{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
--  Haskell Ports Library: Process management
--  Author : Manuel M T Chakravarty
--  Created: 14 May 2001
--  Version $Revision: 1.12 $ from $Date: 2004/05/14 07:20:52 $
--  Copyright (c) [2001..2003] Manuel M T Chakravarty
--  This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
--  This modules provides support for handling child processes and their input
--  and output streams.
--- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  language: Haskell 98 + HsLibs POSIX library + Concurrency + Exceptions
--  Process Proxies
--  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--  Any child process is associated with a Haskell thread called its *process
--  proxy*.  The process proxy implements the conversion between streams (ie,
--  lazy Haskell character lists) and the OS streams represented by the file
--  descriptors for stdin, stdout & stderr.  Moreover, the proxy acts as a
--  supervisor to the process and as such handles termination of the process
--  etc.  Internally, the proxy may use a number of threads to implemented the
--  overall proxy functionality.
--  I/O & Threads
--  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--  Currently, we rely on standard handle-based I/O to be thread friendly, ie,
--  only to block individual threads and not the whole Haskell runtime.  If
--  this turns out to impose some overhead, we can always switch to directly
--  operate on Posix file descriptors.
--- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  * `String' for representing input and output streams may not be a good
--    choice in the presence of Unicode support; but Word8 seems to be a bit
--    unwieldy...
--  * possible error conditions have to be handled better
--  * Benchmarking: how much throughput can we get with a char-by-char copy;
--    how much better is reading in blocks and using `<==' to send; how much
--    better would a `Port String' be?
--  * An alternative design: instead of using streams for stdin, stdout, and
--    stderr, a process provides a port for each.  Piping one into another
--    would, then, be simple port linking.  Same for merging stderr streams.

module Control.Concurrent.Processes (
  Proc, ProcId, toProc, proc, procGrp, (>|), procStatus, procKill, procGrpKill
) where

import Prelude hiding 
import Directory
import IO	   
         (Handle, BufferMode(..), hClose, hPutChar, hPutStr, hGetChar,
         isEOFError, hSetBuffering)
import qualified IO 
import Maybe
import Monad
         (unless, when)
import System

import Control.Concurrent
         (ThreadId, forkIO, mergeIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception
         (Exception(..), throw, throwIO, catch, finally)
import System.Posix       
         (ProcessID, FdOption(..), ProcessStatus(..), Signal, stdInput,
	  stdOutput, stdError, forkProcess, executeFile, createPipe,
	  fdToHandle, dupTo, setFdOption, closeFd, getProcessStatus,
	  signalProcess, joinProcessGroup)

import Control.Concurrent.PortsConfig
import Control.Concurrent.SVars
	 (V, newV, valV, (<<))
import Control.Concurrent.Ports       
         (Port, newPort, openPort, closePort, listenToPort, listenToNewPort,
         (<--), (<==)) 
import Control.Concurrent.PortThreads 

infixl 1 >|

-- processes & process creation
-- ----------------------------

-- a process converts a stdin stream into a process id, a stdout stream, and a
-- stderr stream (EXPORTED)
type Proc =  String        -- stdin
	  -> Port Char     -- stdout
	  -> Port Char     -- stderr
	  -> IO ProcId

-- abstract process handle (EXPORTED ABSTRACTLY)
-- * the unit in `NoProcId' and the exit code in `ProcId' are implicit
--   synchronisation points; when they are available the process has
--   completed (and won't touch any ports anymore)
data ProcId = NoProcId ()
	    | ProcId   ProcessID [ThreadId] ExitCode
	    | PairId   ProcId ProcId

-- turn a stream-processor function into a process (EXPORTED)
-- * the stream processor is executed asynchronously
toProc   :: (String -> String) -> Proc
toProc f  = \stdin stdout _ -> do
                                 sync <- newV
			         forkIODebug "toProc" $ (stdout <== f stdin)
						        `finally` (sync << ())
				 return $ NoProcId (valV sync)

-- |Execute a sub-process asynchronously.
-- * The sub-process reads stdin from a lazy list and writes stdout and stderr
--   to a port.  These two ports are closed when the stdout and stderr streams
--   are closed.
-- * The executable is searched for in the current PATH.
proc :: FilePath			-- name of executable
     -> [String]			-- arguments
     -> Proc
proc = procGen False

-- |Execute a sub-process asynchronously in it's own process group.
-- * The sub-process reads stdin from a lazy list and writes stdout and stderr
--   to a port.  These two ports are closed when the stdout and stderr streams
--   are closed.
-- * The executable is searched for in the current PATH.
-- * The process group id is the same as the new process' process id.
procGrp :: FilePath			-- name of executable
        -> [String]			-- arguments
        -> Proc
procGrp = procGen True

