module Polysemy.Conc.Monitor where import qualified Polysemy.Time as Time import Polysemy.Time (NanoSeconds, Time, TimeUnit, convert, Minutes (Minutes), Seconds (Seconds)) import Torsor (Torsor, difference, minus) import Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Monitor (MonitorCheck (MonitorCheck)) import Data.Default (Default (def)) -- |Config for 'monitorClockSkew'. data ClockSkewConfig = ClockSkewConfig { interval :: NanoSeconds, tolerance :: NanoSeconds } deriving (Eq, Show) -- |Smart constructor for 'ClockSkewConfig' that takes arbitrary 'TimeUnit's. clockSkewConfig :: TimeUnit u1 => TimeUnit u2 => u1 -> u2 -> ClockSkewConfig clockSkewConfig i t = ClockSkewConfig (convert i) (convert t) instance Default ClockSkewConfig where def = clockSkewConfig (Minutes 1) (Seconds 5) -- |Check for 'Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Monitor' that checks every @interval@ whether the difference between the current -- time and the time at the last check is larger than @interval@ + @tolerance@. -- Can be used to detect that the operating system suspended and resumed. monitorClockSkew :: ∀ t d diff r . Torsor t diff => TimeUnit diff => Members [AtomicState (Maybe t), Time t d, Embed IO] r => ClockSkewConfig -> MonitorCheck r monitorClockSkew (ClockSkewConfig interval tolerance) = MonitorCheck interval \ signal -> do atomicGet >>= \case Just prev -> do now <- @t @d when (minus (convert (difference now prev)) tolerance > interval) (void (embed @IO (tryPutMVar signal ()))) atomicPut (Just now) Nothing -> do now <- @t @d atomicPut (Just now)