js>
-- which provides @!\"#$%&()*+,-.\/0123456789:;\<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~@
canvastextFont :: PlotFont
canvastextFont = PlotFont $ M.fromList
      [ (' ',(16.0,[]))