{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Network.Xmpp.IM.Roster where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.List (nub)
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0, 5, 0)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.XML.Pickle
import           Data.XML.Types
import           System.Log.Logger

import           Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Basic
import           Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.IQ
import           Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Types
import           Network.Xmpp.IM.Roster.Types
import           Network.Xmpp.Marshal
import           Network.Xmpp.Types

-- | Timeout to use with IQ requests
timeout :: Maybe Integer
timeout = Just 3000000 -- 3 seconds

-- | Add or update an item to the roster.
-- To update the item just send the complete set of new data.
rosterSet :: Jid -- ^ JID of the item
          -> Maybe Text -- ^ Name alias
          -> [Text] -- ^ Groups (duplicates will be removed)
          -> Session
          -> IO (Either IQSendError (Annotated IQResponse))
rosterSet j n gs session = do
    let el = pickleElem xpQuery (Query Nothing
                                 [QueryItem { qiApproved = Nothing
                                            , qiAsk = False
                                            , qiJid = j
                                            , qiName = n
                                            , qiSubscription = Nothing
                                            , qiGroups = nub gs
    sendIQA' timeout Nothing Set Nothing el [] session

-- | Synonym to rosterSet
rosterAdd :: Jid
          -> Maybe Text
          -> [Text]
          -> Session
          -> IO (Either IQSendError (Annotated IQResponse))
rosterAdd = rosterSet

-- | Remove an item from the roster. Return 'True' when the item is sucessfully
-- removed or if it wasn't in the roster to begin with.
rosterRemove :: Jid -> Session -> IO Bool
rosterRemove j sess = do
    roster <- getRoster sess
    case Map.lookup j (items roster) of
        Nothing -> return True -- jid is not on the Roster
        Just _ -> do
            res <- rosterPush (Item False False j Nothing Remove []) sess
            case res of
                Right (IQResponseResult IQResult{}, _) -> return True
                _ -> return False
    rosterPush :: Item
               -> Session
               -> IO (Either IQSendError (Annotated IQResponse))
    rosterPush item session = do
        let el = pickleElem xpQuery (Query Nothing [fromItem item])
        sendIQA' timeout Nothing Set Nothing el [] session

-- | Retrieve the current Roster state (STM version)
getRosterSTM :: Session -> STM Roster
getRosterSTM session = readTVar (rosterRef session)

-- | Retrieve the current Roster state
getRoster :: Session -> IO Roster
getRoster session = atomically $ getRosterSTM session

-- | Get the initial roster or refresh the roster. You don't need to call this
-- on your own.
initRoster :: Session -> IO ()
initRoster session = do
    oldRoster <- getRoster session
    mbRoster <- retrieveRoster (if isJust (ver oldRoster) then Just oldRoster
                                                          else Nothing ) session
    case mbRoster of
        Nothing -> errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp"
                          "Server did not return a roster: "
        Just roster -> atomically $ writeTVar (rosterRef session) roster

handleRoster :: Maybe Jid
             -> TVar Roster
             -> RosterPushCallback
             -> StanzaHandler
handleRoster mbBoundJid ref onUpdate out sta _ = do
    case sta of
        XmppStanza (IQRequestS (iqr@IQRequest{iqRequestPayload =
                                              iqb@Element{elementName = en}}))
            | nameNamespace en == Just "jabber:iq:roster" -> do
                let doHandle = case (iqRequestFrom iqr, mbBoundJid) of
                        -- We don't need to check our own JID when the IQ
                        -- request was sent without a from address
                        (Nothing, _) -> True
                        -- We don't have a Jid bound, so we can't verify that
                        -- the from address matches our bare jid
                        (Just _fr, Nothing) -> False
                        -- Check that the from address matches our bare jid
                        (Just fr, Just boundJid) | fr == toBare boundJid -> True
                                                 | otherwise -> False
                if doHandle
                    then case unpickleElem xpQuery iqb of
                        Right Query{ queryVer = v
                                   , queryItems = [update]
                                   } -> do
                            handleUpdate v update
                            _ <- out . XmppStanza $ result iqr
                            return []
                        _ -> do
                            errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Invalid roster query"
                            _ <- out . XmppStanza $ badRequest iqr
                            return []
                    -- Don't handle roster pushes from unauthorized sources
                    else return [(sta, [])]
        _ -> return [(sta, [])]
    handleUpdate v' update = do
        oldRoster <- atomically $ readTVar ref
        case qiSubscription update of
         Just Remove -> do
             let j = qiJid update
             onUpdate oldRoster $ RosterUpdateRemove j
             updateRoster (Map.delete j)
         _ -> do
             let i = (toItem update)
             onUpdate oldRoster $ RosterUpdateAdd i
             updateRoster $ Map.insert (qiJid update) i
        updateRoster f = atomically . modifyTVar ref $
                           \(Roster v is) -> Roster (v' `mplus` v) (f is)

