{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | The module provides some common XML tree parsing combinators.
-- There are two main groups of combinators: XPath-like combinators
-- and tag/forest combinators.  Use combinators from the first group
-- if possible, since they are generally easier too use and generate
-- results in a lazy manner.
-- The second class contains more powerful combinators which can be used
-- to parse the contents of an XML node in a generic way.  Note, that
-- combinators from the two groups can be interleaved -- you can use
-- a forest parser to construct a tree predicate, but you can also use
-- a tree predicate as an elementary forest parser (see the
-- "Text.XML.PolySoup.Parser" module).

module Text.XML.PolySoup.Combine
-- * Predicate conversion

-- * XPath-like combinators
, (>/>)
, (</>)
, (/>)
, (//>)

-- * Tag/forest parsing combinators
, join
, joinP
, joinL
, joinR
, (>^>)
, (<^>)
, (^>)
, (<^)
) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Tree
import           Text.HTML.TagSoup (Tag)

import           Text.XML.PolySoup.XmlTree
import           Text.XML.PolySoup.Predicate
import           Text.XML.PolySoup.Parser

-- Predicate conversion

-- | Make a tree-level predicate from a tag-level predicate.
-- Note, that in most cases you won't need this function, you
-- can make use of the `Query` typeclass.
node :: Q (Tag s) a -> Q (XmlTree s) a
node (Q p) = Q $ \(Node t _) -> p t

-- XPath

-- | Combine a tag predicate with an XML predicate.  The XML predicate can
-- depend on the value of tag parser and will be called multiple times for
-- tag children elements.
(>/>) :: Q (Tag s) a -> (a -> Q (XmlTree s) b) -> Q (XmlTree s) [b]
(>/>) (Q p) q = Q $ \(Node t ts) -> case p t of
    Just v  ->
        let q' = q v
        in  Just [w | Just w <- runQ q' <$> ts]
    Nothing -> Nothing
infixr 2 >/>

-- | Combine the tag parser with the XML parser.  The XML parser will
-- be called multiple times for tag children elements.
(</>) :: Q (Tag s) a -> Q (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) (a, [b])
(</>) (Q p) q = Q $ \(Node t ts) -> case p t of
    Just v  -> Just (v, [w | Just w <- runQ q <$> ts])
    Nothing -> Nothing
infixr 2 </>

-- | Combine the tag parser with the XML parser.  The XML parser will
-- be called multiple times for tag children elements.
(/>) :: Q (Tag s) a -> Q (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) [b]
(/>) p q = p >/> const q
infixr 2 />

-- | Similar to '/>' combinator but runs the XML parser for all
-- descendant XML elements, not only for its children.
(//>) :: Q (Tag s) a -> Q (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) [b]
(//>) (Q p) q = Q $ \(Node t ts) -> case p t of
    Just _  -> Just $ concatMap g ts
    Nothing -> Nothing
    g t = case runQ q t of
        Nothing -> unJust $ runQ (true //> q) t
        Just w  -> [w]
infixr 2 //>

-- Tree predicate `combine` forest parser

-- | Combine the tag predicate with the forest parser which will be used
-- to parse contents of the tag element.
join :: Q (Tag s) a -> (a -> P (XmlTree s) b) -> Q (XmlTree s) b
join (Q p) q = Q $ \(Node t ts) -> flip evalP ts . q =<< p t

-- | Combine the tag predicate with the forest parser which will be used
-- to parse contents of the tag element.
joinP :: Q (Tag s) a -> P (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) (a, b)
joinP p q = join p $ \x -> (x,) <$> q

-- | Combine the tag predicate with the orest parser which will be used
-- to parse contents of the tag element.  Only results of the forest parser
-- will be returned.
joinR :: Q (Tag s) a -> P (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) b
joinR p q = snd <$> joinP p q

-- | Combine the tag predicate with the orest parser which will be used
-- to parse contents of the tag element.  Only results of the tag predicate
-- will be returned (the contents have to be successfully parsed, though).
joinL :: Q (Tag s) a -> P (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) a
joinL p q = fst <$> joinP p q

-- | Infix version of the join combinators.
(>^>) :: Q (Tag s) a -> (a -> P (XmlTree s) b) -> Q (XmlTree s) b
(>^>) = join
infixr 2 >^>

-- | Infix version of the joinP combinators.
(<^>) :: Q (Tag s) a -> P (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) (a, b)
(<^>) = joinP
infixr 2 <^>

-- | Infix version of the joinR combinators.
(^>) :: Q (Tag s) a -> P (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) b
(^>) = joinR
infixr 2 ^>

-- | Infix version of the joinL combinators.
(<^) :: Q (Tag s) a -> P (XmlTree s) b -> Q (XmlTree s) a
(<^) = joinL
infixr 2 <^

-- Misc

unJust :: Maybe [a] -> [a]
unJust (Just xs) = xs
unJust Nothing   = []