{-# LANGUAGE GADTs , TypeFamilies , KindSignatures , DataKinds , ConstraintKinds , TypeOperators , MultiParamTypeClasses , FunctionalDependencies , PolyKinds , FlexibleInstances , UndecidableInstances #-} module Data.Function.Poly where import Data.Constraint import Data.HList -- | Provide a type-level list of /types/ @xs@, and a final result type @r@, -- construct a chain of arrows @->@ / n-ary function (which is right-associative) -- of each type in @xs@, ending in @r@. type family TypeListToArity (xs :: [*]) (r :: *) :: * where TypeListToArity '[] r = r -- basis TypeListToArity (x ': xs) r = x -> TypeListToArity xs r -- | The inverse of @TypeListToArity@. type family ArityToTypeList (r :: *) :: [*] where ArityToTypeList (x -> r) = x ': ArityToTypeList r ArityToTypeList r = '[] type family Result (f :: *) :: * where Result (x -> r) = Result r Result r = r -- | Trim an n-ary function / chain of arrows @->@ with a type-level list of -- types @xs@, where each element of @xs@ __must__ unify with each element of -- the cons-list made with @->@. type family ArityMinusTypeList (r :: *) (xs :: [*]) :: * where ArityMinusTypeList r '[] = r -- basis ArityMinusTypeList (x -> r) (x ': xs) = ArityMinusTypeList r xs -- | Injects a type to the base of the function arity chain. type family InjectLast (x :: *) (f :: *) :: * where InjectLast x f = TypeListToArity (Append (ArityToTypeList f) x) (Result f) type family Append (xs :: [*]) (x :: *) :: [*] where Append '[] y = y ': '[] Append (x ': xs) y = x ': Append xs y -- | Inductively constrain a function's initial arity to match a type list; -- as a read-only style of static arity assurance. type family ExpectArity (xs :: [*]) (f :: *) :: Constraint where ExpectArity '[] f = () -- basis ExpectArity (x ': xs) (x -> remainder) = ExpectArity xs remainder -- | Expect the last parameter in your stack of arity to have a type. type family ExpectLast (x :: *) (f :: *) :: Constraint where ExpectLast x (x -> remainder) = () -- basis ExpectLast x (y -> remainder) = ExpectLast x remainder -- | Duplicate of -- @Head@ function for kind-polymorphic type-level lists. type family Head (xs :: [k]) :: k where Head (x ': xs) = x type family Tail (xs :: [k]) :: [k] where Tail (x ': xs) = xs -- | Lift the @HList@'s internal type-level list of types to a constraint context. class ExpectArity xs f => ConsumeArity (xs :: [*]) (f :: *) result | xs f -> result where -- | Use a /heterogeneously-typed/ list of values as input to an n-ary function, -- where types must unify statically. appN :: f -> HList xs -> result instance ConsumeArity '[] r r where appN r _ = r instance ( ConsumeArity xs f r , ExpectArity (x ': xs) (x -> f) )=> ConsumeArity (x ': xs) (x -> f) r where appN f (HCons x xs) = appN (f x) xs -- | Shows that an n-ary function @f@ /precisely/ ends with @r@. type family HasResult (f :: *) (r :: *) :: Constraint where HasResult r r = () HasResult (x -> r') r = HasResult r' r