[For the gory details, see the file ChangeLog.] -*-text-*- 0.4.2 ~~~~~ * Added `Processes.procGrp' * Added `waitForThread', `waitForPort', `waitForPortThread', `closeAndWaitForPort', and `openPort; repeated closing is offset by opening of ports 0.4.1 ~~~~~ * Bug fixes * Adapted to GHC 6.0 0.4.0 ~~~~~ * Added (<&>) and (&>), courtesy of Duncan Coutts 0.3.3 ~~~~~ * Added `withPorts' and `keepAlivePort' 0.3.2 ~~~~~ * Added `waitUntilClosedPort' 0.3.1 ~~~~~ * Added --enable-debug * Ports are automagically closed when garbage collected * Added `Ports.chainPorts' 0.3.0 ~~~~~ * The library now includes support for process management * The API is exported by the new module `HPL' 0.2.2 ~~~~~ * Bug fixes 0.2.1 ~~~~~ * Bug fixes 0.2.0 ~~~~~ * Proxy ports * Port linking 0.1.1 ~~~~~ * Debugged 0.1.0 ~~~~~ * First post^H^H^H^Hversion