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Module:      Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Time
Copyright:   (c) 2012-2015 Leon P Smith
License:     BSD3
Maintainer:  Leon P Smith <leon@melding-monads.com>
Stability:   experimental

This module provides time types that supports positive and negative
infinity,  as well as some functions for converting to and from strings.

Also, this module also contains commentary regarding postgresql's timestamp
types,  timekeeping in general,  and how it relates to postgresql-simple.
You can read more about PostgreSQL's date and time types at
and the IANA timezone database at <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database>.

Stack Overflow also has some excellent commentary on time,  if it is a
wiki page or a highly upvoted question and answer.   If the answer regarding
time has not received hundreds of upvotes,  then the answer is almost
invariably completely and painfully wrong,  even if it's the chosen answer
or the most highly upvoted answer to a question.

PostgreSQL's @timestamp with time zone@ (hereafter, @timestamptz@) can be
converted to Haskell's 'Data.Time.UTCTime' and 'Data.Time.ZonedTime' types,
because their values represent an unambiguous point in time.   PostgreSQL's
@timestamp without time zone@ (hereafter, @timestamp@) can be converted
to Haskell's 'Data.Time.LocalTime',  because values of these types can only be
disambiguated in a larger context.

While this behavior may be superficially counterintuitive because the
names might suggest otherwise,  this behavior is correct.   In fact,
the \"timezone\" language in both the postgresql and haskell types would
be better read as \"offset (from UTC)\",   thus we have postgresql's
\"timestamp with offset\"  corresponding to Haskell's \"time with the
offset \'zero\'\"  and Haskell's \"time with an offset (that might be
nonzero)\".  Similarly,  postgresql's \"timestamp without an offset\"
corresponds to Haskell's \"local time (without an offset)\".

It's important to distinguish between an offset, a standard time, and
a time zone.  An offset is simply a difference of a local time from UTC,
such as @+00@, @-05@, or @+05:30@.   A standard time specifies an offset
(which may vary throughout the year, due to daylight savings) that a
region follows,  such as Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), Eastern Standard
Time\/Eastern Daylight Time (EST\/EDT), or India Standard Time (IST).
And a timezone,  much like a standard time, is a function from
timestamps to offsets.

A timezone is different from a standard time because different regions
inside a standard time are governed by different civil authorities and
have different histories of time.  Thus, an IANA timezone is any region
of the world that has had the same history of time since
@1970-01-01 00:00+00@.

For example, as of today,  both @America\/New_York@ and
@America\/Indiana\/Indianapolis@ are on the EST\/EDT time standard,  but
Indiana used to be on Central Standard Time until 1942, and did not observe
daylight savings time (EST only) until 2006.   Thus,  the choice between
these two timezones still matters if you are dealing with timestamps
prior to 2006,  and could become relevant again if (most of) Indiana
moves back to Central Time.  (Of course,  if the Central to Eastern switch
was the only difference,  then these two timezones would be the same in
IANA's eyes,  due to their cutoff date of 1970-01-01.)

Getting back to the coding practicalities,  PostgreSQL's @timestamptz@
type does not actually store an offset;  rather, it uses the offset
provided to calculate UTC, and stores the timestamp as UTC.   If an
offset is not provided,  the given timestamp is assumed to be a local
time for whatever the @timezone@ variable is set to, and the IANA TZ
database is consulted to calculate an offset from UTC for the time in
question.   Note that some local timestamps are ambiguous,  in which
case PostgreSQL chooses one of the possible offsets.

When retrieving a @timestamptz@,  the backend looks at the @timezone@
connection variable and then consults the IANA TZ database to calculate
an offset for the timestamp in the given timezone.  Note that while some
of the information contained in the IANA TZ database is a bit of a
standardized fiction, the conversion from UTC time to a
(local time, offset) pair is always unambiguous,  and the result can
always be unambiguously converted back to UTC.  Thus, postgresql-simple
can interpret this result as a 'Data.Time.ZonedTime',  or use the offset to
convert to 'Data.Time.UTCTime'.

By contrast, the @timestamp@ type ignores any offsets provided to it,
and never sends back an offset.   Thus,  postgresql-simple equates this
with 'Data.Time.LocalTime',  which has no concept of an offset.  One can
convert between @timestamptz@ and @timestamp@ using the @AT TIME ZONE@
operator, whose semantics also demonstrates that @timestamptz@ is
'Data.Time.UTCTime' whereas @timestamp@ is 'Data.Time.LocalTime'.

The default default setting for the @timezone@ variable is @\'localtime\'@,
which normally corresponds to the server's local timezone.  However,
this default can be modified on the server side for an entire cluster, or
on a per-user or per-database basis.  On the client side, the timezone can
be set via the @PGTZ@ environment variable on the client, or be modified at
any time for the duration of the entire connection,  just a single
transaction,  or the execution context of a server-side function.

