{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators #-}

-- | An implementation of a zipper-like non-empty list structure that tracks
--   an index position in the list (the 'focus').
module Data.List.PointedList where

import Prelude hiding (foldl, foldr, elem)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
-- import Control.Lens (set)
import Data.Binary
import Data.DeriveTH
import Data.Foldable hiding (find)
import Data.List hiding (length, foldl, foldr, find, elem)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable

-- | The implementation of the pointed list structure which tracks the current
--   position in the list structure.
data PointedList a = PointedList
  { _reversedPrefix :: [a]
  , _focus          :: a
  , _suffix         :: [a]
  } deriving (Eq)

$(derive makeBinary ''PointedList)

-- | Lens compatible with Control.Lens.
reversedPrefix :: Functor f => ([a] -> f [a]) -> PointedList a -> f (PointedList a)
reversedPrefix f (PointedList ls x rs) = (\ls' -> PointedList ls' x rs) <$> f ls

-- | Lens compatible with Control.Lens.
focus :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> PointedList a -> f (PointedList a)
focus f (PointedList ls x rs) = (\x' -> PointedList ls x' rs) <$> f x

-- | Lens compatible with Control.Lens.
suffix :: Functor f => ([a] -> f [a]) -> PointedList a -> f (PointedList a)
suffix f (PointedList ls x rs) = (\rs' -> PointedList ls x rs') <$> f rs

-- | Lens compatible with Control.Lens.
-- Internally reversing the prefix list.
prefix :: Functor f => ([a] -> f [a]) -> PointedList a -> f (PointedList a)
prefix f (PointedList ls x rs) = (\ls' -> PointedList (reverse ls') x rs) <$> f (reverse ls)

instance (Show a) => Show (PointedList a) where
 show (PointedList ls x rs) = show (reverse ls) ++ " " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show rs

instance Functor PointedList where
 fmap f (PointedList ls x rs) = PointedList (map f ls) (f x) (map f rs)

instance Foldable PointedList where
 foldr f z (PointedList ls x rs) = foldl (flip f) (foldr f z (x:rs)) ls

instance Traversable PointedList where
 traverse f (PointedList ls x rs) = PointedList <$>
    (reverse <$> traverse f (reverse ls)) <*> f x <*> traverse f rs

-- | Create a 'PointedList' with a single element.
singleton :: a -> PointedList a
singleton x = PointedList [] x []

-- | Possibly create a @'Just' 'PointedList'@ if the provided list has at least
--   one element; otherwise, return Nothing.
--   The provided list's head will be the focus of the list, and the rest of
--   list will follow on the right side.
fromList :: [a] -> Maybe (PointedList a)
fromList []     = Nothing
fromList (x:xs) = Just $ PointedList [] x xs

-- | Possibly create a @'Just' 'PointedList'@ if the provided list has at least
--   one element; otherwise, return Nothing.
--   The provided list's last element will be the focus of the list, following
--   the rest of the list in order, to the left.
fromListEnd :: [a] -> Maybe (PointedList a)
fromListEnd [] = Nothing
fromListEnd xs = Just $ PointedList xs' x []
 where (x:xs') = reverse xs

-- | Replace the focus of the list, retaining the prefix and suffix.
replace :: a -> PointedList a -> PointedList a
replace x (PointedList ls _ rs) = PointedList ls x rs
-- replace = set focus

-- | Possibly move the focus to the next element in the list.
next :: PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
next (PointedList _  _ []) = Nothing
next p = (Just . tryNext) p -- GHC doesn't allow PL form here

-- | Attempt to move the focus to the next element, or 'error' if there are
--   no more elements.
tryNext :: PointedList a -> PointedList a
tryNext p@(PointedList _  _ []    ) = error "cannot move to next element"
tryNext   (PointedList ls x (r:rs)) = PointedList (x:ls) r rs

-- | Possibly move the focus to the previous element in the list.
previous :: PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
previous (PointedList [] _ _ ) = Nothing
previous p = (Just . tryPrevious) p

-- | Attempt to move the focus to the previous element, or 'error' if there are
--   no more elements.
tryPrevious :: PointedList a -> PointedList a
tryPrevious p@(PointedList []     _ _ ) =
  error "cannot move to previous element" 
tryPrevious   (PointedList (l:ls) x rs) = PointedList ls l (x:rs)

-- | An alias for 'insertRight'.
insert :: a -> PointedList a -> PointedList a
insert = insertRight

