## potrace Mid-level bindings to the [potrace] library tracing a bitmap image to vector paths. Contains helpers for converting [JuicyPixel] images to bitmaps. Uses [bindings-potrace] which is not yet on Hackage. See [potrace-diagrams] for creating diagrams from bitmap images. ## potrace-bindings installation ### mac With [homebrew]: ``` brew install potrace ``` `cabal` may complain about not finding the potrace library. In which can you can add the `--extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/lib --extra-include-dirs=/usr/local/include` flags when `cabal install`ing. [potrace]: http://potrace.sourceforge.net [JuicyPixel]: https://github.com/Twinside/Juicy.Pixels [bindings-potrace]: https://github.com/rwbarton/bindings-potrace [potrace-diagrams]: https://github.com/diagrams/potrace-diagrams [homebrew]: http://brew.sh