module Feature.QuerySpec where import Test.Hspec hiding (pendingWith) import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import Network.HTTP.Types import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse(simpleHeaders)) import SpecHelper import Text.Heredoc spec :: Spec spec = beforeAll (clearTable "items" >> createItems 15) . beforeAll clearProjectsTable . beforeAll (clearTable "complex_items" >> createComplexItems) . beforeAll (clearTable "nullable_integer" >> createNullInteger) . beforeAll ( clearTable "no_pk" >> createNulls 2 >> createLikableStrings >> createJsonData) . afterAll_ (clearTable "items" >> clearTable "complex_items" >> clearTable "no_pk" >> clearTable "simple_pk") . around withApp $ do describe "Querying a table with a column called count" $ it "should not confuse count column with pg_catalog.count aggregate" $ get "/has_count_column" `shouldRespondWith` 200 describe "Querying a nonexistent table" $ it "causes a 404" $ get "/faketable" `shouldRespondWith` 404 describe "Filtering response" $ do it "matches with equality" $ get "/items?id=eq.5" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":5}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-0/1"] } it "matches with equality using not operator" $ get "/items?id=not.eq.5" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":6},{"id":7},{"id":8},{"id":9},{"id":10},{"id":11},{"id":12},{"id":13},{"id":14},{"id":15}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-13/14"] } it "matches with more than one condition using not operator" $ get "/simple_pk?k=like.*yx&extra=not.eq.u" `shouldRespondWith` "[]" it "matches with inequality using not operator" $ do get "/items?" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":14},{"id":15}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/2"] } get "/items?" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/2"] } it "matches items IN" $ get "/items?id=in.1,3,5" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":1},{"id":3},{"id":5}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/3"] } it "matches items NOT IN" $ get "/items?id=notin.2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":1},{"id":3},{"id":5}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/3"] } it "matches items NOT IN using not operator" $ get "/items?,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":1},{"id":3},{"id":5}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/3"] } it "matches nulls using not operator" $ get "/no_pk?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a":"1","b":"0"},{"a":"2","b":"0"}] |] it "matches nulls in varchar and numeric fields alike" $ do get "/no_pk?a=is.null" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"a": null, "b": null}] |] get "/nullable_integer?a=is.null" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"a\":null}]" it "matches with like" $ do get "/simple_pk?k=like.*yx" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"k\":\"xyyx\",\"extra\":\"u\"}]" get "/simple_pk?k=like.xy*" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"k\":\"xyyx\",\"extra\":\"u\"}]" get "/simple_pk?k=like.*YY*" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"k\":\"xYYx\",\"extra\":\"v\"}]" it "matches with like using not operator" $ get "/simple_pk?*yx" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"k\":\"xYYx\",\"extra\":\"v\"}]" it "matches with ilike" $ do get "/simple_pk?k=ilike.xy*&order=extra.asc" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"k\":\"xyyx\",\"extra\":\"u\"},{\"k\":\"xYYx\",\"extra\":\"v\"}]" get "/simple_pk?k=ilike.*YY*&order=extra.asc" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"k\":\"xyyx\",\"extra\":\"u\"},{\"k\":\"xYYx\",\"extra\":\"v\"}]" it "matches with ilike using not operator" $ get "/simple_pk?k=not.ilike.xy*&order=extra.asc" `shouldRespondWith` "[]" it "matches with tsearch @@" $ get "/tsearch?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector":"'bar':2 'foo':1"}] |] it "matches with tsearch @@ using not operator" $ get "/tsearch?" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"text_search_vector":"'baz':1 'qux':2"}] |] it "matches with computed column" $ get "/items?always_true=eq.true" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":6},{"id":7},{"id":8},{"id":9},{"id":10},{"id":11},{"id":12},{"id":13},{"id":14},{"id":15}] |] it "matches filtering nested items" $ get "/clients?select=id,projects{id,tasks{id,name}}&*" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"id\":1,\"projects\":[{\"id\":1,\"tasks\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Design w7\"}]},{\"id\":2,\"tasks\":[{\"id\":3,\"name\":\"Design w10\"}]}]},{\"id\":2,\"projects\":[{\"id\":3,\"tasks\":[{\"id\":5,\"name\":\"Design IOS\"}]},{\"id\":4,\"tasks\":[{\"id\":7,\"name\":\"Design OSX\"}]}]}]" it "matches with @> operator" $ get "/complex_items?select=id&arr_data=@>.