{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.IQ where

import           Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.XML.Types

import           Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Basic
import           Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Types
import           Network.Xmpp.Types

-- | Sends an IQ, returns a 'TMVar' that will be filled with the first inbound
-- IQ with a matching ID that has type @result@ or @error@.
sendIQ :: Maybe Int -- ^ Timeout
       -> Maybe Jid -- ^ Recipient (to)
       -> IQRequestType  -- ^ IQ type (@Get@ or @Set@)
       -> Maybe LangTag  -- ^ Language tag of the payload (@Nothing@ for
                         -- default)
       -> Element -- ^ The IQ body (there has to be exactly one)
       -> Session
       -> IO (TMVar IQResponse)
sendIQ timeOut to tp lang body session = do -- TODO: Add timeout
    newId <- idGenerator session
    ref <- atomically $ do
        resRef <- newEmptyTMVar
        (byNS, byId) <- readTVar (iqHandlers session)
        writeTVar (iqHandlers session) (byNS, Map.insert newId resRef byId)
          -- TODO: Check for id collisions (shouldn't happen?)
        return resRef
    sendStanza  (IQRequestS $ IQRequest newId Nothing to lang tp body) session
    case timeOut of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just t -> void . forkIO $ do
                  threadDelay t
                  doTimeOut (iqHandlers session) newId ref
    return ref
    doTimeOut handlers iqid var = atomically $ do
      p <- tryPutTMVar var IQResponseTimeout
      when p $ do
          (byNS, byId) <- readTVar (iqHandlers session)
          writeTVar handlers (byNS, Map.delete iqid byId)
      return ()

-- | Like 'sendIQ', but waits for the answer IQ. Times out after 3 seconds
sendIQ' :: Maybe Jid
        -> IQRequestType
        -> Maybe LangTag
        -> Element
        -> Session
        -> IO IQResponse
sendIQ' to tp lang body session = do
    ref <- sendIQ (Just 3000000) to tp lang body session
    atomically $ takeTMVar ref

-- | Retrieves an IQ listener channel. If the namespace/'IQRequestType' is not
-- already handled, a new 'TChan' is created and returned as a 'Right' value.
-- Otherwise, the already existing channel will be returned wrapped in a 'Left'
-- value. Note that the 'Left' channel might need to be duplicated in order not
-- to interfere with existing consumers.
listenIQChan :: IQRequestType  -- ^ Type of IQs to receive (@Get@ or @Set@)
             -> Text -- ^ Namespace of the child element
             -> Session
             -> IO (Either (TChan IQRequestTicket) (TChan IQRequestTicket))
listenIQChan tp ns session = do
    let handlers = (iqHandlers session)
    atomically $ do
        (byNS, byID) <- readTVar handlers
        iqCh <- newTChan
        let (present, byNS') = Map.insertLookupWithKey'
                (\_ _ old -> old)
                (tp, ns)
        writeTVar handlers (byNS', byID)
        return $ case present of
            Nothing -> Right iqCh
            Just iqCh' -> Left iqCh'

answerIQ :: IQRequestTicket
         -> Either StanzaError (Maybe Element)
         -> Session
         -> IO Bool
answerIQ (IQRequestTicket
              (IQRequest iqid from _to lang _tp bd))
           answer session = do
  let response = case answer of
        Left err  -> IQErrorS $ IQError iqid Nothing from lang err (Just bd)
        Right res -> IQResultS $ IQResult iqid Nothing from lang res
  atomically $ do
       sent <- readTVar sentRef
       case sent of
         False -> do
             writeTVar sentRef True

             writeTChan (outCh  session) response
             return True
         True -> return False