module Feature.EmbedDisambiguationSpec where import Network.Wai (Application) import Test.Hspec hiding (pendingWith) import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import Protolude hiding (get) import SpecHelper spec :: SpecWith ((), Application) spec = describe "resource embedding disambiguation" $ do context "ambiguous requests that give 300 Multiple Choices" $ do it "errs when there's a table and view that point to the same fk" $ get "/message?select=id,body,sender(name,sent)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "details": [ { "cardinality": "many-to-one", "relationship": "message_sender_fkey using message(sender) and person(id)", "embedding": "message with person" }, { "cardinality": "many-to-one", "relationship": "message_sender_fkey using message(sender) and person_detail(id)", "embedding": "message with person_detail" } ], "hint": "Try changing 'sender' to one of the following: 'person!message_sender_fkey', 'person_detail!message_sender_fkey'. Find the desired relationship in the 'details' key.", "message": "Could not embed because more than one relationship was found for 'message' and 'sender'" } |] { matchStatus = 300 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "errs when there's a table and view that point to the same fk (composite pk)" $ get "/activities?select=fst_shift(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "details": [ { "cardinality": "one-to-many", "relationship": "fst_shift using activities(id, schedule_id) and unit_workdays(fst_shift_activity_id, fst_shift_schedule_id)", "embedding": "activities with unit_workdays" }, { "cardinality": "one-to-many", "relationship": "fst_shift using activities(id, schedule_id) and unit_workdays_fst_shift(fst_shift_activity_id, fst_shift_schedule_id)", "embedding": "activities with unit_workdays_fst_shift" } ], "hint": "Try changing 'fst_shift' to one of the following: 'unit_workdays!fst_shift', 'unit_workdays_fst_shift!fst_shift'. Find the desired relationship in the 'details' key.", "message": "Could not embed because more than one relationship was found for 'activities' and 'fst_shift'" } |] { matchStatus = 300 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "errs when there are o2m and m2m cardinalities to the target table" $ get "/sites?select=*,big_projects(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "details": [ { "cardinality": "many-to-one", "relationship": "main_project using sites(main_project_id) and big_projects(big_project_id)", "embedding": "sites with big_projects" }, { "cardinality": "many-to-many", "relationship": "jobs using jobs_site_id_fkey(site_id) and jobs_big_project_id_fkey(big_project_id)", "embedding": "sites with big_projects" }, { "cardinality": "many-to-many", "relationship": "main_jobs using jobs_site_id_fkey(site_id) and jobs_big_project_id_fkey(big_project_id)", "embedding": "sites with big_projects" } ], "hint": "Try changing 'big_projects' to one of the following: 'big_projects!main_project', 'big_projects!jobs', 'big_projects!main_jobs'. Find the desired relationship in the 'details' key.", "message": "Could not embed because more than one relationship was found for 'sites' and 'big_projects'" } |] { matchStatus = 300 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "errs on an ambiguous embed that has a circular reference" $ get "/agents?select=*,departments(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "details": [ { "cardinality": "many-to-one", "relationship": "agents_department_id_fkey using agents(department_id) and departments(id)", "embedding": "agents with departments" }, { "cardinality": "one-to-many", "relationship": "departments_head_id_fkey using agents(id) and departments(head_id)", "embedding": "agents with departments" } ], "hint": "Try changing 'departments' to one of the following: 'departments!agents_department_id_fkey', 'departments!departments_head_id_fkey'. Find the desired relationship in the 'details' key.", "message": "Could not embed because more than one relationship was found for 'agents' and 'departments'" } |] { matchStatus = 300 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "errs when there are more than two fks on a junction table(currently impossible to disambiguate, only choice is to split the table)" $ -- We have 4 possibilities for doing the junction JOIN here. -- This could be solved by specifying two additional fks, like whatev_projects!fk1!fk2(*) -- If the need arises this capability can be added later without causing a breaking change get "/whatev_sites?select=*,whatev_projects(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "details": [ { "cardinality": "many-to-many", "relationship": "whatev_jobs using whatev_jobs_site_id_1_fkey(site_id_1) and whatev_jobs_project_id_1_fkey(project_id_1)", "embedding": "whatev_sites with whatev_projects" }, { "cardinality": "many-to-many", "relationship": "whatev_jobs using whatev_jobs_site_id_1_fkey(site_id_1) and whatev_jobs_project_id_2_fkey(project_id_2)", "embedding": "whatev_sites with whatev_projects" }, { "cardinality": "many-to-many", "relationship": "whatev_jobs using whatev_jobs_site_id_2_fkey(site_id_2) and whatev_jobs_project_id_1_fkey(project_id_1)", "embedding": "whatev_sites with whatev_projects" }, { "cardinality": "many-to-many", "relationship": "whatev_jobs using whatev_jobs_site_id_2_fkey(site_id_2) and whatev_jobs_project_id_2_fkey(project_id_2)", "embedding": "whatev_sites with whatev_projects" } ], "hint": "Try changing 'whatev_projects' to one of the following: 'whatev_projects!whatev_jobs', 'whatev_projects!whatev_jobs', 'whatev_projects!whatev_jobs', 'whatev_projects!whatev_jobs'. Find the desired relationship in the 'details' key.", "message": "Could not embed because more than one relationship was found for 'whatev_sites' and 'whatev_projects'" } |] { matchStatus = 300 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "disambiguating requests with embed hints" $ do context "using FK to specify the relationship" $ do it "can embed by FK name" $ get "/projects?id=in.(1,3)&select=id,name,client(id,name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"}},{"id":3,"name":"IOS","client":{"id":2,"name":"Apple"}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can embed by FK name and select the FK column at the same time" $ get "/projects?id=in.(1,3)&select=id,name,client_id,client(id,name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client_id":1,"client":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"}},{"id":3,"name":"IOS","client_id":2,"client":{"id":2,"name":"Apple"}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can embed parent with view!fk and grandparent by using fk" $ get "/tasks?id=eq.1&select=id,name,projects_view!project(id,name,client(id,name))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7","projects_view":{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"}}}]|] it "can embed by using a composite FK name" $ get "/unit_workdays?select=unit_id,day,fst_shift(car_id,schedule(name)),snd_shift(camera_id,schedule(name))" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "day": "2019-12-02", "fst_shift": { "car_id": "CAR-349", "schedule": { "name": "morning" } }, "snd_shift": { "camera_id": "CAM-123", "schedule": { "name": "night" } }, "unit_id": 1 } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "embeds by using two fks pointing to the same table" $ get "/orders?id=eq.1&select=id, name, billing(address), shipping(address)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"order 1","billing":{"address": "address 1"},"shipping":{"address": "address 2"}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "fails if the fk is not known" $ get "/message?select=id,sender:person!space(name)&id=lt.4" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between message and person in the schema cache"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can request a parent with fk" $ get "/comments?select=content,user(name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "content": "Needs to be delivered ASAP", "user": { "name": "Angela Martin" } } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can request two parents with fks" $ get "/articleStars?select=createdAt,article(id),user(name)&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"createdAt":"2015-12-08T04:22:57.472738","article":{"id": 1},"user":{"name": "Angela Martin"}}]|] it "can specify a view!fk" $ get "/message?select=id,body,sender:person_detail!message_sender_fkey(name,sent),recipient:person_detail!message_recipient_fkey(name,received)&id=lt.4" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1,"body":"Hello Jane","sender":{"name":"John","sent":2},"recipient":{"name":"Jane","received":2}}, {"id":2,"body":"Hi John","sender":{"name":"Jane","sent":1},"recipient":{"name":"John","received":1}}, {"id":3,"body":"How are you doing?","sender":{"name":"John","sent":2},"recipient":{"name":"Jane","received":2}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can specify a table!fk hint and request children 2 levels" $ get "/clients?id=eq.1&select=id,projects:projects!client(id,tasks(id))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"projects":[{"id":1,"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]},{"id":2,"tasks":[{"id":3},{"id":4}]}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can disambiguate with the fk in case of an o2m and m2m relationship to the same table" $ get "/sites?select=name,main_project(name)&site_id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "site 1", "main_project": { "name": "big project 1" } } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "using the column name of the FK to specify the relationship" $ do it "can embed by column" $ get "/projects?id=in.