-- |
-- Module      :  Generics.Pointless.Examples.Observe
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008 University of Minho
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  hpacheco@di.uminho.pt
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Pointless Haskell:
-- point-free programming with recursion patterns as hylomorphisms
-- This module provides the same examples, but with support for GHood observations.

module Generics.Pointless.Examples.Observe where

import Generics.Pointless.Combinators
import Generics.Pointless.Functors
import Generics.Pointless.RecursionPatterns
import Generics.Pointless.Observe.RecursionPatterns
import Generics.Pointless.Observe.Functors
import Generics.Pointless.Examples.Examples
import Debug.Observe
import Data.Typeable

-- | Definition of the observable length function as an hylomorphism.
lengthHyloO :: Observable a => [a] -> Int
lengthHyloO = hyloO (ann::Ann Int) f g
   where f = inn
         g = (id -|- snd) . out

-- | Definition of the observable length function as an anamorphism.
lengthAnaO :: Observable a => [a] -> Int
lengthAnaO = anaO (ann::Ann Int) f
   where f = (id -|- snd) . out

-- | Definition of the observable length function as a catamorphism.
lengthCataO :: (Typeable a, Observable a) => [a] -> Int
lengthCataO = cataO (ann ::Ann [a]) g
   where g = inn . (id -|- snd)

-- | Definition of the observable factorial function as an hylomorphism.
factHyloO :: Int -> Int
factHyloO = hyloO (ann::Ann [Int]) f g
    where g = (id -|- succ /\ id) . out
          f = one \/ prod

-- | Definition of the observable factorial function as a paramorphism.
factParaO :: Int -> Int
factParaO = paraO (ann::Ann Int) f
    where f = one \/ prod . (id >< succ)

-- | Definition of the observable factorial function as a zygomorphism.
factZygoO :: Int -> Int
factZygoO = zygoO (ann::Ann Int) inn f
   where f = one \/ (prod . (id >< succ))

-- | Definition of the observable fibonacci function as an hylomorphism.
fibHyloO :: Int -> Int
fibHyloO = hyloO (ann::Ann (LTree One)) f g
    where g = (bang -|- pred /\ pred . pred) . ((<=1)?)
	  f = one \/ add
-- | Definition of the observable fibonacci function as an histomorphism.
fibHistoO :: Int -> Int
fibHistoO = histoO (ann::Ann Int) f
   where f = (zero \/ (one . snd \/ add . (id >< outl)) . distr . out)

-- | Definition of the observable fibonacci function as a dynamorphism.
fibDynaO :: Int -> Int
fibDynaO = dynaO (ann::Ann Int) f g
   where f = (zero \/ (one . snd \/ add . (id >< outl)) . distr . out)
         g = out

-- | Definition of the observable quicksort function as an hylomorphism.
qsortHyloO :: (Typeable a, Observable a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
qsortHyloO = hyloO (ann::Ann (Tree a)) f g
    where g = (id -|- fst /\ partition) . out
	  f = nil \/ cat . (id >< cons) . assocr . (swap >< id) . assocl

-- | Definition of the observable tail function as a paramorphism.
tailParaO :: (Typeable a, Observable a) => [a] -> [a]
tailParaO = paraO (ann::Ann [a]) (nil \/ snd . snd)

-- | Definition of the observable add function as an accumulation.
addAccumO :: (Int,Int) -> Int
addAccumO = accumO (ann::Ann Int) t f
    where t = (fst -|- id >< succ) . distl
	  f = (snd \/ fst) . distl