With a few caveats,  postgresql-simple is designed so that you can both send
and receive timestamps with the server and get a correct result,  no matter
what the @timezone@ setting is.  But it is important to understand the caveats:

1. The correctness of server-side computations can depend on the @timezone@
   setting,  for example when adding an @interval@ to a @timestamptz@, or
   when type casting between @timestamp@ and @timestamptz@.

2. The offset in a 'Data.Time.ZonedTime' result will depend on the
   @timezone@ setting,  although the result will always represent the
   same instant in time regardless of the offset.

3. Sending a 'Data.Time.LocalTime' and interpreting it as a @timestamptz@
   can be useful,  as it will be converted to UTC via the tz database,
   but correctness will depend on the @timezone@ setting.   You may prefer
   to use an explicit @AT TIME ZONE@ instead.

Furthermore,  although these points don't involve the @timezone@ setting,
they are related to the last point above:

1. Sending a 'Data.Time.UTCTime' and interpreting it as a @timestamp@ can
   be useful.  In practice,  the most common context used to disambiguate
   @timestamp@ is that it represents UTC,  and this coding technique will
   work as expected in this context.

2. Sending a 'Data.Time.ZonedTime' and interpreting it as a @timestamp@ is
   almost always the wrong thing to do,  as the offset will be ignored and
   discarded.  This is likely to lead to inconsistencies in the database,
   and may lead to partial data loss.  Moreover, one should keep in mind
   that "ZonedTime" is misnamed,  and one should not conflate an offset
   with a timezone.

There are a few limitations and caveats that one might need to be aware
of with the current implementation when dealing with older timestamps:

For sufficiently old timestamps in almost all timezones,  the IANA TZ
database specifies offsets from UTC that is not an integral number of
minutes.   This corresponds to local mean time;  that is, astronomical
time in the city that defines the timezone.  Different timezones moved
away from local mean time to a standard time at different points in
history,  so \"sufficiently old\" depends on the timezone in question.

Thus, when retrieving a @timestamptz@ postgresql will in some cases
provide seconds in the offset.  For example:

$ psql
psql (9.4.5)
Type \"help\" for help.

lpsmith=> SET timezone TO \'America/New_York\';
lpsmith=> VALUES (\'1883-11-18 16:59:59+00\'::timestamptz),
                 (\'1883-11-18 17:00:00+00\'::timestamptz);
 1883-11-18 12:03:57-04:56:02
 1883-11-18 12:00:00-05
(2 rows)

Both of these timestamps can be parsed as a 'Data.Time.UTCTime' type,
however 'Data.Time.ZonedTime' will fail on the former timestamp.
Because 'Data.Time.ZonedTime' assumes that offsets are an integer number
of minutes,  there isn't an particularly good solution here.

PostgreSQL,  like most software,  uses the proleptic Gregorian calendar
for its date calculations,  extending the Gregorian calendar backwards
in time before its introduction and pretending that the Julian calendar
does not exist.  For most purposes, the adoption of the Gregorian calendar
ranges from @1582-10-15@ to @1923-03-01@,  depending on location and
sometimes even political allegiances within a single location.

Timestamps BCE are not supported.  For example, PostgreSQL
will emit \"@0045-01-01 BC@\" for the first proleptic Gregorian day of
the year the Roman Empire adopted the Julian Calendar,  but
postgresql-simple does not (yet?) have the ability to either parse or
generate this syntax.   Unfortunately this syntax isn't convenient to
print or especially parse.

Also, postgresql itself cannot parse or print dates before @4714-11-24 BC@,
 which is the Julian date on the proleptic Gregorian Calendar.   Although
postgresql's timestamp types are perfectly capable of representing timestamps
nearly 300,000 years in the past,  using this would require postgresql-simple
and other client programs to support binary parameters and results.

Dealing with years BCE is also complicated slightly by the fact that
Haskell's time library has a year \"0000\",  which is a convention often
used by astronomers,  while postgresql adopts the more historically
accurate convention that there is no year zero, but rather \"1 BCE\"
was immediately followed by \"1 CE\".


module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Time
     ( Unbounded(..)
     , Date
     , UTCTimestamp
     , ZonedTimestamp
     , LocalTimestamp
     , parseDay
     , parseUTCTime
     , parseZonedTime
     , parseLocalTime
     , parseTimeOfDay
     , parseDate
     , parseUTCTimestamp
     , parseZonedTimestamp
     , parseLocalTimestamp
     , dayToBuilder
     , utcTimeToBuilder
     , zonedTimeToBuilder
     , localTimeToBuilder
     , timeOfDayToBuilder
     , timeZoneToBuilder
     , dateToBuilder
     , utcTimestampToBuilder
     , zonedTimestampToBuilder
     , localTimestampToBuilder
     , unboundedToBuilder
     , nominalDiffTimeToBuilder
     ) where

import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Time.Implementation