

# polysemy [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/polysemy-research/polysemy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/polysemy-research/polysemy) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/polysemy.svg?logo=haskell&label=polysemy)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/polysemy) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/polysemy-plugin.svg?logo=haskell&label=polysemy-plugin)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/polysemy-plugin) [![Zulip chat](https://img.shields.io/badge/zulip-join_chat-brightgreen.svg)](https://funprog.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/216942-Polysemy) ## Overview `polysemy` is a library for writing high-power, low-boilerplate domain specific languages. It allows you to separate your business logic from your implementation details. And in doing so, `polysemy` lets you turn your implementation code into reusable library code. It's like `mtl` but composes better, requires less boilerplate, and avoids the O(n^2) instances problem. It's like `freer-simple` but more powerful. It's like `fused-effects` but with an order of magnitude less boilerplate. Additionally, unlike `mtl`, `polysemy` has no functional dependencies, so you can use multiple copies of the same effect. This alleviates the need for ~~ugly hacks~~ band-aids like [classy lenses](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens-4.17.1/docs/Control-Lens-TH.html#v:makeClassy), the [`ReaderT` pattern](https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/06/readert-design-pattern) and nicely solves the [trouble with typed errors](https://www.parsonsmatt.org/2018/11/03/trouble_with_typed_errors.html). Concerned about type inference? `polysemy` comes with its companion [`polysemy-plugin`](https://github.com/isovector/polysemy/tree/master/polysemy-plugin), which helps it perform just as well as `mtl`'s! Add `polysemy-plugin` to your `package.yaml` or `.cabal` file's `dependencies` section to use. Then turn it on with a pragma in your source files: ```haskell {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Polysemy.Plugin #-} ``` Or by adding `-fplugin=Polysemy.Plugin` to your `package.yaml`/`.cabal` file `ghc-options` section. ## Features - *Effects are higher-order,* meaning it's trivial to write `bracket` and `local` as first-class effects. - *Effects are low-boilerplate,* meaning you can create new effects in a single-digit number of lines. New interpreters are nothing but functions and pattern matching. ## Tutorials and Resources - Raghu Kaippully wrote a beginner friendly [tutorial](https://haskell-explained.gitlab.io/blog/posts/2019/07/28/polysemy-is-cool-part-1/index.html). - Sandy Maguire, the author, wrote a post about [Porting to Polysemy](https://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/porting-to-polysemy/) from transformers/MTL-style monads. - Paweł Szulc gave a [great talk](https://youtu.be/idU7GdlfP9Q?t=1394) on how to start thinking about polysemy. - Sandy Maguire gave a talk on some of the [performance implementation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dHFOjcK6pA) - He has also written [some](http://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/freer-higher-order-effects/) [blog posts](http://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/tactics/) on other implementation details. ## Examples Make sure you read the [Necessary Language Extensions](https://github.com/polysemy-research/polysemy#necessary-language-extensions) before trying these yourself! Teletype effect: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, LambdaCase, BlockArguments, GADTs , FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators, DataKinds, PolyKinds, ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Polysemy import Polysemy.Input import Polysemy.Output data Teletype m a where ReadTTY :: Teletype m String WriteTTY :: String -> Teletype m () makeSem ''Teletype teletypeToIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Teletype ': r) a -> Sem r a teletypeToIO = interpret \case ReadTTY -> embed getLine WriteTTY msg -> embed $ putStrLn msg runTeletypePure :: [String] -> Sem (Teletype ': r) a -> Sem r ([String], a) runTeletypePure i -- For each WriteTTY in our program, consume an output by appending it to the -- list in a ([String], a) = runOutputMonoid pure -- Treat each element of our list of strings as a line of input . runInputList i -- Reinterpret our effect in terms of Input and Output . reinterpret2 \case ReadTTY -> maybe "" id <$> input WriteTTY msg -> output msg echo :: Member Teletype r => Sem r () echo = do i <- readTTY case i of "" -> pure () _ -> writeTTY i >> echo -- Let's pretend echoPure :: [String] -> Sem '[] ([String], ()) echoPure = flip runTeletypePure echo pureOutput :: [String] -> [String] pureOutput = fst . run . echoPure -- echo forever main :: IO () main = runM . teletypeToIO $ echo ``` Resource effect: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, LambdaCase, BlockArguments, GADTs , FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators, DataKinds, PolyKinds , TypeApplications #-} import Polysemy import Polysemy.Input import Polysemy.Output import Polysemy.Error import Polysemy.Resource -- Using Teletype effect from above data CustomException = ThisException | ThatException deriving Show program :: Members '[Resource, Teletype, Error CustomException] r => Sem r () program = catch @CustomException work \e -> writeTTY $ "Caught " ++ show e where work = bracket (readTTY) (const $ writeTTY "exiting bracket") \input -> do writeTTY "entering bracket" case input of "explode" -> throw ThisException "weird stuff" -> writeTTY input *> throw ThatException _ -> writeTTY input *> writeTTY "no exceptions" main :: IO (Either CustomException ()) main = runFinal . embedToFinal @IO . resourceToIOFinal . errorToIOFinal @CustomException . teletypeToIO $ program ``` Easy. ## Friendly Error Messages Free monad libraries aren't well known for their ease-of-use. But following in the shoes of `freer-simple`, `polysemy` takes a serious stance on providing helpful error messages. For example, the library exposes both the `interpret` and `interpretH` combinators. If you use the wrong one, the library's got your back: ```haskell runResource :: forall r a . Sem (Resource ': r) a -> Sem r a runResource = interpret $ \case ... ``` makes the helpful suggestion: ```txt • 'Resource' is higher-order, but 'interpret' can help only with first-order effects. Fix: use 'interpretH' instead. • In the expression: interpret $ \case ``` ## Necessary Language Extensions You're going to want to stick all of this into your `package.yaml` file. ```yaml ghc-options: -O2 -flate-specialise -fspecialise-aggressively default-extensions: - DataKinds - FlexibleContexts - GADTs - LambdaCase - PolyKinds - RankNTypes - ScopedTypeVariables - TypeApplications - TypeOperators - TypeFamilies ``` ## Building with Nix The project provides a basic nix config for building in development. It is defined as a [flake] with backwards compatibility stubs in `default.nix` and `shell.nix`. To build the main library or plugin: ```bash nix-build -A polysemy nix-build -A polysemy-plugin ``` Flake version: ```bash nix build nix build '.