{-# LINE 1 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LINE 2 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
-- PowerMate bindings for Haskell.
-- Copyright (C) 2006 Evan Martin <martine@danga.com>

module PowerMate (
  searchForDevice, openDevice,
  readEvent, readEventWithSkip,

  Status(..), statusInit,
) where

import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIf)
import Foreign.C.Types
-- ioctl wants an Fd, so we use System.Posix.IO for that,
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
import System.Posix.IO
-- and then System.IO for everything else.
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find)
import Control.Monad (filterM, liftM)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
import Foreign.C.String (withCAString, peekCString)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Data.Bits (testBit)

{-# LINE 33 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall "sys/ioctl.h ioctl" ioctlChar ::
  Fd -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

data Status = Status {
  brightness, pulse_speed, pulse_mode :: Int,
  pulse_asleep, pulse_awake :: Bool
statusInit = Status 0 0 0 False False

ioctlName :: Fd -> IO String
ioctlName fd = do
  withCAString (take 255 (repeat '\0')) $ \buf -> do
    throwErrnoIf (< 0) "ioctl" $ ioctlChar fd 2164212998 buf
{-# LINE 47 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
    peekCString buf

getUSBName :: FilePath -> IO String
getUSBName filename = do
  bracket (openFd filename ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags) closeFd ioctlName

searchForDevice :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
searchForDevice = do
  files <- getDirectoryContents basedir
  let goodfiles = filter ("event" `isPrefixOf`) files
  let paths = [basedir ++ "/" ++ file | file <- goodfiles]
  -- There's this: find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
  -- but I want: (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
  inputs <- filterM deviceIsGood paths
  return $ case inputs of
    []    -> Nothing
    (x:_) -> Just x
  where basedir = "/dev/input"
        deviceIsGood path = do
          putStr (path ++ ": ")
          hFlush stdout
          name <- getUSBName path
          putStrLn name
          return $ nameIsGood name
        nameIsGood "Griffin PowerMate" = True
        nameIsGood _                   = False

openDevice :: FilePath -> IO Handle
openDevice file = do
  handle <- openBinaryFile file ReadWriteMode
  hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering
  return handle

data Event = Button Bool | Rotate Int | StatusChange Status
--instance Show Event where
--  show (typ, code, value) =
decodeEvent :: (Word16, Word16, Word32) -> Maybe Event
decodeEvent (1, _, value) = Just $ Button (value == 1)
{-# LINE 85 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
decodeEvent (2, _, value) = Just $ Rotate (fromIntegral value)
{-# LINE 86 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
decodeEvent (4, _, value) = Just $ StatusChange (decodePulseLED value)
{-# LINE 87 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
decodeEvent (0, 0, 0) = Nothing  -- where do these come from?
decodeEvent (typ, code, value) = trace ("Unhandled event: " ++ show typ ++ "," ++ show code ++ "," ++ show value) Nothing

eventSize = (16)
{-# LINE 91 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}

readEvent :: Handle -> IO (Maybe Event)
readEvent handle = do
  allocaBytes eventSize $ \buf -> do
    readsize <- hGetBuf handle buf eventSize
    -- putStrLn ("read " ++ show readsize ++ " bytes, wanted " ++ show size)
    -- XXX die if readsize < size...
    typ   <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)  buf :: IO Word16
{-# LINE 99 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
    code  <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 10)  buf :: IO Word16
{-# LINE 100 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
    value <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 12) buf :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 101 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
    return $ decodeEvent (typ, code, value)

readEventWithSkip :: Handle -> Maybe Event -> IO (Maybe Event)
readEventWithSkip handle prev = do
  event <- readEvent handle
  let actualevent = case event of
                      Nothing -> prev
                      _       -> event
  more <- hReady handle
  if more then readEventWithSkip handle actualevent
          else return actualevent

writeEvent :: Handle -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word32 -> IO ()
writeEvent handle typ code value = do
  allocaBytes eventSize $ \buf -> do
    (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)  buf typ
{-# LINE 117 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
    (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 10)  buf code
{-# LINE 118 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
    (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 12) buf value
{-# LINE 119 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
    hPutBuf handle buf eventSize

encodePulseLED :: Status -> Word32
encodePulseLED status =
  enc_brightness .|. enc_speed .|. enc_mode .|. enc_asleep .|. enc_awake where
    enc_brightness = fromIntegral (brightness status)
    enc_speed      = fromIntegral (pulse_speed status) `shiftL` 8
    enc_mode       = fromIntegral (pulse_mode status) `shiftL` 17
    enc_asleep     = boolBit (pulse_asleep status) `shiftL` 19
    enc_awake      = boolBit (pulse_awake status) `shiftL` 20
    boolBit True  = 1
    boolBit False = 0

decodePulseLED :: Word32 -> Status
decodePulseLED word = Status { brightness=b, pulse_speed=ps, pulse_mode=pm,
                               pulse_asleep=pas, pulse_awake=paw } where
  b = fromIntegral $ word .&. 0xFF
  ps = fromIntegral $ (word `shiftR` 8) .&. 0x1FF
  pm = fromIntegral $ (word `shiftR` 17) .&. 0x3
  pas = Data.Bits.testBit word 19
  paw = Data.Bits.testBit word 20

showBinary :: Word32 -> String
showBinary word = concatMap showBit [31,30..0] where
  showBit n = if Data.Bits.testBit word n then "1" else "0"

writeStatus :: Handle -> Status -> IO ()
writeStatus handle status = writeEvent handle typ code value where
  typ   = 4
{-# LINE 148 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
  code  = 1
{-# LINE 149 "src/PowerMate.hsc" #-}
  value = encodePulseLED status

-- vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et ft=haskell :