-- |
-- Module: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Range
-- Copyright: 2015 Dylan Simon
-- Representaion of PostgreSQL's range type.
-- There are a number of existing range data types, but PostgreSQL's is rather particular.
-- This tries to provide a one-to-one mapping.

module Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Range where

import Control.Applicative ((<$))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

data Bound a
  = Unbounded
  | Bounded Bool a
  deriving (Eq)

instance Functor Bound where
  fmap _ Unbounded = Unbounded
  fmap f (Bounded c a) = Bounded c (f a)

newtype LowerBound a = Lower (Bound a) deriving (Eq)

instance Functor LowerBound where
  fmap f (Lower b) = Lower (fmap f b)

instance Ord a => Ord (LowerBound a) where
  compare (Lower Unbounded) (Lower Unbounded) = EQ
  compare (Lower Unbounded) _ = LT
  compare _ (Lower Unbounded) = GT
  compare (Lower (Bounded ac a)) (Lower (Bounded bc b)) = compare a b <> compare bc ac

newtype UpperBound a = Upper (Bound a) deriving (Eq)

instance Functor UpperBound where
  fmap f (Upper b) = Upper (fmap f b)

instance Ord a => Ord (UpperBound a) where
  compare (Upper Unbounded) (Upper Unbounded) = EQ
  compare (Upper Unbounded) _ = GT
  compare _ (Upper Unbounded) = LT
  compare (Upper (Bounded ac a)) (Upper (Bounded bc b)) = compare a b <> compare ac bc

data Range a
  = Empty
  | Range (LowerBound a) (UpperBound a)
  deriving (Eq)

instance Functor Range where
  fmap _ Empty = Empty
  fmap f (Range l u) = Range (fmap f l) (fmap f u)

instance Show a => Show (Range a) where
  showsPrec _ Empty = showString "empty"
  showsPrec _ (Range (Lower l) (Upper u)) =
    sc '[' '(' l . sb l . showChar ',' . sb u . sc ']' ')' u where
    sc c o b = showChar $ if boundClosed b then c else o
    sb = maybe id (showsPrec 10) . bound

bound :: Bound a -> Maybe a
bound Unbounded = Nothing
bound (Bounded _ b) = Just b

boundClosed :: Bound a -> Bool
boundClosed Unbounded = False
boundClosed (Bounded c _) = c

makeBound :: Bool -> Maybe a -> Bound a
makeBound c (Just a) = Bounded c a
makeBound False Nothing = Unbounded
makeBound True Nothing = error "makeBound: unbounded may not be closed"

lowerClosed :: Range a -> Bool
lowerClosed Empty = False
lowerClosed (Range (Lower b) _) = boundClosed b

upperClosed :: Range a -> Bool
upperClosed Empty = False
upperClosed (Range _ (Upper b)) = boundClosed b

isEmpty :: Ord a => Range a -> Bool
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty (Range (Lower (Bounded True l)) (Upper (Bounded True u))) = l > u
isEmpty (Range (Lower (Bounded _ l)) (Upper (Bounded _ u))) = l >= u
isEmpty _ = False

full :: Range a
full = Range (Lower Unbounded) (Upper Unbounded)

isFull :: Range a -> Bool
isFull (Range (Lower Unbounded) (Upper Unbounded)) = True
isFull _ = False

point :: Eq a => a -> Range a
point a = Range (Lower (Bounded True a)) (Upper (Bounded True a))

getPoint :: Eq a => Range a -> Maybe a
getPoint (Range (Lower (Bounded True l)) (Upper (Bounded True u))) = u <$ guard (u == l)
getPoint _ = Nothing

range :: Ord a => Bound a -> Bound a -> Range a
range l u = normalize $ Range (Lower l) (Upper u)

normal :: Ord a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Range a
normal l u = range (mb True l) (mb False u) where
  mb = maybe Unbounded . Bounded

bounded :: Ord a => a -> a -> Range a
bounded l u = range (Bounded True l) (Bounded False u)

normalize :: Ord a => Range a -> Range a
normalize r
  | isEmpty r = Empty
  | otherwise = r

-- |'normalize' for discrete (non-continuous) range types, using the 'Enum' instance
normalize' :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Range a -> Range a
normalize' Empty = Empty
normalize' (Range (Lower l) (Upper u)) = range l' u'
  l' = case l of
    Bounded False b -> Bounded True (succ b)
    _ -> l
  u' = case u of
    Bounded True b -> Bounded False (succ b)
    _ -> l

(@>), (<@) :: Ord a => Range a -> Range a -> Bool
_ @> Empty = True
Empty @> r = isEmpty r
Range la ua @> Range lb ub = la <= lb && ua >= ub
a <@ b = b @> a

(@>.) :: Ord a => Range a -> a -> Bool
r @>. a = r @> point a

intersect :: Ord a => Range a -> Range a -> Range a
intersect (Range la ua) (Range lb ub) = normalize $ Range (max la lb) (min ua ub)
intersect _ _ = Empty