    badRequest (IQRequest iqid from _to lang _tp bd _attrs) =
        IQErrorS $ IQError iqid Nothing from lang errBR (Just bd) []
    errBR = StanzaError Cancel BadRequest Nothing Nothing
    result (IQRequest iqid from _to lang _tp _bd _attrs) =
        IQResultS $ IQResult iqid Nothing from lang Nothing []

retrieveRoster :: Maybe Roster -> Session -> IO (Maybe Roster)
retrieveRoster mbOldRoster sess = do
    useVersioning <- isJust . streamFeaturesRosterVer <$> getFeatures sess
    let version = if useVersioning
                then case mbOldRoster of
                      Nothing -> Just ""
                      Just oldRoster -> ver oldRoster
                else Nothing
    res <- sendIQ' timeout Nothing Get Nothing
                   (pickleElem xpQuery (Query version []))
    case res of
        Left e -> do
            errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp.Roster" $ "getRoster: " ++ show e
            return Nothing
        Right (IQResponseResult IQResult{iqResultPayload = Just ros})
            -> case unpickleElem xpQuery ros of
            Left _e -> do
                errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp.Roster" "getRoster: invalid query element"
                return Nothing
            Right ros' -> return . Just $ toRoster ros'
        Right (IQResponseResult IQResult{iqResultPayload = Nothing}) -> do
            return mbOldRoster
                -- sever indicated that no roster updates are necessary
        Right (IQResponseError e) -> do
            errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp.Roster" $ "getRoster: server returned error"
                   ++ show e
            return Nothing
    toRoster (Query v is) = Roster v (Map.fromList
                                             $ map (\i -> (qiJid i, toItem i))

toItem :: QueryItem -> Item
toItem qi = Item { riApproved = fromMaybe False (qiApproved qi)
                 , riAsk = qiAsk qi
                 , riJid = qiJid qi
                 , riName = qiName qi
                 , riSubscription = fromSubscription (qiSubscription qi)
                 , riGroups = nub $ qiGroups qi
    fromSubscription Nothing = None
    fromSubscription (Just s) | s `elem` [None, To, From, Both] = s
                              | otherwise = None

fromItem :: Item -> QueryItem
fromItem i = QueryItem { qiApproved = Nothing
                       , qiAsk = False
                       , qiJid = riJid i
                       , qiName = riName i
                       , qiSubscription = case riSubscription i of
                           Remove -> Just Remove
                           _ -> Nothing
                       , qiGroups = nub $ riGroups i

xpItems :: PU [Node] [QueryItem]
xpItems = xpWrap (map (\((app_, ask_, jid_, name_, sub_), groups_) ->
                        QueryItem app_ ask_ jid_ name_ sub_ groups_))
                 (map (\(QueryItem app_ ask_ jid_ name_ sub_ groups_) ->
                        ((app_, ask_, jid_, name_, sub_), groups_))) $
          xpElems "{jabber:iq:roster}item"
            (xpAttribute' "approved" xpBool)
            (xpWrap isJust
                    (\p -> if p then Just () else Nothing) $
                     xpOption $ xpAttribute_ "ask" "subscribe")
            (xpAttribute  "jid" xpJid)
            (xpAttribute' "name" xpText)
            (xpAttribute' "subscription" xpSubscription)
          (xpFindMatches $ xpElemText "{jabber:iq:roster}group")

xpQuery :: PU [Node] Query
xpQuery = xpWrap (\(ver_, items_) -> Query ver_ items_ )
                 (\(Query ver_ items_) -> (ver_, items_)) $
          xpElem "{jabber:iq:roster}query"
            (xpAttribute' "ver" xpText)

xpSubscription :: PU Text Subscription
xpSubscription = ("xpSubscription", "") <?>
        xpIso subscriptionFromText
    subscriptionFromText "none" = None
    subscriptionFromText "to" = To
    subscriptionFromText "from" = From
    subscriptionFromText "both" = Both
    subscriptionFromText "remove" = Remove
    subscriptionFromText _ = None
    subscriptionToText None = "none"
    subscriptionToText To = "to"
    subscriptionToText From = "from"
    subscriptionToText Both = "both"
    subscriptionToText Remove = "remove"