-- Execute a sub-process asynchronously (maybe in its own process group)
-- * The sub-process reads stdin from a lazy list and writes stdout and stderr
--   to a port.  These two ports are closed when the stdout and stderr streams
--   are closed.
-- * The executable is searched for in the current PATH.
procGen :: Bool				-- put process into new process group?
	-> FilePath			-- name of executable
        -> [String]			-- arguments
        -> Proc
procGen newGrp fname args = \stdin stdout stderr -> do
  -- Fork child process with redirected standard I/O streams
  logDebug $ "Processes.proc: Fork()ing `" ++ fname ++ "'"
  (pid, stdinWriteHandle, stdoutReadHandle, stderrReadHandle) <- 
    forkExec fname args Nothing newGrp 
  hSetBuffering stdinWriteHandle NoBuffering
  hSetBuffering stdoutReadHandle NoBuffering
  hSetBuffering stderrReadHandle NoBuffering
  logDebug $ "Processes.proc: Fork()ed `" ++ fname ++ "' with pipes"

  -- start the process proxies
  logDebug $ "Processes.proc: Starting proxies for `" ++ fname ++ "'"
  stdinProxy  <- forkIODebug stdinDesc  $ writer stdinWriteHandle stdin
  stdoutProxy <- forkIODebug stdoutDesc $ reader stdoutReadHandle stdout True
--  stderrProxy <- forkIODebug stderrDesc $ reader stderrReadHandle stderr False
  stderrProxy <- forkIODebug stderrDesc $ reader stderrReadHandle stderr True
  -- obtain the process status
  vec <- newV
  forkIODebug ecDesc $ waitForExitCode pid vec
--  return $ ProcId pid [stdinProxy, stdoutProxy, stderrProxy] (valV vec)
-- FIXME: the threads ids aren't used yet and they are a potential risk given
--	  the current handling of TCBs by the storage manager
  return $ ProcId pid [] (valV vec)
    writer hdl str = do
		       hPutStr hdl str
		       logDebug $ 
		         "Processes: `" ++ fname ++ "': Writer finished"
		       hClose hdl
    reader hdl po close = let read = do
				     c <- hGetChar hdl
				     po <-- c
			read `catch` \e -> do
			  unless (isEOFException e) $ throwIO e
			  logDebug $ 
			    "Processes: `" ++ fname ++ "': A reader finished"
			  when close $ 
			    closePort po -- FIXME: KLUDGE
			    -- FIXME: For some strange reason, the stdout port
			    --   is sometimes finalised to late, something
			    --   must be hanging on to it.  Having this
			    --   explicit closePort is BAD, as it screws
			    --   things when the same port is used for stdout
			    --   and sterr and similar situations.
			  isEOFException (IOException ioe) = isEOFError ioe
			  isEOFException _		   = False
    -- FIXME: the following is awful and ugly, but doing it properly requires
    --	      support for OS threads in the Haskell runtime
    waitForExitCode pid vec = do
      status <- getProcessStatus False False pid
		`IO.catch` \ioe -> 
		    logDebug $ 
		      "Processes: `" ++ fname ++ "': Ooops - child vanished"
		    return $ Just (Exited ExitSuccess)
      when (isJust status) $
        logDebug $ "Processes: `" ++ fname ++ "': Terminated"
      case status of
        Nothing		      -> do
				   threadDelay 10000	-- wait 10ms
				   waitForExitCode pid vec
	Just (Exited ec     ) -> vec << ec
	Just (Terminated sig) -> vec << ExitFailure (128 + fromIntegral sig)
	Just _		      -> -- can't happen, as second argument = `False'
	  error "Processes.proc: Stopped?"
    stdinDesc  = "`" ++ fname ++ "' stdin writer"
    stdoutDesc = "`" ++ fname ++ "' stdout reader"
    stderrDesc = "`" ++ fname ++ "' stderr reader"
    ecDesc     = "`" ++ fname ++ "' exit code poller"

-- process combinators
-- -------------------

-- pipes the output of one process into another; stderr is merged (EXPORTED)
(>|)     :: Proc -> Proc -> Proc
p1 >| p2  = \stdin stdout stderr -> do
	      (pipeIn, pipeOut) <- listenToNewPort undefined
	      openPort stderr       -- to account for the double usage
	      pid1 <- p1 stdin   pipeIn stderr
	      pid2 <- p2 pipeOut stdout stderr
	      return $ PairId pid1 pid2
{- This is problematic as p2 is fork()ed in a different thread and 
   System.Posix.forkProcess has a problem with fork()ing in threads other than
   the main thread.
p1 >| p2  = \stdin stdout stderr -> do
	      pid2 <- newV
	      pipeIn <- spawn_ $ \pipeOut -> 
	        p2 pipeOut stdout stderr >>= (pid2 <<)
	      pid1 <- p1 stdin pipeIn stderr
	      return $ PairId pid1 (valV pid2)

-- |Process operators
-- ------------------

-- |Returns the exit status of the given process (group).
-- * Blocks until the value is available.
-- * In case of a `NoProcId', the availability of the unit argument implements
--   a synchronisation point.
-- * In case of a process group, the status is `ExitSuccess' iff the exit
--   status of all processes is `ExitSuccess'; otherwise, it is the failure
--   status of any of the failed processes (it is, of course, always
--   deterministically the same, which is picked).
procStatus :: ProcId -> ExitCode
procStatus (NoProcId ())   = ExitSuccess	   -- performs synchronisation
procStatus (ProcId _ _ ec) = ec
procStatus (PairId p1 p2 ) = case procStatus p1 of
			       ExitSuccess        -> procStatus p2
			       ec@(ExitFailure _) -> ec

-- |Signal a process.
procKill :: Signal -> ProcId -> IO ()
procKill sig (NoProcId _    ) = return ()
procKill sig (ProcId pid _ _) = signalProcess sig pid
procKill sig (PairId p1 p2  ) = procKill sig p1 >> procKill sig p2

-- |Signal a process group.
procGrpKill :: Signal -> ProcId -> IO ()
procGrpKill sig (NoProcId _    ) = return ()
procGrpKill sig (ProcId pid _ _) = signalProcess sig (-pid)
procGrpKill sig (PairId p1 p2  ) = procKill sig p1 >> procKill sig p2

-- auxilliary routines
-- -------------------

-- Fork a child process running the given executable on the given arguments
-- and with the given environment
-- * The standard input, output, and error streams of the child process are
--   redirected to three Haskell file handles
-- * The structure of this routine was inspired by David Sankel's
--   `shell-haskell' code
forkExec :: FilePath		         -- path of executable
	 -> [String]		         -- command line arguments
	 -> Maybe [(String, String)]     -- environment
	 -> Bool			 -- start a new process group?
	 -> IO (ProcessID,		 -- child pid
	        Handle, Handle, Handle)  -- stdin, stdout, and stderr pipe hdls
forkExec path args env newGrp  =
    (stdinReadFD , stdinWriteFD ) <- createPipe
    (stdoutReadFD, stdoutWriteFD) <- createPipe
    (stderrReadFD, stderrWriteFD) <- createPipe
    let child = do
	  when newGrp $
	    joinProcessGroup 0		-- 0 means that grp id = pid
	  dupTo stdinReadFD   stdInput
          dupTo stdoutWriteFD stdOutput
          dupTo stderrWriteFD stdError
	  mapM_ closeFd [stdinReadFD , stdinWriteFD , 
			 stdoutReadFD, stdoutWriteFD, 
			 stderrReadFD, stderrWriteFD]
          executeFile path True args env
	  error "Processes.forkExec: executeFile: failed"

    let parent pid = do
	  mapM_ closeFd [stdinReadFD, stdoutWriteFD, stderrWriteFD]
	  mapM_ (\fd -> setFdOption fd CloseOnExec True) 
		[stdinWriteFD, stdoutReadFD, stderrReadFD]
	  stdinWriteHandle  <- fdToHandle stdinWriteFD
	  stdoutReadHandle  <- fdToHandle stdoutReadFD
	  stderrReadHandle  <- fdToHandle stderrReadFD
	  return (pid, stdinWriteHandle, stdoutReadHandle, stderrReadHandle)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 601
    pid <- forkProcess child -- fork child
    parent pid               -- and run parent code
    pid <- forkProcess
    case pid of
        Just pid -> parent pid
        Nothing  -> child

-- auxilliary routines for debugging
-- ---------------------------------

-- a variant of `forkIO' that installs an exception sentry if compiled with
-- debugging enabled
forkIODebug          :: String -> IO () -> IO ThreadId
forkIODebug desc com  = forkIO $ excSentry desc com

-- report exceptions caught by the given computation
-- * only in effect when compiled with debugging enabled
excSentry :: String	-- thread descriptor
	  -> IO ()	-- computation to watch
	  -> IO ()
{-# INLINE excSentry #-}
excSentry desc com | not debug = com
		   | otherwise = com `catch` logExc
    logExc exc = do
		   putStrLn $ "Processes: Thread \"" ++ desc ++ "\": "
			      ++ show exc
		   throw exc

-- emit debugging message
logDebug                 :: String -> IO ()
{-# INLINE logDebug #-}
logDebug msg | not debug  = return ()
	     | otherwise  = putStrLn msg