# Unreleased # * Add `replaceStop`, shorthand for `mapStop . const`. * Add `∀` to `Stop` interpreters. * Add resumers that transform to `Fail`. * Move `Scoped` interpreters from `polysemy-conc`, since `Scoped` is now in `polysemy`. * Support GHC 9.4. # * Add interceptors. * Change modules for effects to `Polysemy.Resume.Effect`. * Add `stopEitherAs`. * Add exception catching `stop` combinators. # * Add combinators `resumeOr` and `resumingOr`, which take an additional branch for the success case. * Improve `raiseResumable`: * Don't discard resources * Allow interpreter to change type of `a` * Add operator versions of `resume` (`!!`) and `resumeAs` (``). * Add combinators `resumeWith` and `resumingWith` that ignore the error and execute an action, plus their operator variants `(!>>)` and `(<