Pontarius XMPP 0.1 aims to implement the client capabilities of RFC 6120 ("XMPP Core"). We have just released 0.1 Alpha 7, which may be the last version that is not feature-complete. The current version of Pontarius XMPP is broken; the recent rewriting of some modules broke the Session module. Fixing the Session module is one of the goals for the next release. Other goals include working on the last missing features, and improving the documentation and the API. We will soon move the project into beta. Please note that we are not recommending anyone to use Pontarius XMPP at this time as it’s still in an experimental stage and will have its API and data types modified. However, if you are interested to use Pontarius XMPP anyway, feel free to contact the Pontarius project and we will try to help you get started. Please see http://www.pontarius.org/ for documentation and more information. The next version is scheduled to be released on the 17th of August. Look at the Pontarius web site and the Pontarius XMPP Hackage page for more information.