{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module: Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField -- Copyright: (c) 2011 MailRank, Inc. -- (c) 2011-2012 Leon P Smith -- License: BSD3 -- Maintainer: Leon P Smith -- Stability: experimental -- Portability: portable -- -- The 'FromField' typeclass, for converting a single value in a row -- returned by a SQL query into a more useful Haskell representation. -- -- A Haskell numeric type is considered to be compatible with all -- PostgreSQL numeric types that are less accurate than it. For instance, -- the Haskell 'Double' type is compatible with the PostgreSQL's 32-bit -- @Int@ type because it can represent a @Int@ exactly. On the other hand, -- since a 'Double' might lose precision if representing a 64-bit @BigInt@, -- the two are /not/ considered compatible. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField ( FromField(..) , FieldParser , ResultError(..) , returnError , Field , typename , name , tableOid , tableColumn , format , typeOid , PQ.Oid(..) , PQ.Format(..) ) where #include "MachDeps.h" import Control.Applicative ( Applicative, (<|>), (<$>), pure ) import Control.Exception (SomeException(..), Exception) import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 hiding (Result) import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64) import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Ratio (Ratio) import Data.Time ( UTCTime, ZonedTime, LocalTime, Day, TimeOfDay ) import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeOf) import Data.Word (Word64) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Internal import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.BuiltinTypes import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Ok import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Binary(..), Null(..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Time import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import qualified Data.ByteString as SB import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import qualified Data.Text as ST import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as ST import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT -- | Exception thrown if conversion from a SQL value to a Haskell -- value fails. data ResultError = Incompatible { errSQLType :: String , errHaskellType :: String , errMessage :: String } -- ^ The SQL and Haskell types are not compatible. | UnexpectedNull { errSQLType :: String , errHaskellType :: String , errMessage :: String } -- ^ A SQL @NULL@ was encountered when the Haskell -- type did not permit it. | ConversionFailed { errSQLType :: String , errHaskellType :: String , errMessage :: String } -- ^ The SQL value could not be parsed, or could not -- be represented as a valid Haskell value, or an -- unexpected low-level error occurred (e.g. mismatch -- between metadata and actual data in a row). deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance Exception ResultError left :: Exception a => a -> Ok b left = Errors . (:[]) . SomeException type FieldParser a = Field -> Maybe ByteString -> Ok a -- | A type that may be converted from a SQL type. class FromField a where fromField :: FieldParser a -- ^ Convert a SQL value to a Haskell value. -- -- Returns a list of exceptions if the conversion fails. In the case of -- library instances, this will usually be a single 'ResultError', but -- may be a 'UnicodeException'. -- -- Implementations of 'fromField' should not retain any references to -- the 'Field' nor the 'ByteString' arguments after the result has -- been evaluated to WHNF. Such a reference causes the entire -- @LibPQ.'PQ.Result'@ to be retained. -- -- For example, the instance for 'ByteString' uses 'B.copy' to avoid -- such a reference, and that using bytestring functions such as 'B.drop' -- and 'B.takeWhile' alone will also trigger this memory leak. instance (FromField a) => FromField (Maybe a) where fromField _ Nothing = pure Nothing fromField f bs = Just <$> fromField f bs instance FromField Null where fromField _ Nothing = pure Null fromField f (Just _) = returnError ConversionFailed f "data is not null" instance FromField Bool where fromField f bs | typeOid f /= builtin2oid Bool = returnError Incompatible f "" | bs == Nothing = returnError UnexpectedNull f "" | bs == Just "t" = pure True | bs == Just "f" = pure False | otherwise = returnError ConversionFailed f "" instance FromField Int16 where fromField = atto ok16 $ signed decimal instance FromField Int32 where fromField = atto ok32 $ signed decimal instance FromField Int where fromField = atto okInt $ signed decimal instance FromField Int64 where fromField = atto ok64 $ signed decimal instance FromField Integer where fromField = atto ok64 $ signed decimal instance FromField Float where fromField = atto ok (realToFrac <$> double) where ok = mkCompats [Float4,Int2] instance FromField Double where fromField = atto ok double where ok = mkCompats [Float4,Float8,Int2,Int4] instance FromField (Ratio Integer) where fromField = atto ok rational where ok = mkCompats [Float4,Float8,Int2,Int4,Numeric] unBinary :: Binary t -> t unBinary (Binary x) = x instance FromField SB.ByteString where fromField f dat = if typeOid f == builtin2oid ByteA then unBinary <$> fromField f dat else doFromField f okText' (pure . B.copy) dat instance FromField PQ.Oid where fromField f dat = PQ.Oid <$> atto (mkCompat Oid) decimal f dat instance FromField LB.ByteString where fromField f dat = LB.fromChunks . (:[]) <$> fromField f dat unescapeBytea :: Field -> SB.ByteString -> Ok (Binary SB.ByteString) unescapeBytea f str = case unsafePerformIO (PQ.unescapeBytea str) of Nothing -> returnError ConversionFailed f "unescapeBytea failed" Just str -> pure (Binary str) instance FromField (Binary SB.ByteString) where fromField f dat = case format f of PQ.Text -> doFromField f okBinary (unescapeBytea f) dat PQ.Binary -> doFromField f okBinary (pure . Binary . B.copy) dat instance FromField (Binary LB.ByteString) where fromField f dat = Binary . LB.fromChunks . (:[]) . unBinary <$> fromField f dat instance FromField ST.Text where fromField f = doFromField f okText $ (either left pure . ST.decodeUtf8') -- FIXME: check character encoding instance FromField LT.Text where fromField f dat = LT.fromStrict <$> fromField f dat instance FromField [Char] where fromField f dat = ST.unpack <$> fromField f dat instance FromField UTCTime where fromField = ff TimestampTZ "UTCTime" parseUTCTime instance FromField ZonedTime where fromField = ff TimestampTZ "ZonedTime" parseZonedTime instance FromField LocalTime where fromField = ff Timestamp "LocalTime" parseLocalTime instance FromField Day where fromField = ff Date "Day" parseDay instance FromField TimeOfDay where fromField = ff Time "TimeOfDay" parseTimeOfDay instance FromField UTCTimestamp where fromField = ff TimestampTZ "UTCTimestamp" parseUTCTimestamp instance FromField ZonedTimestamp where fromField = ff TimestampTZ "ZonedTimestamp" parseZonedTimestamp instance FromField LocalTimestamp where fromField = ff Timestamp "LocalTimestamp" parseLocalTimestamp instance FromField Date where fromField = ff Date "Date" parseDate ff :: BuiltinType -> String -> (B8.ByteString -> Either String a) -> Field -> Maybe B8.ByteString -> Ok a ff pgType hsType parse f mstr | typeOid f /= builtin2oid pgType = left (Incompatible (B8.unpack (typename f)) hsType "") | Nothing <- mstr = left (UnexpectedNull (B8.unpack (typename f)) hsType "") | Just str <- mstr = case parse str of Left msg -> left (ConversionFailed (B8.unpack (typename f)) hsType msg) Right val -> return val {-# INLINE ff #-} instance (FromField a, FromField b) => FromField (Either a b) where fromField f dat = (Right <$> fromField f dat) <|> (Left <$> fromField f dat) newtype Compat = Compat Word64 mkCompats :: [BuiltinType] -> Compat mkCompats = foldl' f (Compat 0) . map mkCompat where f (Compat a) (Compat b) = Compat (a .|. b) mkCompat :: BuiltinType -> Compat mkCompat = Compat . shiftL 1 . fromEnum compat :: Compat -> Compat -> Bool compat (Compat a) (Compat b) = a .&. b /= 0 okText, okText', okBinary, ok16, ok32, ok64, okInt :: Compat okText = mkCompats [Name,Text,Char,BpChar,VarChar] okText' = mkCompats [Name,Text,Char,BpChar,VarChar,Unknown] okBinary = mkCompats [ByteA] ok16 = mkCompats [Int2] ok32 = mkCompats [Int2,Int4] ok64 = mkCompats [Int2,Int4,Int8] #if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS < 64 okInt = ok32 #else okInt = ok64 #endif doFromField :: forall a . (Typeable a) => Field -> Compat -> (ByteString -> Ok a) -> Maybe ByteString -> Ok a doFromField f types cvt (Just bs) | Just typ <- oid2builtin (typeOid f) , mkCompat typ `compat` types = cvt bs | otherwise = returnError Incompatible f "types incompatible" doFromField f _ _ _ = returnError UnexpectedNull f "" -- | Given one of the constructors from 'ResultError', the field, -- and an 'errMessage', this fills in the other fields in the -- exception value and returns it in a 'Left . SomeException' -- constructor. returnError :: forall a err . (Typeable a, Exception err) => (String -> String -> String -> err) -> Field -> String -> Ok a returnError mkErr f = left . mkErr (B.unpack (typename f)) (show (typeOf (undefined :: a))) atto :: forall a. (Typeable a) => Compat -> Parser a -> Field -> Maybe ByteString -> Ok a atto types p0 f dat = doFromField f types (go p0) dat where go :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Ok a go p s = case parseOnly p s of Left err -> returnError ConversionFailed f err Right v -> pure v