{2}" `shouldRespondWith` [str|[{"id":2},{"id":3}]|] it "matches with <@ operator" $ get "/complex_items?select=id&arr_data=<@.{1,2,4}" `shouldRespondWith` [str|[{"id":1},{"id":2}]|] describe "Shaping response with select parameter" $ do it "selectStar works in absense of parameter" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.3" `shouldRespondWith` [str|[{"id":3,"name":"Three","settings":{"foo":{"int":1,"bar":"baz"}},"arr_data":[1,2,3]}]|] it "one simple column" $ get "/complex_items?select=id" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3}] |] it "one simple column with casting (text)" $ get "/complex_items?select=id::text" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":"1"},{"id":"2"},{"id":"3"}] |] it "json column" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.1&select=settings" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"settings":{"foo":{"int":1,"bar":"baz"}}}] |] it "json subfield one level with casting (json)" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.1&select=settings->>foo::json" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"foo":{"int":1,"bar":"baz"}}] |] -- the value of foo here is of type "text" it "fails on bad casting (data of the wrong format)" $ get "/complex_items?select=settings->foo->>bar::integer" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| {"hint":null,"details":null,"code":"22P02","message":"invalid input syntax for integer: \"baz\""} |] , matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [] } it "fails on bad casting (wrong cast type)" $ get "/complex_items?select=id::fakecolumntype" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| {"hint":null,"details":null,"code":"42704","message":"type \"fakecolumntype\" does not exist"} |] , matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [] } it "json subfield two levels (string)" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.1&select=settings->foo->>bar" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"bar":"baz"}] |] it "json subfield two levels with casting (int)" $ get "/complex_items?id=eq.1&select=settings->foo->>int::integer" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"int":1}] |] -- the value in the db is an int, but here we expect a string for now it "requesting parents and children" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, clients{*}, tasks{id, name}" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Windows 7\",\"clients\":{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Microsoft\"},\"tasks\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Design w7\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Code w7\"}]}]" it "requesting parents and filtering parent columns" $ get "/projects?id=eq.1&select=id, name, clients{id}" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Windows 7\",\"clients\":{\"id\":1}}]" it "requesting children 2 levels" $ get "/clients?id=eq.1&select=id,projects{id,tasks{id}}" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"id\":1,\"projects\":[{\"id\":1,\"tasks\":[{\"id\":1},{\"id\":2}]},{\"id\":2,\"tasks\":[{\"id\":3},{\"id\":4}]}]}]" it "requesting many<->many relation" $ get "/tasks?select=id,users{id}" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"id\":1,\"users\":[{\"id\":1},{\"id\":3}]},{\"id\":2,\"users\":[{\"id\":1}]},{\"id\":3,\"users\":[{\"id\":1}]},{\"id\":4,\"users\":[{\"id\":1}]},{\"id\":5,\"users\":[{\"id\":2},{\"id\":3}]},{\"id\":6,\"users\":[{\"id\":2}]},{\"id\":7,\"users\":[{\"id\":2}]},{\"id\":8,\"users\":null}]" it "requesting parents and children on views" $ get "/projects_view?id=eq.1&select=id, name, clients{*}, tasks{id, name}" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Windows 7\",\"clients\":{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Microsoft\"},\"tasks\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Design w7\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Code w7\"}]}]" it "requesting children with composite key" $ get "/users_tasks?user_id=eq.2&task_id=eq.6&select=*, comments{content}" `shouldRespondWith` "[{\"user_id\":2,\"task_id\":6,\"comments\":[{\"content\":\"Needs to be delivered ASAP\"}]}]" describe "Plurality singular" $ do it "will select an existing object" $ request methodGet "/items?id=eq.5" [("Prefer","plurality=singular")] "" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| {"id":5} |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } it "works in the presence of a range header" $ let headers = ("Prefer","plurality=singular") : rangeHdrs (ByteRangeFromTo 0 9) in request methodGet "/items" headers "" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| {"id":1} |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } it "will respond with 404 when not found" $ request methodGet "/items?id=eq.9999" [("Prefer","plurality=singular")] "" `shouldRespondWith` 404 it "can shape plurality singular object routes" $ request methodGet "/projects_view?id=eq.1&select=id,name,clients{*},tasks{id,name}" [("Prefer","plurality=singular")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Windows 7\",\"clients\":{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Microsoft\"},\"tasks\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Design w7\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Code w7\"}]}" describe "ordering response" $ do it "by a column asc" $ get "/items?id=lte.2&order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/2"] } it "by a column desc" $ get "/items?id=lte.2&order=id.desc" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"id":2},{"id":1}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/2"] } it "by a column asc with nulls last" $ get "/no_pk?order=a.asc.nullslast" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"a":"1","b":"0"}, {"a":"2","b":"0"}, {"a":null,"b":null}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/3"] } it "by a column desc with nulls first" $ get "/no_pk?order=a.desc.nullsfirst" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"a":null,"b":null}, {"a":"2","b":"0"}, {"a":"1","b":"0"}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/3"] } it "by a column desc with nulls last" $ get "/no_pk?order=a.desc.nullslast" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just [json| [{"a":"2","b":"0"}, {"a":"1","b":"0"}, {"a":null,"b":null}] |] , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-2/3"] } it "without other constraints" $ get "/items?order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` 200 describe "Accept headers" $ do it "should respond an unknown accept type with 415" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/unknowntype") "" `shouldRespondWith` 415 it "should respond correctly to */* in accept header" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "*/*") "" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "should respond correctly to multiple types in accept header" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/unknowntype, text/csv") "" `shouldRespondWith` 200 it "should respond with CSV to 'text/csv' request" $ request methodGet "/simple_pk" (acceptHdrs "text/csv; version=1") "" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just "k,extra\nxyyx,u\nxYYx,v" , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "text/csv"] } describe "Canonical location" $ do it "Sets Content-Location with alphabetized params" $ get "/no_pk?b=eq.1&a=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` ResponseMatcher { matchBody = Just "[]" , matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Location" <:> "/no_pk?a=eq.1&b=eq.1"] } it "Omits question mark when there are no params" $ do r <- get "/simple_pk" liftIO $ do let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Location" "/simple_pk" describe "jsonb" $ do it "can filter by properties inside json column" $ do get "/json?data->foo->>bar=eq.baz" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"data": {"id": 1, "foo": {"bar": "baz"}}}] |] get "/json?data->foo->>bar=eq.fake" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] it "can filter by properties inside json column using not" $ get "/json?data->foo->>bar=not.eq.baz" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] it "can filter by properties inside json column using ->>" $ get "/json?data->>id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"data": {"id": 1, "foo": {"bar": "baz"}}}] |] describe "remote procedure call" $ do context "a proc that returns a set" . before_ (clearTable "items" >> createItems 10) . after_ (clearTable "items") $ it "returns proper json" $ post "/rpc/getitemrange" [json| { "min": 2, "max": 4 } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"id": 3}, {"id":4} ] |] context "a proc that returns an empty rowset" $ it "returns empty json array" $ post "/rpc/test_empty_rowset" [json| {} |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [] |] context "a proc that returns plain text" $ it "returns proper json" $ post "/rpc/sayhello" [json| { "name": "world" } |] `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"sayhello":"Hello, world"}] |]