-- | Insert an element to the left of the focus, then move the focus to the new
--   element.
insertLeft :: a -> PointedList a -> PointedList a
insertLeft y (PointedList ls x rs) = PointedList ls y (x:rs)

-- | Insert an element to the right of the focus, then move the focus to the
--   new element.
insertRight :: a -> PointedList a -> PointedList a
insertRight y (PointedList ls x rs) = PointedList (x:ls) y rs

-- | An alias of 'deleteRight'.
delete :: PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
delete = deleteRight

-- | Possibly delete the element at the focus, then move the element on the
--   left to the focus. If no element is on the left, focus on the element to
--   the right. If the deletion will cause the list to be empty, return
--   'Nothing'.
deleteLeft :: PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
deleteLeft (PointedList [] _ []    ) = Nothing
deleteLeft (PointedList (l:ls) _ rs) = Just $ PointedList ls l rs
deleteLeft (PointedList [] _ (r:rs)) = Just $ PointedList [] r rs

-- | Possibly delete the element at the focus, then move the element on the
--   right to the focus. If no element is on the right, focus on the element to
--   the left. If the deletion will cause the list to be empty, return
--   'Nothing'.
deleteRight :: PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
deleteRight (PointedList [] _ []    ) = Nothing
deleteRight (PointedList ls _ (r:rs)) = Just $ PointedList ls r rs
deleteRight (PointedList (l:ls) _ []) = Just $ PointedList ls l []

-- | Delete all elements in the list except the focus.
deleteOthers :: PointedList a -> PointedList a
deleteOthers (PointedList _ b _) = PointedList [] b []

-- | The length of the list.
length :: PointedList a -> Int
length = foldr (const (+1)) 0

-- | Whether the focus is the first element.
atStart :: PointedList a -> Bool
atStart (PointedList [] _ _) = True
atStart _ = False

-- | Whether the focus is the last element.
atEnd :: PointedList a -> Bool
atEnd (PointedList _ _ []) = True
atEnd _ = False

-- | Create a 'PointedList' of variations of the provided 'PointedList', in
--   which each element is focused, with the provided 'PointedList' as the
--   focus of the sets.
positions :: PointedList a -> PointedList (PointedList a)
positions p@(PointedList ls x rs) = PointedList left p right
  where left  = unfoldr (\p -> fmap (join (,)) $ previous p) p
        right = unfoldr (\p -> fmap (join (,)) $ next p) p

-- | Map over the 'PointedList's created via 'positions', such that @f@ is	
--   called with each element of the list focused in the provided
--   'PointedList'. An example makes this easier to understand:
-- > contextMap atStart (fromJust $ fromList [1..5])
contextMap :: (PointedList a -> b) -> PointedList a -> PointedList b
contextMap f z = fmap f $ positions z

-- | Create a @'PointedList' a@ of @(a, 'Bool')@, in which the boolean values
--   specify whether the current element has the focus. That is, all of the
--   booleans will be 'False', except the focused element.
withFocus :: PointedList a -> PointedList (a, Bool)
withFocus (PointedList a b c) =
    PointedList (zip a (repeat False)) (b, True) (zip c (repeat False))

-- | Move the focus to the specified index. The first element is at index 0.
moveTo :: Int -> PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
moveTo n pl = moveN (n - (index pl)) pl 

-- | Move the focus by @n@, relative to the current index. Negative values move
--   the focus backwards, positive values more forwards through the list.
moveN :: Int -> PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
moveN n pl@(PointedList left x right) = go n left x right 
  go n left x right = case compare n 0 of
   GT -> case right of
     [] -> Nothing
     (r:rs) -> go (n-1) (x:left) r rs
   LT -> case left of
     [] -> Nothing
     (l:ls) -> go (n+1) ls l (x:right)
   EQ -> Just $ PointedList left x right

-- | Move the focus to the specified element, if it is present.
--   Patch with much faster algorithm provided by Runar Bjarnason for version
--   0.3.2. Improved again by Runar Bjarnason for version 0.3.3 to support
--   infinite lists on both sides of the focus.
find :: Eq a => a -> PointedList a -> Maybe (PointedList a)
find x pl = find' ((x ==) . _focus) $ positions pl
  where find' pred (PointedList a b c) =
          if pred b then Just b
                    else List.find pred (merge a c)
        merge []     ys = ys
        merge (x:xs) ys = x : merge ys xs

-- | The index of the focus, leftmost is 0.
index :: PointedList a -> Int
index (PointedList a _ _) = Prelude.length a