#polysemy-plugin' ``` To inspect a dependency: ```bash nix repl > p = import ./. > p.unagi-chan ``` To run a shell command with all dependencies in the environment: ```bash nix-shell --pure nix-shell --pure --run 'cabal v2-haddock polysemy' nix-shell --pure --run ghcid ``` Flake version: ```bash nix develop -i # just enter a shell nix develop -i -c cabal v2-haddock polysemy nix develop -i -c haskell-language-server-wrapper # start HLS for your IDE ``` ## *What about performance?* ([TL;DR](#tldr)) Previous versions of this `README` mentioned **the library being** ***zero-cost***, as in having no visible effect on performance. While this was the original motivation and main factor in implementation of this library, it turned out that [**optimizations** we depend on](https://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/specialization/), while showing amazing results in small benchmarks, **don't work in [bigger, multi-module programs](https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/313#issuecomment-590143835)**, what greatly limits their usefulness. What's more interesting though is that this **isn't a `polysemy`-specific** problem - basically **all popular effects libraries** ended up being bitten by variation of this problem in one way or another, resulting in [visible drop in performance](https://github.com/lexi-lambda/ghc-proposals/blob/delimited-continuation-primops/proposals/0000-delimited-continuation-primops.md#putting-numbers-to-the-cost) compared to equivalent code without use of effect systems. *Why did nobody notice this?* One factor may be that while GHC's optimizer is very, very good in general in optimizing all sorts of abstraction, it's relatively complex and hard to predict - authors of libraries may have not deemed location of code relevant, even though it had big effect at the end. The other is that maybe **it doesn't matter as much** as we like to tell ourselves. Many of these effects libraries are used in production and they're doing just fine, because maximum performance usually matters in small, controlled areas of code, that often don't use features of effect systems at all. *What can we do about this?* Luckily, the same person that uncovered this problems proposed a [solution](https://github.com/lexi-lambda/ghc-proposals/blob/delimited-continuation-primops/proposals/0000-delimited-continuation-primops.md) - set of primops that will allow interpretation of effects at runtime, with minimal overhead. It's not *zero-cost* as we hoped for with `polysemy` at first, but it should have negligible effect on performance in real life and compared to current solutions, it should be much more predictable and even resolve some problems with behaviour of [specific effects](https://github.com/polysemy-research/polysemy/issues/246). You can try out experimental library that uses proposed features [here](https://github.com/hasura/eff). When it comes to `polysemy`, once GHC proposal lands, we will consider the option of switching to an implementation based on it. This will probably require some breaking changes, but should resolve performance issues and maybe even make implementation of higher-order effects easier. If you're interested in more details, see Alexis King's [talk about the problem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jI-AlWEwYI), Sandy Maguire's [followup about how it relates to `polysemy`](https://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/mea-culpa/) and [GHC proposal](https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/313) that adds features needed for new type of implementation. ### TL;DR Basically all current effects libraries (including `polysemy` and even `mtl`) got performance wrong - **but**, there's ongoing work on extending GHC with features that will allow for creation of effects implementation with stable and strong performance. It's what `polysemy` may choose at some point, but it will probably require few breaking changes. ## Acknowledgements, citations, and related work The following is a non-exhaustive list of people and works that have had a significant impact, directly or indirectly, on `polysemy`’s design and implementation: - Oleg Kiselyov, Amr Sabry, and Cameron Swords — [Extensible Effects: An alternative to monad transfomers][oleg:exteff] - Oleg Kiselyov and Hiromi Ishii — [Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects][oleg:more] - Nicolas Wu, Tom Schrijvers, and Ralf Hinze — [Effect Handlers in Scope][wu:scope] - Nicolas Wu and Tom Schrijvers — [Fusion for Free: Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers][schrijvers:fusion] - Andy Gill and other contributors — [`mtl`][hackage:mtl] - Rob Rix, Patrick Thomson, and other contributors — [`fused-effects`][gh:fused-effects] - Alexis King and other contributors — [`freer-simple`][gh:freer-simple] [docs]: https://hasura.github.io/eff/Control-Effect.html [gh:fused-effects]: https://github.com/fused-effects/fused-effects [gh:freer-simple]: https://github.com/lexi-lambda/freer-simple [hackage:mtl]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtl [oleg:exteff]: http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/extensible/exteff.pdf [oleg:more]: http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/extensible/more.pdf [schrijvers:fusion]: https://people.cs.kuleuven.be/~tom.schrijvers/Research/papers/mpc2015.pdf [wu:scope]: https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/nicolas.wu/papers/Scope.pdf [flake]: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes