
Copyright © 2010-2011 Jon Kristensen.

This file is part of Pontarius XMPP.

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the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.

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-- |
-- Module:      $Header$
-- Description: XMPP stanza types and utility functions
-- Copyright:   Copyright © 2010-2011 Jon Kristensen
-- License:     LGPL-3
-- Maintainer:  info@pontarius.org
-- Stability:   unstable
-- Portability: portable
-- This module will be documented soon.

-- Received stanzas can be assumed to have their ID and to fields set.

-- TODO: Handle error stanzas

module Network.XMPP.Stanza ( StanzaID (SID)
                           , From
                           , To
                           , XMLLang
                           , Stanza (..)
                           , MessageType (..)
                           , Message (..)
                           , message
                           , PresenceType (..)
                           , Presence (..)
                           , presence
                           , IQ (..)
                           , getId -- Just return the Id of existing IQ
                           , iqGet
                           , iqSet
                           , iqResult
                           , iqStanza
                           , iqAck
                           , iqPayloadNamespace
                           , iqPayload ) where

import Network.XMPP.JID

import Network.XMPP.Types

import Data.XML.Types
import qualified Data.Text as DT
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

stanza :: Maybe StanzaID -> Maybe From -> Maybe To -> Maybe XMLLang -> Stanza

stanza i f t l = Stanza { stanzaID = i
                        , stanzaFrom = f
                        , stanzaTo = t
                        , stanzaLang = l }

message :: Maybe StanzaID -> Maybe From -> Maybe To -> Maybe XMLLang ->
           MessageType -> [Element] -> Message

message i f t l t_ p = Message { messageStanza = stanza i f t l
                               , messageType = t_
                               , messagePayload = p }

presence :: Maybe StanzaID -> Maybe From -> Maybe To -> Maybe XMLLang ->
            PresenceType -> [Element] -> Presence

presence i f t l t_ p = Presence { presenceStanza = Stanza { stanzaID = i
                                                           , stanzaFrom = f
                                                           , stanzaTo = t
                                                           , stanzaLang = l }
                                 , presenceType = t_
                                 , presencePayload = p }

iqGet :: Maybe StanzaID -> Maybe From -> Maybe To -> Maybe XMLLang -> Element ->

iqGet i f t l p = IQGet { iqGetStanza = Stanza { stanzaID = i
                                               , stanzaFrom = f
                                               , stanzaTo = t
                                               , stanzaLang = l }
                        , iqGetPayload = p }

iqSet :: Maybe StanzaID -> Maybe From -> Maybe To -> Maybe XMLLang -> Element ->

iqSet i f t l p = IQSet { iqSetStanza = Stanza { stanzaID = i
                                               , stanzaFrom = f
                                               , stanzaTo = t
                                               , stanzaLang = l }
                        , iqSetPayload = p }

iqResult :: Maybe StanzaID -> Maybe From -> Maybe To -> Maybe XMLLang ->
            Maybe Element -> IQ

iqResult i f t l p = IQResult { iqResultStanza = Stanza { stanzaID = i
                                                        , stanzaFrom = f
                                                        , stanzaTo = t
                                                        , stanzaLang = l }
                              , iqResultPayload = p }

iqAck :: StanzaID -> To -> IQ
iqAck s t = iqResult (Just s) Nothing (Just t) Nothing Nothing

iqStanza :: IQ -> Stanza
iqStanza (IQGet { iqGetStanza = s })       = s
iqStanza (IQSet { iqSetStanza = s })       = s
iqStanza (IQResult { iqResultStanza = s }) = s

iqPayload :: IQ -> Maybe Element
iqPayload (IQGet {iqGetPayload = p}) = Just p
iqPayload (IQSet {iqSetPayload = p}) = Just p
iqPayload (IQResult {iqResultPayload = p}) = p

iqPayloadNamespace :: IQ -> Maybe String
iqPayloadNamespace i = case iqPayload i of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just p -> case nameNamespace $ elementName p of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just n -> Just (DT.unpack n)

-- Get the id from existing IQ
getId :: IQ -> StanzaID
getId iq = fromJust $ stanzaID $ iqStanza iq

-- IM/RFC:
-- data PresenceStatus = PS String deriving (Eq, Show)

-- -- TODO: Validate input.

-- presenceStatus :: String -> Maybe PresenceStatus
-- presenceStatus s = Just (PS s)