root_dir := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) TARGET = pg_query ARLIB = lib$(TARGET).a PGDIR = $(root_dir)/tmp/postgres PGDIRBZ2 = $(root_dir)/tmp/postgres.tar.bz2 PG_VERSION = 9.5.3 SRC_FILES := $(wildcard src/*.c src/postgres/*.c) OBJ_FILES := $(SRC_FILES:.c=.o) NOT_OBJ_FILES := src/pg_query_fingerprint_defs.o src/pg_query_fingerprint_conds.o src/pg_query_json_defs.o src/pg_query_json_conds.o src/postgres/guc-file.o src/postgres/scan.o src/pg_query_json_helper.o OBJ_FILES := $(filter-out $(NOT_OBJ_FILES), $(OBJ_FILES)) CFLAGS = -I. -I./src/postgres/include -Wall -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-value -Wno-unused-variable -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fPIC LIBPATH = -L. PG_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = -q --without-readline --without-zlib PG_CFLAGS = -fPIC ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) CFLAGS += -O0 -g PG_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-cassert --enable-debug else CFLAGS += -O3 -g PG_CFLAGS += -O3 endif CLEANLIBS = $(ARLIB) CLEANOBJS = $(OBJ_FILES) CLEANFILES = $(PGDIRBZ2) AR = ar rs RM = rm -f ECHO = echo CC ?= cc all: examples test build build: $(ARLIB) clean: -@ $(RM) $(CLEANLIBS) $(CLEANOBJS) $(CLEANFILES) $(EXAMPLES) $(TESTS) -@ $(RM) -rf {test,examples}/*.dSYM -@ $(RM) -r $(PGDIR) $(PGDIRBZ2) .PHONY: all clean build extract_source examples test $(PGDIR): curl -o $(PGDIRBZ2)$(PG_VERSION)/postgresql-$(PG_VERSION).tar.bz2 tar -xjf $(PGDIRBZ2) mv $(root_dir)/postgresql-$(PG_VERSION) $(PGDIR) cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/01_parse_replacement_char.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/02_normalize_alter_role_password.patch cd $(PGDIR); CFLAGS="$(PG_CFLAGS)" ./configure $(PG_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) cd $(PGDIR); make -C src/port pg_config_paths.h cd $(PGDIR); make -C src/backend parser-recursive # Triggers copying of includes to where they belong, as well as generating gram.c/scan.c extract_source: $(PGDIR) -@ $(RM) -rf ./src/postgres/ mkdir ./src/postgres mkdir ./src/postgres/include ruby ./scripts/extract_source.rb $(PGDIR)/ ./src/postgres/ cp $(PGDIR)/src/include/storage/dsm_impl.h ./src/postgres/include/storage touch ./src/postgres/guc-file.c # This causes compatibility problems on some Linux distros, with "xlocale.h" not being available echo "#undef HAVE_LOCALE_T" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config.h echo "#undef LOCALE_T_IN_XLOCALE" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config.h echo "#undef WCSTOMBS_L_IN_XLOCALE" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config.h .c.o: @$(ECHO) compiling $(<) @$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< $(ARLIB): $(OBJ_FILES) Makefile @$(AR) $@ $(OBJ_FILES) EXAMPLES = examples/simple examples/normalize examples/simple_error examples/normalize_error examples/simple_plpgsql examples: $(EXAMPLES) examples/simple examples/normalize examples/simple_error examples/normalize_error examples/simple_plpgsql examples/simple: examples/simple.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -g examples/simple.c $(ARLIB) examples/normalize: examples/normalize.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -g examples/normalize.c $(ARLIB) examples/simple_error: examples/simple_error.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -g examples/simple_error.c $(ARLIB) examples/normalize_error: examples/normalize_error.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -g examples/normalize_error.c $(ARLIB) examples/simple_plpgsql: examples/simple_plpgsql.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -g examples/simple_plpgsql.c $(ARLIB) TESTS = test/complex test/concurrency test/fingerprint test/normalize test/parse test/parse_plpgsql test: $(TESTS) test/complex test/concurrency test/fingerprint test/normalize test/parse # Output-based tests test/parse_plpgsql diff -Naur test/plpgsql_samples.expected.json test/plpgsql_samples.actual.json test/complex: test/complex.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -Isrc -o $@ -g test/complex.c $(ARLIB) test/concurrency: test/concurrency.c test/parse_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -pthread -g test/concurrency.c $(ARLIB) test/fingerprint: test/fingerprint.c test/fingerprint_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -Isrc -o $@ -g test/fingerprint.c $(ARLIB) test/normalize: test/normalize.c test/normalize_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -Isrc -o $@ -g test/normalize.c $(ARLIB) test/parse: test/parse.c test/parse_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -g test/parse.c $(ARLIB) test/parse_plpgsql: test/parse_plpgsql.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) -I. -o $@ -I./src -I./src/postgres/include -g test/parse_plpgsql.c $(ARLIB)