{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Polysemy.Input
  ( -- * Effect
    Input (..)

    -- * Actions
  , input

    -- * Interpretations
  , runConstInput
  , runListInput
  , runMonadicInput
  ) where

import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List (uncons)
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.State

-- | An effect which can provide input to an application. Useful for dealing
-- with streaming input.
data Input i m a where
  Input :: Input i m i

makeSemantic ''Input

-- | Run an 'Input' effect by always giving back the same value.
runConstInput :: i -> Semantic (Input i ': r) a -> Semantic r a
runConstInput c = interpret \case
  Input -> pure c
{-# INLINE runConstInput #-}

-- | Run an 'Input' effect by providing a different element of a list each
-- time. Returns 'Nothing' after the list is exhausted.
    :: Typeable i
    => [i]
    -> Semantic (Input (Maybe i) ': r) a
    -> Semantic r a
runListInput is = fmap snd . runState is . reinterpret \case
  Input -> do
    s <- gets uncons
    for_ s $ put . snd
    pure $ fmap fst s
{-# INLINE runListInput #-}

-- | Runs an 'Input' effect by evaluating a monadic action for each request.
runMonadicInput :: Semantic r i -> Semantic (Input i ': r) a -> Semantic r a
runMonadicInput m = interpret \case
  Input -> m
{-# INLINE runMonadicInput #-}