module PostgREST.Parsers where

import           Protolude                     hiding (try, intercalate)
import           Control.Monad                 ((>>))
import           Data.Foldable                 (foldl1)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict           as M
import           Data.Text                     (intercalate, replace, strip)
import           Data.List                     (init, last)
import           Data.Tree
import           Data.Either.Combinators       (mapLeft)
import           PostgREST.RangeQuery          (NonnegRange,allRange)
import           PostgREST.Types
import           Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (many, (<|>))
import           Text.Parsec.Error

pRequestSelect :: Text -> Text -> Either ApiRequestError ReadRequest
pRequestSelect rootName selStr =
  mapError $ parse (pReadRequest rootName) ("failed to parse select parameter (" <> toS selStr <> ")") (toS selStr)

pRequestFilter :: (Text, Text) -> Either ApiRequestError (EmbedPath, Filter)
pRequestFilter (k, v) = mapError $ (,) <$> path <*> (Filter <$> fld <*> oper)
    treePath = parse pTreePath ("failed to parser tree path (" ++ toS k ++ ")") $ toS k
    oper = parse (pOperation pVText pVTextL) ("failed to parse filter (" ++ toS v ++ ")") $ toS v
    path = fst <$> treePath
    fld = snd <$> treePath

pRequestOrder :: (Text, Text) -> Either ApiRequestError (EmbedPath, [OrderTerm])
pRequestOrder (k, v) = mapError $ (,) <$> path <*> ord'
    treePath = parse pTreePath ("failed to parser tree path (" ++ toS k ++ ")") $ toS k
    path = fst <$> treePath
    ord' = parse pOrder ("failed to parse order (" ++ toS v ++ ")") $ toS v

pRequestRange :: (ByteString, NonnegRange) -> Either ApiRequestError (EmbedPath, NonnegRange)
pRequestRange (k, v) = mapError $ (,) <$> path <*> pure v
    treePath = parse pTreePath ("failed to parser tree path (" ++ toS k ++ ")") $ toS k
    path = fst <$> treePath

pRequestLogicTree :: (Text, Text) -> Either ApiRequestError (EmbedPath, LogicTree)
pRequestLogicTree (k, v) = mapError $ (,) <$> embedPath <*> logicTree
    path = parse pLogicPath ("failed to parser logic path (" ++ toS k ++ ")") $ toS k
    embedPath = fst <$> path
    op = snd <$> path
    -- Concat op and v to make pLogicTree argument regular, in the form of "op(.,.)"
    logicTree = join $ parse pLogicTree ("failed to parse logic tree (" ++ toS v ++ ")") . toS <$> ((<>) <$> op <*> pure v)

ws :: Parser Text
ws = toS <$> many (oneOf " \t")

lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme p = ws *> p <* ws

pReadRequest :: Text -> Parser ReadRequest
pReadRequest rootNodeName = do
  fieldTree <- pFieldForest
  return $ foldr treeEntry (Node (readQuery, (rootNodeName, Nothing, Nothing)) []) fieldTree
    readQuery = Select [] [rootNodeName] [] [] Nothing allRange
    treeEntry :: Tree SelectItem -> ReadRequest -> ReadRequest
    treeEntry (Node fld@((fn, _),_,alias) fldForest) (Node (q, i) rForest) =
      case fldForest of
        [] -> Node (q {select=fld:select q}, i) rForest
        _  -> Node (q, i) newForest
            newForest =
              foldr treeEntry (Node (Select [] [fn] [] [] Nothing allRange, (fn, Nothing, alias)) []) fldForest:rForest

pTreePath :: Parser (EmbedPath, Field)
pTreePath = do
  p <- pFieldName `sepBy1` pDelimiter
  jp <- optionMaybe pJsonPath
  return (init p, (last p, jp))

pFieldForest :: Parser [Tree SelectItem]
pFieldForest = pFieldTree `sepBy1` lexeme (char ',')

pFieldTree :: Parser (Tree SelectItem)
pFieldTree =  try (Node <$> pSimpleSelect <*> between (char '{') (char '}') pFieldForest)
          <|> try (Node <$> pSimpleSelect <*> between (char '(') (char ')') pFieldForest)
          <|> Node <$> pSelect <*> pure []

pStar :: Parser Text
pStar = toS <$> (string "*" *> pure ("*"::ByteString))

pFieldName :: Parser Text
pFieldName = do
  matches <- (many1 (letter <|> digit <|> oneOf "_") `sepBy1` dash) <?> "field name (* or [a..z0..9_])"
  return $ intercalate "-" $ map toS matches
    isDash :: GenParser Char st ()
    isDash = try ( char '-' >> notFollowedBy (char '>') )
    dash :: Parser Char
    dash = isDash *> pure '-'

pJsonPathStep :: Parser Text
pJsonPathStep = toS <$> try (string "->" *> pFieldName)

pJsonPath :: Parser [Text]
pJsonPath = (<>) <$> many pJsonPathStep <*> ( (:[]) <$> (string "->>" *> pFieldName) )

pField :: Parser Field
pField = lexeme $ (,) <$> pFieldName <*> optionMaybe pJsonPath

aliasSeparator :: Parser ()
aliasSeparator = char ':' >> notFollowedBy (char ':')

pSimpleSelect :: Parser SelectItem
pSimpleSelect = lexeme $ try ( do
    alias <- optionMaybe ( try(pFieldName <* aliasSeparator) )
    fld <- pField
    return (fld, Nothing, alias)

pSelect :: Parser SelectItem
pSelect = lexeme $
  try (
      alias <- optionMaybe ( try(pFieldName <* aliasSeparator) )
      fld <- pField
      cast' <- optionMaybe (string "::" *> many letter)
      return (fld, toS <$> cast', alias)
  <|> do
    s <- pStar
    return ((s, Nothing), Nothing, Nothing)

pOperation :: Parser Operand -> Parser Operand -> Parser Operation
pOperation parserVText parserVTextL = try ( string "not" *> pDelimiter *> (Operation True <$> pExpr)) <|> Operation False <$> pExpr
    pExpr :: Parser (Operator, Operand)
    pExpr =
          ((,) <$> (toS <$> foldl1 (<|>) (try . ((<* pDelimiter) . string) . toS <$> M.keys notInOps)) <*> parserVText)
      <|> ((,) <$> (toS <$> foldl1 (<|>) (try . ((<* pDelimiter) . string) . toS <$> M.keys inOps)) <*> parserVTextL)
      <?> "operator (eq, gt, ...)"
    inOps = M.filterWithKey (const . flip elem ["in", "notin"]) operators
    notInOps = M.difference operators inOps

pVText :: Parser Operand
pVText = VText . toS <$> many anyChar

pVTextL :: Parser Operand
pVTextL =     VTextL <$> try (lexeme (char '(') *> pVTextLElement `sepBy1` char ',' <* lexeme (char ')'))
          <|> VTextL <$> lexeme pVTextLElement `sepBy1` char ','

pVTextLElement :: Parser Text
pVTextLElement = try pQuotedValue <|> (toS <$> many (noneOf ",)"))

pQuotedValue :: Parser Text
pQuotedValue = toS <$> (char '"' *> many (noneOf "\"") <* char '"' <* notFollowedBy (noneOf ",)"))

pDelimiter :: Parser Char
pDelimiter = char '.' <?> "delimiter (.)"

pOrder :: Parser [OrderTerm]
pOrder = lexeme pOrderTerm `sepBy` char ','

pOrderTerm :: Parser OrderTerm
pOrderTerm =
  try ( do
    c <- pField
    d <- optionMaybe (try $ pDelimiter *> (
               try(string "asc" *> pure OrderAsc)
           <|> try(string "desc" *> pure OrderDesc)
    nls <- optionMaybe (pDelimiter *> (
                 try(string "nullslast" *> pure OrderNullsLast)
             <|> try(string "nullsfirst" *> pure OrderNullsFirst)
    return $ OrderTerm c d nls
  <|> OrderTerm <$> pField <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing

pLogicTree :: Parser LogicTree
pLogicTree = Stmnt <$> try pLogicFilter
             <|> Expr <$> pNot <*> pLogicOp <*> (lexeme (char '(') *> pLogicTree) <*> (lexeme (char ',') *> pLogicTree <* lexeme (char ')'))
    pLogicFilter :: Parser Filter
    pLogicFilter = Filter <$> pField <* pDelimiter <*> pOperation pLogicVText pLogicVTextL
    pNot :: Parser Bool
    pNot = try (string "not" *> pDelimiter *> pure True) 
           <|> pure False
           <?> "negation operator (not)"
    pLogicOp :: Parser LogicOperator
    pLogicOp = try (string "and"  *> pure And)
               <|> string "or" *> pure Or
               <?> "logic operator (and, or)"

pLogicVText :: Parser Operand
pLogicVText = VText <$> (try pQuotedValue <|> try pPgArray <|> (toS <$> many (noneOf ",)")))
    pPgArray :: Parser Text
    pPgArray =  do
      a <- string "{"
      b <- many (noneOf "{}")
      c <- string "}"
      toS <$> pure (a ++ b ++ c)

pLogicVTextL :: Parser Operand
pLogicVTextL = VTextL <$> (lexeme (char '(') *> pVTextLElement `sepBy1` char ',' <* lexeme (char ')'))

pLogicPath :: Parser (EmbedPath, Text)
pLogicPath = do
  path <- pFieldName `sepBy1` pDelimiter
  let op = last path
      notOp = "not." <> op
  return (filter (/= "not") (init path), if "not" `elem` path then notOp else op)

mapError :: Either ParseError a -> Either ApiRequestError a
mapError = mapLeft translateError
    translateError e =
      ParseRequestError message details
        message = show $ errorPos e
        details = strip $ replace "\n" " " $ toS
           $ showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input" (errorMessages e)