Name: pointless-lenses Version: 0.0.8 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Alcino Cunha , Hugo Pacheco Maintainer: Hugo Pacheco Synopsis: Pointless Lenses library Description: Pointless Lenses is library of bidirectional lenses () defined in the point-free style of programming. Generic bidirectional lenses can be defined over inductive types by relying in a set of lifted lens combinators from the standard point-free combinators. Recursive lenses can be defined by combining the lenses for the recursion patterns of catamorphisms and anamorphism. More refined lens behavior can be achieved a more operation-based variant of delta-lenses (<>). The library also provides QuickCheck procedures to test the well-behavedness of user-defined lens transformations. More details can be found in the accompanying papers and Homepage: Category: Generics extra-source-files: README, Test.hs Build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.2.3 Library Hs-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, derive >= 2.5.4, pointless-haskell >= 0.0.7, containers >=, QuickCheck >=, haskell98, process exposed-modules: Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Combinators, Generics.Pointless.Lenses.RecursionPatterns, Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Examples.Examples, Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Examples.Imdb, Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Examples.Recs, Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Examples.MapExamples, Generics.Pointless.Lenses.PartialCombinators, Generics.Pointless.Lenses, Generics.Pointless.DLenses, Generics.Pointless.DLenses.Combinators, Generics.Pointless.DLenses.RecursionPatterns, Generics.Pointless.DLenses.ShapeCombinators, Generics.Pointless.DLenses.Examples.Examples, Data.Diff, Data.Relation, Data.Shape extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, GADTs, Rank2Types