(1,3)&select=id,name,client_id(id,name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client_id":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"}},{"id":3,"name":"IOS","client_id":{"id":2,"name":"Apple"}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can embed by column and select the column at the same time, if aliased" $ get "/projects?id=in.(1,3)&select=id,name,client_id,client:client_id(id,name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client_id":1,"client":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"}},{"id":3,"name":"IOS","client_id":2,"client":{"id":2,"name":"Apple"}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can embed parent by using view!column and grandparent by using the column" $ get "/tasks?id=eq.1&select=id,name,project:projects_view!project_id(id,name,client:client_id(id,name))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"Design w7","project":{"id":1,"name":"Windows 7","client":{"id":1,"name":"Microsoft"}}}]|] it "can specify table!column" $ get "/message?select=id,body,sender:person!sender(name),recipient:person!recipient(name)&id=lt.4" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1,"body":"Hello Jane","sender":{"name":"John"},"recipient":{"name":"Jane"}}, {"id":2,"body":"Hi John","sender":{"name":"Jane"},"recipient":{"name":"John"}}, {"id":3,"body":"How are you doing?","sender":{"name":"John"},"recipient":{"name":"Jane"}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "will embed using a column that has uppercase chars" $ get "/ghostBusters?select=escapeId(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"escapeId":{"so6meIdColumn":1}},{"escapeId":{"so6meIdColumn":3}},{"escapeId":{"so6meIdColumn":5}}] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "embeds by using two columns pointing to the same table" $ get "/orders?id=eq.1&select=id, name, billing_address_id(id), shipping_address_id(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"order 1","billing_address_id":{"id":1},"shipping_address_id":{"id":2}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "can disambiguate with the column in case of an o2m and m2m relationship to the same table" $ get "/sites?select=name,main_project_id(name)&site_id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "name": "site 1", "main_project_id": { "name": "big project 1" } } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "using the junction to disambiguate the request" $ it "can specify the junction of an m2m relationship" $ do get "/sites?select=*,big_projects!jobs(name)&site_id=in.(1,2)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "big_projects": [ { "name": "big project 1" } ], "main_project_id": 1, "name": "site 1", "site_id": 1 }, { "big_projects": [ { "name": "big project 1" }, { "name": "big project 2" } ], "main_project_id": null, "name": "site 2", "site_id": 2 } ] |] get "/sites?select=*,big_projects!main_jobs(name)&site_id=in.(1,2)" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ { "big_projects": [ { "name": "big project 1" } ], "main_project_id": 1, "name": "site 1", "site_id": 1 }, { "big_projects": [], "main_project_id": null, "name": "site 2", "site_id": 2 } ] |] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "using a FK column and a FK to specify the relationship" $ it "embeds by using a column and a fk pointing to the same table" $ get "/orders?id=eq.1&select=id, name, billing_address_id(id), shipping(id)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"name":"order 1","billing_address_id":{"id":1},"shipping":{"id":2}}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "tables with self reference foreign keys" $ do context "one self reference foreign key" $ do it "embeds parents recursively" $ get "/family_tree?id=in.(3,4)&select=id,parent(id,name,parent(*))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ { "id": "3", "parent": { "id": "1", "name": "Parental Unit", "parent": null } }, { "id": "4", "parent": { "id": "2", "name": "Kid One", "parent": { "id": "1", "name": "Parental Unit", "parent": null } } } ]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "embeds children recursively" $ get "/family_tree?id=eq.1&select=id,name, children:family_tree!parent(id,name,children:family_tree!parent(id,name))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": "1", "name": "Parental Unit", "children": [ { "id": "2", "name": "Kid One", "children": [ { "id": "4", "name": "Grandkid One" } ] }, { "id": "3", "name": "Kid Two", "children": [ { "id": "5", "name": "Grandkid Two" } ] } ] }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "embeds parent and then embeds children" $ get "/family_tree?id=eq.2&select=id,name,parent(id,name,children:family_tree!parent(id,name))" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": "2", "name": "Kid One", "parent": { "id": "1", "name": "Parental Unit", "children": [ { "id": "2", "name": "Kid One" }, { "id": "3", "name": "Kid Two"} ] } }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "two self reference foreign keys" $ do it "embeds parents" $ get "/organizations?select=id,name,referee(id,name),auditor(id,name)&id=eq.3" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": 3, "name": "Acme", "referee": { "id": 1, "name": "Referee Org" }, "auditor": { "id": 2, "name": "Auditor Org" } }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "embeds children" $ do get "/organizations?select=id,name,refereeds:organizations!referee(id,name)&id=eq.1" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": 1, "name": "Referee Org", "refereeds": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Acme" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Umbrella" } ] }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/organizations?select=id,name,auditees:organizations!auditor(id,name)&id=eq.2" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "id": 2, "name": "Auditor Org", "auditees": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Acme" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Umbrella" } ] }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "embeds other relations(manager) besides the self reference" $ do get "/organizations?select=name,manager(name),referee(name,manager(name),auditor(name,manager(name))),auditor(name,manager(name),referee(name,manager(name)))&id=eq.5" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "name":"Cyberdyne", "manager":{"name":"Cyberdyne Manager"}, "referee":{ "name":"Acme", "manager":{"name":"Acme Manager"}, "auditor":{ "name":"Auditor Org", "manager":{"name":"Auditor Manager"}}}, "auditor":{ "name":"Umbrella", "manager":{"name":"Umbrella Manager"}, "referee":{ "name":"Referee Org", "manager":{"name":"Referee Manager"}}} }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/organizations?select=name,manager(name),auditees:organizations!auditor(name,manager(name),refereeds:organizations!referee(name,manager(name)))&id=eq.2" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{ "name":"Auditor Org", "manager":{"name":"Auditor Manager"}, "auditees":[ {"name":"Acme", "manager":{"name":"Acme Manager"}, "refereeds":[ {"name":"Cyberdyne", "manager":{"name":"Cyberdyne Manager"}}, {"name":"Oscorp", "manager":{"name":"Oscorp Manager"}}]}, {"name":"Umbrella", "manager":{"name":"Umbrella Manager"}, "refereeds":[]}] }]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } context "m2m embed when there's a junction in an internal schema" $ do -- it "works with no ambiguity when there's an exposed view of the junction" $ do get "/screens?select=labels(name)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"labels":[{"name":"fruit"}]}, {"labels":[{"name":"vehicles"}]}, {"labels":[{"name":"vehicles"}, {"name":"fruit"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } get "/actors?select=*,films(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[ {"id":1,"name":"john","films":[{"id":12,"title":"douze commandements"}]}, {"id":2,"name":"mary","films":[{"id":2001,"title":"odyssée de l'espace"}]}]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "doesn't work if the junction is only internal" $ get "/end_1?select=end_2(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between end_1 and end_2 in the schema cache"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] } it "shouldn't try to embed if the private junction has an exposed homonym" $ -- ensures the "invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "rollen" error doesn't happen. -- Ref: get "/schauspieler?select=filme(*)" `shouldRespondWith` [json|{ "hint":"If a new foreign key between these entities was created in the database, try reloading the schema cache.", "message":"Could not find a relationship between schauspieler and filme in the schema cache"}|] { matchStatus = 400 , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }