polyparse - a collection of alternative parser combinator libraries ------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions: We currently support nhc98, ghc, and Hugs. The automatic configuration detects which compilers/interpreters you have, and prepares a build tree for each. Installation may require write-permission on the system directories of the compiler/interpreter. The libraries and interfaces can then be used as "-package polyparse" (for ghc/nhc98 - no extra options required for Hugs). sh configure make make install Options to configure are: --buildwith=... e.g. ghc-6.6, to build for a specific compiler --prefix=... e.g. /usr/local, to change installation location Complaints to: :-) Malcolm.Wallace@cs.york.ac.uk P.S. For those building on Windows /without/ Cygwin, you can avoid the need for configure/make steps by simply running the minimal build script in Build.bat You will need to edit it for the location of your compiler etc. ---- What this package contains: docs/ Some rudimentary HTML documentation about the libraries. docs/haddock/ Haddock-generated API documentation. examples/ Some small examples of how the libraries are used. src/Text Parse A replacement for the Prelude Read class. src/Text/ParserCombinators HuttonMeijer Early parser combinators from 1996. HuttonMeijerWallace Extended for arbitrary token type + running state + error msgs. Poly Space-efficient combinators that allow arbitrary token type. PolyState arbitrary token type + running state. PolyLazy arbitrary token type + lazy return of results. PolyStateLazy arbitrary token type + running state + lazy results. ----